1 research outputs found

    Malaysian Chinese's Poetry in the Early Postwar Period : Spatial and Regional Evolution ——A Case Study of Nanyang Siang Pau (Nanyang Business Daily)

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    战后初期,随着中国民族自决运动的大力推动,中国作家群在东南亚也发起了民族自决运动,当时属于英殖民地的马来亚走向了反殖时期与紧急状态时期。南洋商报副刊作为文学的主要发表园地,马华文艺吮吸了中国文艺母体的精华。本文探讨中国现代诗派“母体”如象征主义诗派、现代派与七月诗派对马华诗歌“子嗣”的承传与发展关系,并分析马华诗歌如何突破传统诗歌中关于声韵的表现手法,对于“空间艺术”的书写尝试过程。在文艺空间的分类中,划分为“外部空间”与“内部空间”。“外部空间”主要表现文学现象与内容,提供读者一个视觉的观感;“内部空间”主要考察诗歌内核中的审美方式与造型艺术,分析马华诗歌中线条、色彩、角度与层次感的特色。 ...By using Malaysian Chinese poetry in the Early Postwar Period as the object of research, the further elaboration of China national self-determination movement impact on national self-determination movement in Malaya.Malaya was once a British colony,which has led to the colonial period and a period of public emergency.Nanyang Siang Pau (Nanyang Business Daily)supplement as the main literary publish...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国现当代文学学号:1022014115461