700 research outputs found

    Op welke wijze landen diagnotische controle systemen in bancaire organisaties? Een sociaal constructionistische gevalsstudie.

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    A social constructionistic case study to determine in what way a diagnostic control system is being received in banking organizations. This paper explores how an organization receive a diagnostic control system from a social constructionistic perspective. More specifically the study focuses on the way a diagnostic control system is being received in a banking organization. The results from the case study in a banking organization suggests that using an individual diagnostic control system is not very effective because it’s also necessary to use other aspects of a management control system. For example, it’s possible that people don’t want to change. In that case, using a diagnostic control system will not be very effective. Finally, I conclude that in a banking organization are different social constructions with their own significance based on social interaction. This knowledge is important to understand how a diagnostic control system will be received in an organization. This conclusion matches with the results in an comparable empirical case study from Van Baarle (2009) in another sector (Royal Dutch Marechaussee)


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    Rumah makan padang adalah rumah makan yang keberadaannya hampir ada disetiap daerah di Indonesia, bahkan sampai keluar negeri. Ciri khas masakan Padang adalah pedas dengan cabai keriting, beraroma, dan lezat dengan bumbu yang beragam. Umumnya proses pembuatan lauk pauk umumnya membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan pemakaian santan yang banyak membuat masakan menjadi gurih dan lezat. Untuk mendapatkan hasil karya fotografi makanan yang terlihat hidup dan seolah melihat masakan yang aslinya, penguasaan teknik food photography mutlak diperlukan. Baik dari segi pencahayaan, komposisi, maupun dalam menata masakan. Selain itu kesabaran dan ketelitian seorang fotografer juga mempengaruhi keberhasilan dalam membuat karya fotografi masakan Padang

    Novel geometric coordination registration in cone-beam computed tomogram

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    Paper ID: AIPR-140701-9The use of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in medical field can help the clinicians to visualize the hard tissues in head and neck region via a cylindrical field of view (FOV). The images are usually presented with reconstructed three-dimensional (3D) imaging and its orthogonal (x-, y-and z-planes) images. Spatial relationship of the structures in these orthogonal views is important for diagnosis of diseases as well as planning for treatment. However, the non-standardized positioning of the object during the CBCT data acquisition often induces errors in measurement since orthogonal images cut at different planes might look similar. In order to solve the problem, this paper proposes an effective mapping from the Cartesian coordinates of a cube physically to its respective coordinates in 3D imaging. Therefore, the object (real physical domain) and the imaging (computerized virtual domain) can be linked up and registered. In this way, the geometric coordination of the object/imaging can be defined and its orthogonal images would be fixed on defined planes. The images can then be measured with vector information and serial imagings can also be directly compared. © 2014 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Validation of a novel geometric coordination registration using manual and semi-automatic registration in cone-beam computed tomogram

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    Session - Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications 9Cartesian coordinates define on a physical cubic corner (CC) with the corner tip as the origin and three corresponding line angles as (x, y, z)-axes. In its image (virtual) domains such as these obtained by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and optical surface scanning, a single coordinate can then be registered based on the CC. The advantage of using a CC in registration is simple and accurate physical coordinate measurement. The accuracy of image-to-physical (IP) and imageto-image (II) transformations, measured by target registration error (TRE), can then be validated by comparing coordinates of target points in the virtual domains to that of the physical control. For the CBCT, the registration may be performed manually using a surgical planning software SimPlant Pro (manual registration (MR)) or semi-automatically using MeshLab and 3D Slicer (semiautomatic registration (SR)) matching the virtual display axes to the corresponding (x-y-z)-axes. This study aims to validate the use of CC as a surgical stereotactic marker by measuring TRE in MR and SR respectively. Mean TRE is 0.56 +/- 0.24 mm for MR and 0.39 +/- 0.21 mm for SR. The SR results in a more accurate registration than the MR and point-based registration with 20 fiducial points. TRE of the MR is less than 1.0 mm and still acceptable clinically.postprin

    Laser Excitation of Positronium in the Paschen-Back Regime

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    Zeeman mixing of singlet and triplet 2P states of positronium (Ps) atoms, followed by decay back to the ground state, can effectively turn a long-lived triplet atom into a short-lived singlet state, which would seem to preclude laser cooling of Ps in a magnetic field. Here we report experiments which show that, in fact, because of the large splitting of the n=2 states in a high magnetic field (the Paschen-Back regime), the amount of such mixing diminishes approximately exponentially with an increasing magnetic field >0.01T and is essentially eliminated above ∼2T. Thus, laser cooling of Ps should be feasible at high fields, which will facilitate the production of a Ps Bose-Einstein condensate. © 2011 American Physical Society


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    Positronium hyperfine interval measured via saturated absorption spectroscopy

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    We report Doppler-free measurements of the positronium (Ps) Lyman-α transition using saturated absorption spectroscopy. In addition to a Lamb dip at wavelength λ =243.0218±0.0005nm, we also observed a crossover resonance at λ =243.0035±0.0005nm, arising from the excitation of 1S13 atoms to Zeeman mixed 2P states, followed by stimulated emission to the 1S01 ground state. Since (λ - λ ) is related to the Ps hyperfine interval E , this observation constitutes the first optical measurement of this quantity and yields E =198.4±4.2GHz. We describe improvements to the methodology that could lead to the ∼ppm level of precision required to address the long-standing discrepancy between QED calculations and precision experiments using microwave radiation to induce transitions between Zeeman shifted triplet Ps states. © 2012 American Physical Society

    Optical spectroscopy of molecular positronium

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    We report optical spectroscopic measurements of molecular positronium (Ps ), performed via a previously unobserved L=1 excited state. Ps molecules created in a porous silica film, and also in vacuum from an Al(111) crystal, were resonantly excited and then photoionized by pulsed lasers, providing conclusive evidence for the production of this molecular matter-antimatter system and its excited state. Future experiments making use of the photoionized vacuum L=1 Ps could provide a source of Ps ions, as well as other multipositronic systems, such as Ps H or Ps O. © 2012 American Physical Society

    New mechanism for positronium formation on a silicon surface

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    We describe experiments in which positronium (Ps) is emitted from the surface of p-doped Si(100), following positron implantation. The observed emission rate is proportional to a Boltzmann factor exp{-E/kT}, which is dependent on the temperature T of the sample and a characteristic energy E=(0.253±0.004)eV. Surprisingly, however, the Ps emission energy has a constant value of ∼0.16eV, much greater than kT. This observation suggests the spontaneous emission of energetic Ps from a short-lived metastable state that becomes thermally accessible to available surface electrons once the positron is present. A likely candidate for this entity is an electron-positron state analogous to the surface exciton observed on p-Si(100) c(4×2) by Weinelt et al. © 2011 American Physical Society

    Photoemission of positronium from Si

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    We have observed that the amount of positronium (Ps) emitted from the surface of p-Si(100) is substantially increased if the sample is irradiated with 532 nm laser light just prior to the implantation of positrons. The energy of the emitted Ps has a constant value of ∼0.16eV and is independent of the Si temperature and the applied laser fluence, while the photoemission yield depends on both of these parameters. These observations are consistent with Ps production via a previously observed excitonlike positron surface state that is populated in response to the production of electron-hole pairs in the Si. Possible applications of Ps photoemission include probing surface electron dynamics on Si, the generation of ultrashort Ps or positron pulses using ps lasers, and efficient production of Ps in cryogenic environments. © 2011 American Physical Society
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