16 research outputs found

    Lysozyme M deficiency leads to an increased susceptibility to Streptococcus pneumoniae-induced otitis media

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Lysozyme is an antimicrobial innate immune molecule degrading peptidoglycan of the bacterial cell wall. Lysozyme shows the ubiquitous expression in wide varieties of species and tissues including the tubotympanum of mammals. We aim to investigate the effects of lysozyme depletion on pneumococcal clearance from the middle ear cavity.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Immunohistochemistry was performed to localize lysozyme in the Eustachian tube. Lysozyme expression was compared between the wild type and the lysozyme M<sup>-/- </sup>mice using real time quantitative RT-PCR and western blotting. Muramidase activity and bactericidal activity of lysozyme was measured using a lysoplate radial diffusion assay and a liquid broth assay, respectively. To determine if depletion of lysozyme M increases a susceptibility to pneumococal otitis media, 50 CFU of <it>S. pneumoniae </it>6B were transtympanically inoculated to the middle ear and viable bacteria were counted at day 3 and 7 with clinical grading of middle ear inflammation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Immunolabeling revealed that localization of lysozyme M and lysozyme P is specific to some/particular cell types of the Eustachian tube. Lysozyme P of lysozyme M<sup>-/- </sup>mice was mainly expressed in the submucosal gland but not in the tubal epithelium. Although lysozyme M<sup>-/- </sup>mice showed compensatory up-regulation of lysozyme P, lysozyme M depletion resulted in a decrease in both muramidase and antimicrobial activities. Deficiency in lysozyme M led to an increased susceptibility to middle ear infection with <it>S. pneumoniae </it>6B and resulted in severe middle ear inflammation, compared to wild type mice.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results suggest that lysozyme M plays an important role in protecting the middle ear from invading pathogens, particularly in the early phase. We suggest a possibility of the exogenous lysozyme as an adjuvant therapeutic agent for otitis media, but further studies are necessary.</p

    Antimicrobial proteins and polypeptides in pulmonary innate defence

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    Inspired air contains a myriad of potential pathogens, pollutants and inflammatory stimuli. In the normal lung, these pathogens are rarely problematic. This is because the epithelial lining fluid in the lung is rich in many innate immunity proteins and peptides that provide a powerful anti-microbial screen. These defensive proteins have anti-bacterial, anti- viral and in some cases, even anti-fungal properties. Their antimicrobial effects are as diverse as inhibition of biofilm formation and prevention of viral replication. The innate immunity proteins and peptides also play key immunomodulatory roles. They are involved in many key processes such as opsonisation facilitating phagocytosis of bacteria and viruses by macrophages and monocytes. They act as important mediators in inflammatory pathways and are capable of binding bacterial endotoxins and CPG motifs. They can also influence expression of adhesion molecules as well as acting as powerful anti-oxidants and anti-proteases. Exciting new antimicrobial and immunomodulatory functions are being elucidated for existing proteins that were previously thought to be of lesser importance. The potential therapeutic applications of these proteins and peptides in combating infection and preventing inflammation are the subject of ongoing research that holds much promise for the future

    Surfactant proteins in pediatric interstitial lung disease

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    BACKGROUND: Children's interstitial lung diseases (chlLD) comprise a broad spectrum of diseases. Besides the genetically defined surfactant dysfunction disorders, most entities pathologically involve the alveolar surfactant region, possibly affecting the surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C. Therefore, our objective was to determine the value of quantitation of SP-B and SP-C levels in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) for the diagnosis of chlLD. METHODS: Levels of SP-B and SP-C in BALF from 302 children with chlLD and in controls were quantified using western blotting. In a subset, single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the SFTPC promoter were genotyped by direct sequencing. RESULTS: While a lack of dimeric SP-B was found only in the sole subject with hereditary SP-B deficiency, low or absent SP-C was observed not only in surfactant dysfunction disorders but also in patients with other diffuse parenchymal lung diseases pathogenetically related to the alveolar surfactant region. Genetic analysis of the SFTPC promoter showed association of a single SNP with SP-C level. CONCLUSION: SP-B levels may be used for screening for SP-B deficiency, while low SP-C levels may point out diseases caused by mutations in TTF1, SFTPC, ABCA3, and likely in other genes involved in surfactant metabolism that remain to be identified. We conclude that measurement of levels of SP-B and SP-C was useful for the differential diagnosis of chlLD, and for the precise molecular diagnosis, sequencing of the genes is necessary