1,776 research outputs found

    Structure of the nuclear force in a chiral quark-diquark model

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    We discuss the structure of the nuclear force using a lagrangian derived from hadronization of a chiral quark and diquark model. A generalized trace log formula including meson and nucleon fields is expanded to the order in which relevant terms emerge. It is shown that the nuclear force is composed of long and medium range parts of chiral meson exchanges and short range parts of quark-diquark exchanges. The ranges of the scalar and vector interactions coincide well with those of sigma (σ\sigma) and omega (ω\omega) meson exchanges if the size of the nucleon core of a quark-diquark bound state is adjusted appropriately.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Thermal properties and evolution of the UA(1)U_A(1) factor for 2+1 flavors

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    Thermal evolution of the axial anomaly is investigated in the system of the linear sigma model for 2+12+1 flavors. We explore the functional form of the effective potential and the coefficient of the `t Hooft determinant term. It is found that the latter develops a non-trivial structure as a function of the chiral condensate and grows everywhere with respect to the temperature. This shows that mesonic fluctuations strengthen the axial anomaly at finite temperature and it does not get vanished at the critical point. The phenomenon has been found to have significance in the thermal properties of the mesonic spectra, especially concerning the ηη\eta-\eta' system.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, typos corrected, matches published versio

    Two Nucleon-States in a Chiral Quark-Diquark Model

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    We study the ground and first excited states of nucleons in a chiral quark-diquark model. We include two quark-diquark channels of the scalar-isoscalar and axial-vector-isovector types for the nucleon states. The diquark correlation violating the spin-flavor SU(4)SF_{SF} symmetry allows to treat the two quark-diquark channels independently. Hence the two states appear as the superpositions of the two quark-diquark channels; one is the nucleon and the other is a state which does not appear in the SU(4)SF_{SF} quark models. With a reasonable choice of model parameters, the mass of the excited state appears at around 1.5 GeV, which we identify with the Roper resonance N(1440).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Errors are corrected. Conclusions are not affecte

    Structure of the Nucleon and Roper Resonance with Diquark Correlations

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    We investigate the electric form factors of the nucleon and Roper resonance using a quark-diquark model. We find that the charge radii of the nucleon and Roper resonance are almost the same in size.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of Chiral 07, Osaka, Japan, November 13-16, 2007. 4pages, 4figure

    Modern Dynamical Coupled-Channels Calculations for Extracting and Understanding the Nucleon Spectrum

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    We give an overview of recent progress in the spectroscopic study of nucleon resonances within the dynamical coupled-channels analysis of meson-production reactions. The important role of multichannel reaction dynamics in understanding various properties of nucleon resonances is emphasized.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Plenary talk at The 14th International Conference on Meson-Nucleon Physics and the Structure of the Nucleon (MENU2016), Kyoto, Japan, July 25-30, 201

    Exotic Tetraquark ud bar[s] bar[s] of J^P=0^+ in the QCD Sum Rule

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    We study a QCD sum rule analysis for an exotic tetraquark ud bar[s] bar[s] of J^P=0^+ and I = 1. We construct q q bar[q] bar[q] currents in a local product form and find that there are five independent currents for this channel. Due to high dimensional nature of the current, it is not easy to form a good sum rule when using a single current. This means that we do not find any sum rule window to extract reliable results, due to the insufficient convergence of the OPE and to the exceptional important role of QCD continuum. Then we examine sum rules by using currents of linear combinations of two currents among the independent ones. We find two reasonable cases that predict a mass of the tetraquark around 1.5 GeV.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, revised versio

    Negative Parity Baryons in the QCD Sum Rule

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    Masses and couplings of the negative parity excited baryons are studied in the QCD sum rule. Separation of the negative-parity spectrum is proposed and is applied to the flavor octet and singlet baryons. We find that the quark condensate is responsible for the mass splitting of the ground and the negative-parity excited states. This is expected from the chiral symmetry and supports the idea that the negative-parity baryon forms a parity doublet with the ground state. The meson-baryon coupling constants are also computed for the excited states in the QCD sum rule. It is found that the \pi NN^* coupling vanishes in the chiral limit.Comment: 13pp, LaTeX, 1 EPS figure, uses epsf.sty, Talk given by M.O. at CEBAF/INT workshop "N* physics", Seattle, September (1996), to appear in the proceeding

    Nucleon axial couplings and [(1/2,0) + (0,1/2)]-[(1,1/2) + (1/2,1)] chiral multiplet mixing

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    Three-quark nucleon interpolating fields in QCD have well-defined SU_L(2) x SU_R(2) and U_A(1) chiral transformation properties. Mixing of the [(1,1/2) + (1/2,1)] chiral multiplet with one of [(1/2,0) + (0,1/2)] or [(0,1/2) + (1/2,0)] representation can be used to fit the isovector axial coupling g_A(1) and thus predict the isoscalar axial coupling g_A(0) of the nucleon, in reasonable agreement with experiment. We also use a chiral meson-baryon interaction to calculate the masses and one-pion-interaction terms of J=1/2 baryons belonging to the [(0,1/2) + (1/2,0)] and [(1,1/2) + (1/2,1)] chiral multiplets and fit two of the diagonalized masses to the lowest-lying nucleon resonances thus predicting the third J=1/2 resonance at 2030 MeV, not far from the (one-star PDG) state Delta(2150).Comment: To appear in Modern Physics Letters