11,510 research outputs found

    Ventilatory Phenotypes among Four Strains of Adult Rats.

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    Our purpose in this study was to identify different ventilatory phenotypes among four different strains of rats. We examined 114 rats from three in-house, inbred strains and one outbred strain: Brown Norway (BN;n = 26), Dahl salt-sensitive (n = 24), Fawn-hooded Hypertensive (FHH: n = 27), and outbred Sprague-Dawley rats (SD; n = 37). We measured eupneic (room air) breathing and the ventilatory responses to hypoxia (12% O2-88% N2), hypercapnia (7% CO2), and two levels of submaximal exercise. Primary strain differences were between BN and the other strains. BN rats had a relatively attenuated ventilatory response to CO2 (P \u3c 0.001), an accentuated ventilatory response to exercise (P \u3c 0.05), and an accentuated ventilatory roll-off during hypoxia (P \u3c 0.05). Ventilation during hypoxia was lower than other strains, but hyperventilation during hypoxia was equal to the other strains (P \u3e 0.05), indicating that the metabolic rate during hypoxia decreased more in BN rats than in other strains. Another strain difference was in the frequency and timing components of augmented breaths, where FHH rats frequently differed from the other strains, and the BN rats had the longest expiratory time of the augmented breaths (probably secondary to the blunted CO2 sensitivity). These strain differences not only provide insight into physiological mechanisms but also indicate traits (such as CO2 sensitivity) that are genetically regulated. Finally, the data establish a foundation for physiological genomic studies aimed at elucidating the genetics of these ventilatory control mechanisms

    Plausible fluorescent Ly-alpha emitters around the z=3.1 QSO0420-388

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    We report the results of a survey for fluorescent Ly-alpha emission carried out in the field surrounding the z=3.1 quasar QSO0420-388 using the FORS2 instrument on the VLT. We first review the properties expected for fluorescent Ly-alpha emitters, compared with those of other non-fluorescent Ly-alpha emitters. Our observational search detected 13 Ly-alpha sources sparsely sampling a volume of ~14000 comoving Mpc^3 around the quasar. The properties of these in terms of i) the line equivalent width, ii) the line profile and iii) the value of the surface brightness related to the distance from the quasar, all suggest that several of these may be plausibly fluorescent. Moreover, their number is in good agreement with the expectation from theoretical models. One of the best candidates for fluorescence is sufficiently far behind QSO0420-388 that it would imply that the quasar has been active for (at least) ~60 Myrs. Further studies on such objects will give information about proto-galactic clouds and on the radiative history (and beaming) of the high-redshift quasars.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures.Update to match the version published on ApJ 657, 135, 2007 March

    Peeling properties of lightlike signals in General Relativity

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    The peeling properties of a lightlike signal propagating through a general Bondi-Sachs vacuum spacetime and leaving behind another Bondi-Sachs vacuum space-time are studied. We demonstrate that in general the peeling behavior is the conventional one which is associated with a radiating isolated system and that it becomes unconventional if the asymptotically flat space-times on either side of the history of the light-like signal tend to flatness at future null infinity faster than the general Bondi-Sachs space-time. This latter situation occurs if, for example, the space-times in question are static Bondi-Sachs space- times.Comment: 14 pages, LaTeX2

    Gravitational Waves from Mesoscopic Dynamics of the Extra Dimensions

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    Recent models which describe our world as a brane embedded in a higher dimensional space introduce new geometrical degrees of freedom: the shape and/or size of the extra dimensions, and the position of the brane. These modes can be coherently excited by symmetry breaking in the early universe even on ``mesoscopic'' scales as large as 1 mm, leading to detectable gravitational radiation. Two sources are described: relativistic turbulence caused by a first-order transition of a radion potential, and Kibble excitation of Nambu-Goldstone modes of brane displacement. Characteristic scales and spectral properties are estimated and the prospects for observation by LISA are discussed. Extra dimensions with scale between 10 \AA and 1 mm, which enter the 3+1-D era at cosmic temperatures between 1 and 1000 TeV, produce backgrounds with energy peaked at observed frequencies in the LISA band, between 10110^{-1} and 10410^{-4} Hz. The background is detectable above instrument and astrophysical foregrounds if initial metric perturbations are excited to a fractional amplitude of 10310^{-3} or more, a likely outcome for the Nambu-Goldstone excitations.Comment: Latex, 5 pages, plus one figure, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    The Impact of Atmospheric Fluctuations on Degree-scale Imaging of the Cosmic Microwave Background

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    Fluctuations in the brightness of the Earth's atmosphere originating from water vapor are an important source of noise for ground-based instruments attempting to measure anisotropy in the Cosmic Microwave Background. This paper presents a model for the atmospheric fluctuations and derives simple expressions to predict the contribution of the atmosphere to experimental measurements. Data from the South Pole and from the Atacama Desert in Chile, two of the driest places on Earth, are used to assess the level of fluctuations at each site.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, appears in The Astrophysical Journa

    The rodent research animal holding facility as a barrier to environmental contamination

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    The rodent Research Animal Holding Facility (RAHF), developed by NASA Ames Research Center (ARC) to separately house rodents in a Spacelab, was verified as a barrier to environmental contaminants during a 12-day biocompatibility test. Environmental contaminants considered were solid particulates, microorganisms, ammonia, and typical animal odors. The 12-day test conducted in August 1988 was designed to verify that the rodent RAHF system would adequately support and maintain animal specimens during normal system operations. Additional objectives of this test were to demonstrate that: (1) the system would capture typical particulate debris produced by the animal; (2) microorganisms would be contained; and (3) the passage of animal odors was adequately controlled. In addition, the amount of carbon dioxide exhausted by the RAHF system was to be quantified. Of primary importance during the test was the demonstration that the RAHF would contain particles greater than 150 micrometers. This was verified after analyzing collection plates placed under exhaust air ducts and rodent cages during cage maintenance operations, e.g., waste tray and feeder changeouts. Microbiological testing identified no additional organisms in the test environment that could be traced to the RAHF. Odor containment was demonstrated to be less than barely detectable. Ammonia could not be detected in the exhaust air from the RAHF system. Carbon dioxide levels were verified to be less than 0.35 percent

    A Snapshot of J. L. Synge

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    A brief description is given of the life and influence on relativity theory of Professor J. L. Synge accompanied by some technical examples to illustrate his style of work

    Geodesics in spacetimes with expanding impulsive gravitational waves

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    We study geodesic motion in expanding spherical impulsive gravitational waves propagating in a Minkowski background. Employing the continuous form of the metric we find and examine a large family of geometrically preferred geodesics. For the special class of axially symmetric spacetimes with the spherical impulse generated by a snapping cosmic string we give a detailed physical interpretation of the motion of test particles.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex, final versio

    Toward Empirical Constraints on the Global Redshifted 21 cm Brightness Temperature During the Epoch of Reionization

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    Preliminary results are presented from a simple, single-antenna experiment designed to measure the all-sky radio spectrum between 100 and 200 MHz. The system used an internal comparison-switching scheme to reduce non-smooth instrumental contaminants in the measured spectrum to 75 mK. From the observations, we place an initial upper limit of 450 mK on the relative brightness temperature of the redshifted 21 cm contribution to the spectrum due to neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) during the epoch of reionization, assuming a rapid transition to a fully ionized IGM at a redshift of 8. With refinement, this technique should be able to distinguish between slow and fast reionization scenarios. To constrain the duration of reionization to dz > 2, the systematic residuals in the measured spectrum must be reduced to 3 mK.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 9 pages including 6 figure