30 research outputs found

    Detection of ubiquityl-calmodulin conjugates with a novel high-molecular weight ubiquitylprotein-isopeptidase in rabbit tissues

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    The selective degradation of many proteins in eukaryotic cells is carried out by the ubiquitin system. In this pathway, proteins are targeted for degradation by covalent ligation to ubiquitin, a highly conserved protein [1]. Ubiquitylated proteins were degraded by the 26S protea-some in an ATP-depended manner. The degradation of ubiquitylated proteins were controlled by isopeptidase cleavage. A well characterised system of ubiquitylation and deubiquitylation is the calmodulin system in vitro [2]. Detection of ubiquityl-calmodulin conjugtates in vivo have not been shown so far. In this article we discuss the detection of ubiquitin calmodulin conjugates in vivo by incubation with a novel high-molecular weight ubiquitylprotein-isopeptidase in rabbit tissues. Proteins with a molecular weight of ubiquityl-calmodulin conjugates could be detected in all organs tested. Incubation with ubiquitylprotein-isopeptidase showed clearly a decrease of ubiquitin calmodulin conjugates in vivo with an origination of unbounded ubiquitin. These results suggest that only few ubiquitin calmodulin conjugates exist in rabbit tissues

    Local Application of BMP-2 Specific Plasmids in Fibrin Glue does not Promote Implant Fixation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>BMP-2 is known to accelerate fracture healing and might also enhance osseointegration and implant fixation. Application of recombinant BMP-2 has a time-limited effect. Therefore, a gene transfer approach with a steady production of BMP-2 appears to be attractive. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of locally applied BMP-2 plasmids on the bone-implant integration in a non-weight bearing rabbit tibia model using a comparatively new non-viral copolymer-protected gene vector (COPROG).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sixty rabbits were divided into 4 groups. All of them received nailing of both tibiae. The verum group had the nails inserted with the COPROG vector and BMP-2 plasmids using fibrin glue as a carrier. Controls were a group with fibrin glue only and a blank group. After 28 and 56 days, these three groups were sacrificed and one tibia was randomly chosen for biomechanical testing, while the other tibia underwent histomorphometrical examination. In a fourth group, a reporter-gene was incorporated in the fibrin glue instead of the BMP-2 formula to prove that transfection was successful.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Implant fixation strength was significantly lower after 28 and 56 days in the verum group. Histomorphometry supported the findings after 28 days, showing less bone-implant contact.</p> <p>In the fourth group, successful transfection could be confirmed by detection of the reporter-gene in 20 of 22 tibiae. But, also systemic reporter-gene expression was found in heterotopic locations, showing an undesired spreading of the locally applied gene formula.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results underline the transfecting capability of this vector and support the idea that BMP-2 might diminish osseointegration. Further studies are necessary to specify the exact mechanisms and the systemic effects.</p

    Osteoinductive potential and periimplant bone formation of immobilized rhBMP-2 on titanium implants in a gap healing model in sheep

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    Tom Norman's show with banner for 'Tommy 'Toes' Jacobsen/Armless Pianist/Electronic Organist' photographed at Oxford St Giles Fair, 1957

    Präkonditionierender Proteinfilm auf Titanoberflächen in situ: Das humane Implantatproteom

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    Histologische Untersuchungen von Bone-Morphogenetic-Protein-2-beschichteten Titanimplantaten im Mittelohr des Kaninchens.

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    Einleitung: Die osteoinduktive Potenz von rekombinantem humanen knochenmorphogenetischen Protein-2 (rhBMP-2) konnte bisher für Lamellenknochen nachgewiesen werden. Einzelne Erfahrungen für das Mittelohr liegen im Tierversuch für lösliches rhBMP-2 vor. Kürzlich ist es gelungen, durch Oberflächenmodifikation von Titanoberflächen rhBMP-2 kovalent auf diesen zu binden. Methoden und Ergebnisse: Bei 18 Kaninchen (36 Mittelohren) wurde durch Spaltüberbrückungsversuche die Knochenneubildung (Dünnschliffpräparate, digitale Morphometrie) in Implantatnähe erfasst für 1.: Titanimplantate und Zugabe von löslichem rhBMP-2, 2.: rhBMP-2-beschichtete- und 3.: Kontroll-Implantate. Hierbei konnte die verbesserte Osseointegration von rhBMP-2-beschichteten Titanimplantaten im Mittelohr nachgewiesen werden. Schlussfolgerungen: Erstmals wurde die Wirksamkeit rhBMP-2-beschichteter Titan-Implantate im Mittelohr nachgewiesen. Zukünftige Untersuchungen müssen den Stellenwert solcher Implantate für die rekonstruktive Mittelohrchirurgie (Ossikelrekonstruktion, Obliterationen, Rekonstruktion der hinteren Gehörgangswand) evaluieren