6 research outputs found

    Comparison of sensory characteristics of green tea in Thai Nguyen and Phu Tho, Vietnam

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    Green tea is a popular consumption product in Vietnam. Especially, tea which origins from Tan Cuong, Thai Nguyen has been known for long by its better quality than those coming from other regions on the country. The study aims at comparing and finding out if the difference between tea in Thai Nguyen and Phu Tho can be figured by sensory tasting. Two products picked from Tan Cuong, Thai Nguyen province and two others from Phu Ho district, Phu Tho are were evaluated by a panel of twelve judges (eleven women and one man) who was set from a group of thirty eight peoples, had completed a general training and sensory tasting on tea. The experiment on dry tea (eleven descriptors) was carried out separately of the experiment on brewed tea (twenty-one descriptors) and brewed leaf (five descriptors). All attributes are made notes on the sensory unstructured intensity scale. Statistic analyses have shown typical differences by region among all of trees groups of attributes: dry leaf (10/11 attributes), liquor (6/21 attributes) and brewed leaf (5/5 attributes)

    "Pour moi, le goût du soja n'est pas une barrière à la consommation. Et pour vous ?" (Effet de la culture sur les croyances, attitudes et préférence vis-à-vis des produits à base de soja)

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    Lors du développement et de l introduction d un nouvel aliment, la compréhension des croyances, attitudes et préférences sensorielles des consommateurs est très importante. Cette thèse présente une série d'études cross-culturelles, France vs. Vietnam, sur la représentation des consommateurs vis-à-vis de produits à base soja et sur la perception et la préférence des yaourts à base de soja, un produit dérivé du soja récemment développé pour le marché français et n'existant pas sur le marché vietnamien. Malgré une image favorable du soja sur le plan nutritionnel et sur la santé, les participants français ont rapporté ne pas consommer ce type de produit, la barrière à sa consommation étant son goût de soja. Ce résultat a été confirmé par un test de consommateurs au cours duquel les participants français ont donné une très faible évaluation hédonique pour les yaourts de soja. Les consommateurs vietnamiens, consommateurs traditionnels du soja, n'ont également pas apprécié ces produits. Une série de yaourts mixtes dans lesquels le lait de vache a été partiellement remplacé par celui de soja a été fabriquée. Les tests consommateurs ont montré que pour les deux pays, le yaourt fabriqué avec une proportion de lait de soja inférieure à 50% a reçu une note moyenne supérieure à 5 sur une échelle de 1 à 9. Le rôle de la familiarité sur les préférences alimentaires ainsi que l'impact de l'exposition culturelle sur les changements des croyances et attitudes à l'âge adulte ont été confirmés. La présente étude contribue à la caractérisation des deux cultures sur leur acceptabilité d'un nouvel alimentUnderstanding consumers beliefs, attitudes and sensory preference is the key to a successful development and introduction of a new food. This thesis carried out a series of cross-cultural studies, France vs. Vietnam, on consumers representation of soy foods and on sensory perception and preference of soy yogurts, a soy derived product recently developed for French market which does not exist on the Vietnamese market. Despite a favourable image of soy in terms of nutrition and health benefices, French participants reported that the barrier to its consumption was the taste of soy. This finding was confirmed by a consumer test in which French participants gave very low hedonic evaluations to soy yogurts. Interestingly, Vietnamese consumers, soy traditional consumers, did not appreciate these products as well. A series of mix yogurts in which cow milk was partially replaced by soy milk was formulated. Consumer tests showed that for both countries, a mix yogurt with proportion of soy milk lower than 50% received an average hedonic score higher than 5 on a scale going from 1 to 9. The role of the familiarity on food preference and the impact of cultural exposure on changing in beliefs and attitudes change at adult age were confirmed. The present study contributes to the characterisation of the two cultures on their acceptability of a new foodDIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    For me the taste of soy is not a barrier to its consumption. And how about you?

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    International audienceThis research investigates the cultural influence on beliefs about and attitudes towards soy foods (French from France vs. Vietnamese from Vietnam) and possible change of beliefs and attitudes and soy consumption habits with a change in cultural environment (French from France vs. French from Vietnam, Vietnamese from Vietnam vs. Vietnamese from France) of French and Vietnamese participants, two countries with very different soy food consumption. Expressed beliefs and attitudes of soy foods resulting from discussions in focus groups, conducted in both countries, were collected and used to derive a questionnaire. French participants differ mainly from Vietnamese participants in questions associated to taste and price of soy foods. Both groups reported positive attitudes towards health benefits of soy foods. With a change in cultural environment, French participants showed a notable change in attitudes related to taste and price of soy foods and in soy consumption habit whereas almost no change was observed in Vietnamese participants. The asymmetry in magnitude of change and cultural differences in components of beliefs and attitudes are discussed

    Le vin au Vietnam (impact de l'environnement culturel sur les motivations et les préférences gustatives)

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    Au Vietnam, sous l effet d une internationalisation de la société, la consommation de vin semble commencer à se substituer à celle d une partie d autres boissons alcoolisées. Ce travail explore les motivations et l appréciation des consommateurs. Dans la première partie, les motivations des consommateurs ont été examinées, en rapport avec les caractéristiques socioculturelles. Pour faire émerger l impact de l environnement culturel, nous avons comparé les motivations de la consommation du vin au Vietnam avec celles de la France. Les consommateurs français de vin constituent un exemple de consommateurs traditionnels . Six groupes focus ont été conduits pour explorer les motivations au Vietnam et en France. À partir de ces groupes focus, un questionnaire a été élaboré et proposé à 1317 participants dans les deux pays. L impact de l environnement culturel et du degré de connaissance du consommateur ont été mis en évidence. Dans la deuxième partie, nous avons étudié l influence des habitudes alimentaires sur les préférences des consommateurs vietnamiens ayant des habitudes alimentaires différentes. Ainsi, dans le Sud, la consommation per capita de sucre est plus importante que dans le Nord. Ces différentes habitudes de consommation entraînent-elles une différence de perception d intensité et d appréciation des saveurs sucrée, acide, amère et salée en général et dans le vin en particulier ? Des tests de psycho-physique et de préférences ont été menés pour comparer la perception et l appréciation des consommateurs de ces deux régions. Nos résultats ont montré que la fréquence de consommation a un effet plus important que la région d origine des participants.Wine consumption in Vietnam has been on the rise for the last few years... Due to westernization and health awareness, consumers living in towns tend to be interested in wine. We are doing research in understanding how such a cultural context affects the motivations for wine drinking and wine appreciation. In the first part, everyday thinking patterns in Vietnam related to wine are explored within the theoretical framework of motivations. We used focus group techniques to explore consumers representations of wine and motivations in two cities in Vietnam and compared them with the ones of consumers from France. Based on items generated by focus groups results a questionnaire was then designed and administered among about 1317 Vietnamese and French participants. The effect of culture and the one of consumer s degree of involvement were discussed. In the second part, the impact of food habits on Vietnamese consumer s taste preferences were examined in the South and the North of Vietnam. These two regions appear to have different food habits. For example, recent surveys showed that the consumption per capita of sugar in the South is higher than in the North. Do these different food habits lead to differences in liking for a new food or beverage? Do consumers from the South prefer wine to be sweeter than consumers from the North? To address this question, psycho-physique tests and a wine consumer test were conducted in Hochiminh city in the South and Hanoi in the North of Vietnam. Our results suggest that the frequency of consumption matters more than the region of origin of the participants.DIJON-BU Doc.électronique (212319901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Comparison of Sensory Characteristics of Green Tea Produced in Thai Nguyen and Phu Tho Province, Vietnam

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    peer reviewedGreen tea is a popular product with a high consumption in Vietnam. Moreover, green tea produced in Tan Cuong commune, Thai Nguyen province, has long been recognized for its superior quality to those coming from other regions of the country. This study aims at comparing the tea from Thai Nguyen and Phu Tho and finding out if the difference can be identified through sensory analysis. Two products picked from Tan Cuong, Thai Nguyen province, and two others from Phu Ho district, Phu Tho province were evaluated by a trained panel of 12 judges (11 women and 1 man). The sensory evaluation of the dry tea (11 descriptors) was carried out separately from the brewed tea (21 descriptors) and brewed leaf (five descriptors) using an unstructured intensity scale (10 cm). Statistic analyses have shown differences between regions in all three groups of attributes: dry leaf, liquor and brewed leaf

    Medication Adherence in Vietnamese Patients with Cardiovascular and Endocrine–Metabolic Diseases

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    (1) Background: COVID-19 has significantly affected the quality of life and the medication adherence of patients with chronic diseases. Attitudes towards the disease and preventive measures are the things that need to be considered for patient adherence to medication during the COVID-19 pandemic. We aimed to evaluate the rate and compare the medication adherence and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on medication adherence in Vietnamese patients with cardiovascular and endocrine–metabolic diseases. (2) Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on outpatients having chronic diseases such as cardiovascular or/and endocrine–metabolic diseases in some southern provinces in Vietnam. In each group of patients, medication adherence was measured and assessed with the General Medication Adherence Scale (GMAS), adjusted and validated in Vietnam. In addition, the study also investigated attitudes and practices to prevent COVID-19. (3) Results: Out of 1444 patients in our study, the level of adherence was recorded in 867 cases, accounting for 61.1%. The group of patients with only cardiovascular disease and patients with only endocrine–metabolic disease had relatively similar compliance rates of 62 and 61.1%, respectively. The leading cause of non-adherence to treatment in all three groups of patients in the study, as assessed by the GMAS, was non-adherence due to financial constraints. Our study showed that 71.6% of patients felt anxious when going to the hospital for a medical examination. However, only 53.7% identified the COVID-19 pandemic as obstructing treatment follow-up visits. The research results showed that the COVID-19 epidemic influences the patient’s psychology with regard to re-examination and treatment adherence, with p coefficients of 0.003 and <0.001, respectively. (4) Conclusion: Medication adherence rates in two disease groups are close, and financial constraint is the fundamental reason for medication non-adherence. Regulatory agencies must take care of people’s welfare to improve adherence in the epidemic context