169 research outputs found

    Lazy Golfing

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    Walking golfers are expected to leave their golf bags just outside the edge of the green while they are putting the ball. We construct a simple model of this situation, in which the green is assumed to be a circle with the hole at the center and the golfer one-putts the ball. (He or she is a great golfer!) We construct a function to determine the distance that the golfer walks from his or her approach shot on the green and then to the next tee box. Given this model, we determine the optimal location for leaving the golf bag in order to minimize the walking that the golfer is required to do

    Patient Satisfaction with Professional Continuous Glucose Monitoring in a Diverse Family Medicine Clinic: A Pilot Study

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    Primary care providers (PCPs) manage a large portion of patients with diabetes. Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) can give detailed information about glucose trends to improve treatment and safety. We conducted a prospective cohort pilot study to understand patient experience with the use of professional CGM in a primary care practice with a high volume of diverse, non-English speakers. Eligible patients were on an insulin regimen and either had an A1c above goal or whose PCPs had concerns for hypoglycemia. Surveys were collected prior to the intervention to assess the acceptability of the patient's self-monitoring blood glucose efforts and after the intervention to assess their experience of using the CGM. Participants at baseline had a mean A1c of 10.6% and a high amount of emotional distress as measured on the Problem Areas in Diabetes (PAID) scale. Post-intervention, patients reported their experience with professional CGM was positive and, overall, as acceptable of an intervention as their previous self-monitoring blood glucose practice. Professional CGM can serve as an additional, acceptable tool for PCPs to better understand how to help patients achieve diabetes blood glucose goals. Ambulatory care pharmacists are well positioned to lead this effort in clinics

    Industrial education of girls

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    Elberon to Washington; Funeral march /

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    Potato Association of America Annual Meeting, Colorado room, YMCA camp, Estes Park, Colorado, August 27, 1954

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    Call for titles of papers

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    Foreign potatoes, their introduction and importance

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    Twin sisters' waltzes; Rusia waltz [and] Ruby waltz /

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    Impact d'une analyse différée sur les valeurs des gaz du sang et du taux de lactate au cordon après clampage

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    Cette étude apporte une réponse pratique aux maternités régionales confrontées à la nécessité de pratiquer une mesure systématique du pH au cordon et ne disposant pas d'automate sur place. Notre étude retrouve une baisse significative du pH artériel et veineux, du déficit de base, de la pCO2 et de la glycémie et une augmentation des lactates quel que soit le mode de conservation des prélèvements. Les variations observées sont ralenties par la conservation sur lit de glace dès la deuxième heure. La mesure de la pO2 n'est pas affectée par la température de conservation. Aucune variation d'hématocrite n'est observée avec une analyse différée. La mesure de la gazométrie ombilicale doit au mieux être réalisée immédiatement après la naissance. Si cette analyse doit être différée, une conservation des seringues sur lit de glace est souhaitable afin de limiter les variations du pH, de la pCO2, du déficit de base et des lactates.TOULOUSE3-BU Santé-Centrale (315552105) / SudocSudocFranceF
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