52 research outputs found

    Wilson’s Disease

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    Wilson’s disease is a autosomal recessive disorder of copper metabolism. Clinical phenotypes include hepatic, haemolytic, neurologic and psychiatric diseases. Wilson’s disease is caused by mutations in the ATP7B gene. ATP7B encodes a hepatic copper-transporting protein, which is important for copper excretion into bile. Neurological symptoms in Wilson’s disease include variable combinations of dysathria, ataxia, parkinsonism, dystonia and tremor. Wilson’s disease is lethal if untreated. This review discusses the epidemiology, genetics, clinical features, etiopathophysiology, diagnostic tests, and treatment of Wilson’s diseas

    Unilateral ablative lesions of the subthalamic nucleus in moderate-to-advanced parkinson’s disease

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    Amaç: Orta-ileri evre Parkinson hastalığı (PH) tedavisinde, subtalamik nükleusa (STN) yönelik derin beyin stimülasyonu (DBS) ameliyatlarının tüm parkinsonyan motor semptomlara ve motor komplikasyonlara karşı yarar sağladığı bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmada unilateral STN lezyonlarının orta-ileri PH’daki etkileri araştı rılmıştır. Yöntemler: Orta-ileri evre PH olan 11 hasta (8 erkek, 3 kad›n) çalışmaya alındı. Cerrahi öncesinde hastaların tamamında motor komplikasyonlardan biri veya birkaçı (doz sonu kötüleşmesi, “açık-kapalı” dönemler, diskinezi) vardı. Hastaların tamamı “kapalı” dönemlerinde Hoehn-Yahr ölçeğine göre 3 veya 4 evresindeydiler ve Birleşik Parkinson Hastalığı Değerlendirme Ölçeği (BPHDÖ)’ne göre değerlendirildiler. Hastaların izlenme süreleri 12 ile 20 ay (ortalama: 14±2.94) arasında değişiyordu. Subtalamik nükleusun saptanmasında bilgisayarlı tomografi ve manyetik rezonans incelemeleri kullanıldı. Subtalamik nükleus lezyonları tek taraflı olarak termokoagülasyon kullanılarak yapıldı. Bulgular: Subtalamotomi kontralateral, ipsilateral ve aksiyel motor bulgularda belirgin düzelme sağladı. Ortalama “açık” dönemdeki toplam BPHDÖ skoru 61.7±19.2’den 31.6±15.7’ye (p=0.001) ve BPHDÖ motor bölüm skoru 26.1±11.1’den 15±11.1’e (p=0.02) düştü. Toplam "açık" zamanı 8 hastada %50 oranında arttı, ancak diğer 3 hastada belirgin değişiklik olmadı. Maluliyet verici diskinezileri olan 9 hastanın 6’sında belirgin iyileşme hali görüldü (BPHDÖ-bölüm IV ortalama %40). Cerrahi öncesi ve sonrası levodopa-eşdeğer dozları karşılaştırıldığında 8 hastanınki azaldı, 1 hastanın arttı ve geri kalan 2’sinde değişmedi. Onbir hastanın sadece 1’inde hemiballismus gelişti. Hemiballistik hareketler ablasyondan hemen sonra ortaya çıktı ve tedavi ile iki hafta içinde tamamen düzeldi.Sonuç: Sonuç olarak subtalamotomi orta-ileri PH’da güvenilir ve etkili bir yöntemdir.Derin beyin stimülasyonunun mümkün olmadığı vakalarda subtalamatomi alternatif bir yöntem olarak düşünülebilir.Objective: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) has been reported to be effective in alleviating all parkinsonian motor symptoms and motor complications in moderate-to-advanced Parkinson’s disease (PD). We have studied the effects of unilateral STN lesions on moderate-to-advanced PD. Methods: Eleven patients (eight male, three female) with moderate-to-advanced PD were studied. Before surgery, all patients suffered from one or more motor complications (wearing-off and on-off phenomena, dyskinesias). All patients had Hoehn and Yahr stage 3 or 4 in off-drug condition and were evaluated with the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). The follow-up time ranged between 12 and 20 months (mean: 14±2.94 months). STN was identified through CT and MRI scans. STN lesions were performed unilaterally using thermocoagulation. Results: Subthalamotomy induced a marked motor improvement contralaterally, ipsilaterally and axially. Mean “on” time total UPDRS and motor scores decreased from 61.7±19.2 to 31.6±15.7 (p=0.001) and from 26.1±11.1 to 15±11.1 (p=0.02), respectively. Total ‘on’ time period increased by 50% in eight patients but did not change in the remaining three. Nine patients had disabling dyskinesia and six of these patients improved significantly (mean 40%, UPDRS part IV). Compared to presurgical doses, the levodopa-equivalent dose was reduced in eight patients,increased in one and left unchanged in the remaining two patients during the postoperative phase. Notably, only one out of eleven patients developed hemiballismus. Hemiballistic movements emerged immediately after the ablation and were ameliorated under treatment within two weeks after surgery.Conclusion: We conclude that subthalamotomy is a safe and effective treatment for moderate-to-advanced PD. In cases in which DBS is not feasible, subthalamotomy may be considered as an alternative procedure

    Nöroakantositoz Vaka Takdimi

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    Nöroakantositoz; nadir görülen multisistemik ve nörodejeneratif bir hastalıktır. Hastalık distoni, motor ve fonik tikler, jeneralize kore, sterotipi gibi hareket bozukluklarının yanı sıra polinöropati şeklinde de ortaya çıkabilir. Ayrıca disartri ve disfaji sık görülen semptomlardandır. 36 yaşındaki bayan hasta, yaklaşık 10 yıldır ilerleyici özellikte olan ve son 4-5 yıldır belirginleşen yürüme güçlüğü, konuşma bozukluğu ile yüz, gövde ve ekstremitelerde istem dışı hareketleri mevcuttu. Erkek kardeşinde de çocukluktan beri olan yürüme bozukluğu varmış ancak herhangi bir tanı almamış. Nörolojik muayenesinde dizartrik konuşma, gövdede, sağ alt ekstremitede ve orofasiolingual bölgede distoni ile özellikle ekstremite distallerinde koreiform hareketler saptandı. Hastanın derin tendon refleksleri (DTR) total hipoaktif idi. Hastanın rutin kan tetkiklerinde kreatin kinaz(CK) (1151u/l) (referans 129-168 u/l) yüksekliği dışında anormallik saptanmadı. Kranial MRG’de bilateral caudat nucleus ve lentiform nucleusta atrofi saptandı. Hastanın periferik yaymasında yaygın akantosit görülmesi ve EMG’sinde ılımlı sensorimotor polinöropati saptanması sonucu nöroakantositoz tanısı konuldu. Bu nadir görülen hastalığın bulgularının tekrar gözden geçirilmesi ve hareket bozukluğu ile gelen hastalarda elektromiyografik incelemenin önemini vurgulamak amacıyla sunulmuştur

    Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin Injections in the Treatment of Various Types of Facial Region Disorders

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    OBJECTIVE: Local injection of botulinum toxin is a highly effective treatment option for a wide range of movement disorders and there are reliable sources of information on its indications, effects and safety in clinical practice. In this study, we report our experience with botulinum toxin in the treatment of facial region disorders. METHODS: Patients who had been followed in the Botulinum Toxin Outpatient Clinic of the Neurology Department were retrospectively evaluated. Two preparations of botulinum toxin type A (BT-A) were used. The efficacy of BT-A injections was rated according to the improvement in symptoms as follows: marked - 75-100% improvement, good - 50-74%, moderate - 25-49%, and insufficient - less than 25% symptom relief. RESULTS: One hundred eighty-two patients (73 male, 109 female) with various facial region disorders were included. The efficacy rates for patients who had very good and good improvement were high in the treatment of blepharospasm, hemifacial spasm, facial synkinesis, and Meige syndrome and moderate for oromandibular dystonia and hypersalivation. Ptosis was the most common side effect. CONCLUSION: According to our results, botulinum toxin was very effective treatment for blepharospasm, Meige syndrome, hemifacial spasm and facial synkinesis, whereas it demonstrated good efficacy in oromandibular dystonia and hypersalivatio

    Multiple System Atrophy (MSA-C) Presenting with Cognitive Affective Cerebellar Syndrome and Psychosis

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    Besides its well-established motor functions, the modulatory role of cerebellum in the neural networks subserving cognition and emotion has been supported by several lines of evidence obtained from neuroanatomical investigations, functional neuroimaging and clinical research. Damage to cerebellar posterior lobe and vermis may lead to a cognitive affective cerebellar syndrome primarily comprising cognitive disorders characterized by executive dysfunctioning, language and visuospatial impairments in addition to disorders of affect and other psychiatric impairments. Cognitive and affective symptoms have often been reported in neurodegenerative cerebellar diseases while psychotic symptoms occur less frequently. In this article, we describe an extraordinary case of multiple system atrophy (MSA-C), who presented with cognitive affective cerebellar syndrome and psychotic symptoms before cerebellar ataxia was evident. The wide variety of symptoms observed in this case underlines the critical role of cerebellum in modulation of networks engaged in cognition, affect, thought and perception, and provides further evidence regarding the contribution of cerebellar dysfunction to several neuropsychiatric symptom