44 research outputs found

    Lifespan of human lymphocyte subsets defined by CD45 isoforms.

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    The lifespan of thymic-derived or T lymphocytes is of particular interest because of their central role in immunological memory. Is the recall of a vaccination or early infection, which may be demonstrated clinically up to 50 years after antigen exposure, retained by a long-lived cell, or by its progeny? Using the observation that T lymphocyte expression of isoforms of CD45 corresponds with their ability to respond to recall antigens, we have investigated the lifespan of both CD45R0 (the subset containing responders, or 'memory' cells) and CD45RA (the unresponsive, or 'naive' subset) lymphocytes in a group of patients after radiotherapy. Here we report rapid loss of unstable chromosomes from the CD45R0 but not the CD45RA pool. Immunological memory therefore apparently resides in a population with a more rapid rate of division. Differing survival curves for the two subsets are best described by a model in which there is also reversion in vivo from the CD45R0 to the CD45RA phenotype. Expression of CD45R0 in T cells may therefore be reversible

    Nonparametric stability methods for interpreting genotype by environment interaction of bread wheat genotypes (Triticum aestivum L.)

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    Evaluation of performance stability and high yield is essential for yield trials conducted in different environments. We determined the stability of 10 bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes (5 cultivars and 5 advanced lines) using nonparametric stability measures and compared nonparametric stability statistics across 19 environments in the Central Anatolian Region of Turkey. Experiments were setup in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Nonparametric stability measures revealed that AL-2, Karahan-99 and Altay-2000 were the most stable and well adapted genotypes across the 19 environments. In addition, it was concluded that graphs of mean grain yield (t ha-1) vs. nonparametric measures (Si(Âą), Si(²), S(Âł), Si(6) and σgy) values and kr vs. σr values could enhance visual efficiency of genotype selection based on genotype by environment interaction. Furthermore, high TOP values, Si(Âł) and Si(6) were associated with high grain yield, but the other nonparametric stability measures were not positively correlated with grain yield and instead characterized a static concept of stability. Choice of genotype for increased grain yield in bread wheat would, therefore, be expected to change yield stability by increasing the values of the Si(Âł), Si(6) and TOP nonparametric stability statistics