13 research outputs found

    Understanding renal posttransplantation anemia in the pediatric population

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    Advances in renal transplantation management have proven to be beneficial in improving graft and patient survival. One of the properties of a well-functioning renal allograft is the secretion of adequate amounts of the hormone erythropoietin to stimulate erythropoiesis. Posttransplantation anemia (PTA) may occur at any point in time following transplantation, and the cause is multifactoral. Much of our understanding of PTA is based on studies of adult transplant recipients. The limited number of studies that have been reported on pediatric renal transplant patients appear to indicate that PTA is prevalent in this patient population. Erythropoietin deficiency or resistance is commonly associated with iron deficiency. An understanding of the risk factors, pathophysiology and management of PTA in the pediatric renal transplant population may provide guidelines for clinicians and researchers in the pursuit of larger prospective randomized control studies aimed at improving our limited knowledge of PTA. Recognition of PTA through regular screening and evaluation of the multiple factors that may contribute to its development are recommended after transplantation

    New evidence from the South China Sea for an abrupt termination of the last glacial period

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    Abrupt changes in climatic conditions have been seen at high latitudes in the North Atlantic1 and the Antarctic2,3 at 13 kyr BP. It is important to determine whether this abrupt change was confined to high-latitude regions or whether it was global. Here we present results demonstrating an abrupt change in the rate and character of sedimentation in the South China Sea at the close of the last glacial period. Radiocarbon dating and its position in the oxygen isotope shift suggest that this change may be coincident with the changes found at high latitudes