9 research outputs found

    A new species of cryptic cyanobacteria isolated from the epidermis of a bottlenose dolphin and as a bioaerosol

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    Two cyanobacterial strains, one collected from an epidermal mat present on a dead bottlenose dolphin and the other as a bioaerosol 457 m (1500 ft) above the river, were recently analysed from the St. Johns River, Jacksonville, Florida, USA. Both samples had major phenotypic plasticity which confused morphological identification. Amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene from the isolates revealed that both samples were closely aligned (branch bootstrap support = 100%) with the recently erected genus Komarekiella. Whole genome sequencing and phylogenetic construction also supported the isolation of a new species of cyanobacteria branching from the Nostoc clade. A total evidence approach of molecular, genetic, and ecological examination of these strains supported the erection of a new species, Komarekiella delphini-convector. A prior study determined that the dolphin with the epidermal mat had low levels of microcystins/nodularins (MCs/NODs) in the hepatic tissue. To investigate whether these toxins originated from the epidermal mat, immunoassay (ELISA) and 2-methyl-3-methoxy-4-phenylbutyric acid (MMPB) techniques were conducted on the original mat and subsequent culture samples. The results from both analyses were not conclusive. Genome mining was conducted and revealed diverse biosynthetic capabilities of this species but could not support toxin-producing potential. Further analytical work is required to determine the pathogenic capacity of this epizoic species

    Phylogeography of the Microcoleus vaginatus (Cyanobacteria) from Three Continents – A Spatial and Temporal Characterization

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    It has long been assumed that cyanobacteria have, as with other free-living microorganisms, a ubiquitous occurrence. Neither the geographical dispersal barriers nor allopatric speciation has been taken into account. We endeavoured to examine the spatial and temporal patterns of global distribution within populations of the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus, originated from three continents, and to evaluate the role of dispersal barriers in the evolution of free-living cyanobacteria. Complex phylogeographical approach was applied to assess the dispersal and evolutionary patterns in the cyanobacterium Microcoleus vaginatus (Oscillatoriales). We compared the 16S rRNA and 16S-23S ITS sequences of strains which had originated from three continents (North America, Europe, and Asia). The spatial distribution was investigated using a phylogenetic tree, network, as well as principal coordinate analysis (PCoA). A temporal characterization was inferred using molecular clocks, calibrated from fossil DNA. Data analysis revealed broad genetic diversity within M. vaginatus. Based on the phylogenetic tree, network, and PCoA analysis, the strains isolated in Europe were spatially separated from those which originated from Asia and North America. A chronogram showed a temporal limitation of dispersal barriers on the continental scale. Dispersal barriers and allopatric speciation had an important role in the evolution of M. vaginatus. However, these dispersal barriers did not have a permanent character; therefore, the genetic flow among populations on a continental scale was only temporarily present. Furthermore, M. vaginatus is a recently evolved species, which has been going through substantial evolutionary changes

    Species concepts and speciation factors in cyanobacteria, with connection to the problems of diversity and classification

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    Cyanobacteria in ambient springs

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    Although neglected for a long time by freshwater-ecology research, springs are very important habitats for biodiversity conservation. They are multiple ecotones, and are characterized by a remarkable variety of environmental conditions (e.g., from highly-shaded to UV exposed, from permanent discharge to intermittent flow, from still water to strong currents, from extremely-soft to carbonate-precipitating water, etc.). Moreover, springs are often amongst the last high-integrity, oligotrophic freshwater habitats in densely populated areas. Because of the high quality of their waters, the main impact affecting springs is capturing and water diversion. Climate-change driven reduction in precipitations in many areas is likely to determine an aggravation of this impact. It is thus important to document the rich and peculiar biodiversity of springs, also to establish reference conditions for bioassessment methods. Especially in non-acidic springs with running water, and coarse lithic substrata, cyanobacteria are often one of the most taxa-rich and abundant groups of photoautotrophs. The relatively-scarce information available in the literature is mostly referred to similar habitats, and not to spring habitats in the narrower sense. Papers dealing with the cyanobacteria of ambient springheads (=eucrenal) worldwide are still very rare. These were reviewed separating ambient springs in temperate and warm climate, and with special attention to key species, to cyanobacterial strategies allowing survival in oligotrophic headwaters (e.g., nitrogen fixation, phosphatases, anti-UV compounds, etc.), and to distribution patterns. The review also hopes to bolster new interest and research on this topic, and suggests some promising research directions