1,571 research outputs found

    Application of solar max ACRIM data to analyze solar-driven climatic variability on Earth

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    Terrestrial climatic effects associated with solar variability have been proposed for at least a century, but could not be assessed quantitatively owing to observational uncertainities in solar flux variations. Measurements from 1980 to 1984 by the Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (ACRIM), capable of resolving fluctuations above the sensible atmosphere less than 0.1% of the solar constant, permit direct albeit preliminary assessments of solar forcing effects on global temperatures during this period. The global temperature response to ACRIM-measured fluctuations was computed from 1980 to 1985 using the NYU transient climate model including thermal inertia effects of the world ocean; and compared the results with observations of recent temperature trends. Monthly mean ACRIM-driven global surface temperature fluctuations computed with the climate model are an order of magnitude smaller, of order 0.01 C. In constrast, global mean surface temperature observations indicate an approx. 0.1 C increase during this period. Solar variability is therefore likely to have been a minor factor in global climate change during this period compared with variations in atmospheric albedo, greenhouse gases and internal self-inducedoscillations. It was not possible to extend the applicability of the measured flux variations to longer periods since a possible correlation of luminosity with solar annual activity is not supported by statistical analysis. The continuous monitoring of solar flux by satellite-based instruments over timescales of 20 years or more comparable to timescales for thermal relaxation of the oceans and of the solar cycle itself is needed to resolve the question of long-term solar variation effects on climate

    The Martian climate: Energy balance models with CO2/H2O atmospheres

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    Progress in the development of a multi-reservoir, time dependent energy balance climate model for Mars driven by prescribed insolation at the top of the atmosphere is reported. The first approximately half-year of the program was devoted to assembling and testing components of the full model. Specific accomplishments were made on a longwave radiation code, coupling seasonal solar input to a ground temperature simulation, and conceptualizing an approach to modeling the seasonal pressure waves that develop in the Martian atmosphere as a result of sublimation and condensation of CO2 in polar regions

    Precursor ionization effects on magnetohydrodynamic switch-on shock structure

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    Precursor ionization effects on magnetohydrodynamic switch-on-shock structur

    The Martian climate and energy balance models with CO2/H2O atmospheres

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    The analysis begins with a seasonal energy balance model (EBM) for Mars. This is used to compute surface temperature versus x = sin(latitude) and time over the seasonal cycle. The core model also computes the evolving boundaries of the CO2 icecaps, net sublimational/condensation rates, and the resulting seasonal pressure wave. Model results are compared with surface temperature and pressure history data at Viking lander sites, indicating fairly good agreement when meridional heat transport is represented by a thermal diffusion coefficient D approx. 0.015 W/sq. m/K. Condensational wind distributions are also computed. An analytic model of Martian wind circulation is then proposed, as an extension of the EMB, which incorporates vertical wind profiles containing an x-dependent function evaluated by substitution in the equation defining the diffusion coefficient. This leads to a parameterization of D(x) and of the meridional circulation which recovers the high surface winds predicted by dynamic Mars atmosphere models (approx. 10 m/sec). Peak diffusion coefficients, D approx. 0.6 w/sq m/K, are found over strong Hadley zones - some 40 times larger than those of high-latitude baroclinic eddies. When the wind parameterization is used to find streamline patterns over Martian seasons, the resulting picture shows overturning hemispheric Hadley cells crossing the equator during solstices, and attaining peak intensities during the south summer dust storm season, while condensational winds are most important near the polar caps

    A scheme for computing surface layer turbulent fluxes from mean flow surface observations

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    A physical model and computational scheme are developed for generating turbulent surface stress, sensible heat flux and humidity flux from mean velocity, temperature and humidity at some fixed height in the atmospheric surface layer, where conditions at this reference level are presumed known from observations or the evolving state of a numerical atmospheric circulation model. The method is based on coupling the Monin-Obukov surface layer similarity profiles which include buoyant stability effects on mean velocity, temperature and humidity to a force-restore formulation for the evolution of surface soil temperature to yield the local values of shear stress, heat flux and surface temperature. A self-contained formulation is presented including parameterizations for solar and infrared radiant fluxes at the surface. Additional parameters needed to implement the scheme are the thermal heat capacity of the soil per unit surface area, surface aerodynamic roughness, latitude, solar declination, surface albedo, surface emissivity and atmospheric transmissivity to solar radiation

    Umowy między państwem a uniwersytetami we Francji: nowa koncepcja autonomii uniwersytetu

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    The paper presents the concept of relation between the state and universities in France, based on contracts concerning research activities, training and documentation. The concept was created in France in the middle of seventies, but it received legal basis in 1984 and is developing intensely. The Author presents basic assumption of the contract policy, on the ground of institutionalized universities projects, concerning their action plans. The drafting of such projects is preceded by the comprehensive audit of the institution’s capabilities, structure and scope of activities. The policy of contracting shape the relations between a university and the state in a new way. It influences the way the stocks are planned, its allocation, personnel policy and the university external position. The contract policy demands however establishing of new forms of consultation, coordination, negotiation procedures and monitoring of the contract and its final price.W artykule przedstawiono koncepcję kształtowania stosunków między państwem a uniwersytetami francuskimi, opierającą się na umowach dotyczących działalności badawczej, kształcenia i dokumentacji. Powstała ona we Francji jeszcze w połowie lat siedemdziesiątych, ale podstawy prawne zyskała w 1984 r. i obecnie rozwija się coraz intensywniej. Autor prezentuje podstawowe założenia polityki kontraktowej określanej na podstawie instytucjonalnych projektów uczelni dotyczących planów jej działania. Przygotowanie takich projektów poprzedzone jest całościową oceną (audit) instytucji, jej możliwości, struktury i zakresu działania. Polityka kontraktowa nadaje nowy kształt relacjom między uczelnią i państwem, wpływa na sposób planowania zasobów i ich alokacji, na politykę kadrową oraz na zmianę pozycji uczelni w otoczeniu. Wymaga ona stworzenia odpowiednich form konsultacji, koordynacji, procedur negocjacyjnych oraz nadzoru nad realizacją kontraktu i jego ostatecznej oceny

    SLIDES: An Energy Revolution for the 21st Century

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    Presenter: Marty Hoffert, Professor, Department of Physics, New York University. 26 slides

    The experience of individuals who transitioned from teacher to assistant-principal

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    The transition from teacher to assistant-principal is complex. The purpose of this study was to better understand the phenomenon of transition to leadership roles in high schools by investigating the experiences of four teachers who moved from teacher to assistant-principal positions in suburban school-districts in the State of Michigan. This multiple case-study comprises an in-depth examination of four teachers within their first four years as an assistant-principal. Interviews also included one central-office cabinet member from three of the four districts and one teacher in each of the assistant-principals’ schools. Interviews were guided by research questions regarding motivation for successful teacher leaders to move into administrative roles, reflection upon experiences in the transition period, professional preparation for the duties of administration, support offered by the district during their transition into administration, and dilemmas and tensions encountered during the transition period. Data were analyzed to identify patterns that emerged from current social-emotional experiences of teachers transitioning to administration. The four assistant-principals shared valuable, albeit tumultuous, experiences that encompassed their challenges and ultimately their successes as they transitioned into their new roles. Together with insights about the transition from teacher to administrator by central-office administration and teachers who observed the new administrators, four overarching categories paramount to the transition of teacher to administrator emerged: 1) impetus and origins of the transition into administration; 2) realities and challenges of the transition; 3) tension, pressure, and stressors; and 4) differentials in administrative training and mentorship. The results of this study provided insight into the phenomenon of the transition from teacher to assistant-principal. Participants consistently affirmed two concepts about the assistant-principal role. First, self-knowledge is critical‒strengths, weaknesses and how emotions and stress are handled‒and second, control of emotions and managed responses are essential to control the situations on the job. Findings also suggested areas for improvement in each of the identified categories, especially focused on training and mentoring prior to and during the transition period