28 research outputs found

    Calpain inhibitors reduce retinal hypoxia in ischemic retinopathy by improving neovascular architecture and functional perfusion

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    AbstractIn ischemic retinopathies, underlying hypoxia drives abnormal neovascularization that damages retina and causes blindness. The abnormal neovasculature is tortuous and leaky and fails to alleviate hypoxia, resulting in more pathological neovascularization and retinal damage. With an established model of ischemic retinopathy we found that calpain inhibitors, when administered in moderation, reduced architectural abnormalities, reduced vascular leakage, and most importantly reduced retinal hypoxia. Mechanistically, these calpain inhibitors improved stability and organization of the actin cytoskeleton in retinal endothelial cells undergoing capillary morphogenesis in vitro, and they similarly improved organization of actin cables within new blood vessels in vivo. Hypoxia induced calpain activity in retinal endothelial cells and severely disrupted the actin cytoskeleton, whereas calpain inhibitors preserved actin cables under hypoxic conditions. Collectively, these findings support the hypothesis that hyper-activation of calpains by hypoxia contributes to disruption of the retinal endothelial cell cytoskeleton, resulting in formation of neovessels that are defective both architecturally and functionally. Modest suppression of calpain activity with calpain inhibitors restores cytoskeletal architecture and promotes formation of a functional neovasculature, thereby reducing underlying hypoxia. In sharp contrast to “anti-angiogenesis” strategies that cannot restore normoxia and may aggravate hypoxia, the therapeutic strategy described here does not inhibit neovascularization. Instead, by improving the function of neovascularization to reduce underlying hypoxia, moderate calpain inhibition offers a method for alleviating retinal ischemia, thereby suggesting a new treatment paradigm based on improvement rather than inhibition of new blood vessel growth

    Moderation of Calpain Activity Promotes Neovascular Integration and Lumen Formation during VEGF-Induced Pathological Angiogenesis

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    Successful neovascularization requires that sprouting endothelial cells (ECs) integrate to form new vascular networks. However, architecturally defective, poorly integrated vessels with blind ends are typical of pathological angiogenesis induced by vascular endothelial growth factor-A (VEGF), thereby limiting the utility of VEGF for therapeutic angiogenesis and aggravating ischemia-related pathologies. Here we investigated the possibility that over-exuberant calpain activity is responsible for aberrant VEGF neovessel architecture and integration. Calpains are a family of intracellular calcium-dependent, non-lysosomal cysteine proteases that regulate cellular functions through proteolysis of numerous substrates.In a mouse skin model of VEGF-driven angiogenesis, retroviral transduction with dominant-negative (DN) calpain-I promoted neovessel integration and lumen formation, reduced blind ends, and improved vascular perfusion. Moderate doses of calpain inhibitor-I improved VEGF-driven angiogenesis similarly to DN calpain-I. Conversely, retroviral transduction with wild-type (WT) calpain-I abolished neovessel integration and lumen formation. In vitro, moderate suppression of calpain activity with DN calpain-I or calpain inhibitor-I increased the microtubule-stabilizing protein tau in endothelial cells (ECs), increased the average length of microtubules, increased actin cable length, and increased the interconnectivity of vascular cords. Conversely, WT calpain-I diminished tau, collapsed microtubules, disrupted actin cables, and inhibited integration of cord networks. Consistent with the critical importance of microtubules for vascular network integration, the microtubule-stabilizing agent taxol supported vascular cord integration whereas microtubule dissolution with nocodazole collapsed cord networks.These findings implicate VEGF-induction of calpain activity and impairment of cytoskeletal dynamics in the failure of VEGF-induced neovessels to form and integrate properly. Accordingly, calpain represents an important target for rectifying key vascular defects associated with pathological angiogenesis and for improving therapeutic angiogenesis with VEGF


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    Joint Research on Environmental Science and Technology for the Eart

    Information searching behaviors among Vietnamese students during first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

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    This study aims to describe the COVID-19 related information searching behaviors and the relationship between those behaviors and the satisfaction with the COVID-19 related information searched on the Internet among university students during first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam


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    Coral associated bacteria and their host are currently one of the interested issues for research and scientists worldwide. The densities of zooxanthellae and bacteria associated with three most prevalent species Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora muricata and Acropora robusta in Hang Rai, Ninh Thuan was evaluated over time by staining with SYBR Gold and direct counting with epifluorescence method. The most dominant bacteria were isolated by culture dependent method. The densities of zooxanthellae and bacteria ranged from 0.39–1.83×107 cell/g, and 0.83–2.52×108 cell/g, respectively. Bacterial density in the 3 months was significantly different compared to the density of the bacteria in ambient water. Total heterotrophic bacteria, comma shaped bacteria and bacillus form showed negatively correlated with pH, PO4, while zooxanthellae showed no correlation with all factors.Rạn san hô trên toàn thế đang đối mặt với sự huỷ diệt nghiêm trọng, một trong những nguyên nhân chính là do vi khuẩn gây bệnh và những tác động của môi trường. Chính vì vậy, nghiên cứu về hệ vi khuẩn sống cùng san hô và mối tương quan giừa vi khuẩn, san hô và các yếu tố môi trường là quan trọng và cấp thiết. Trong nghiên cứu này, mật độ vi tảo Symbiodinium sp., vi khuẩn sống cùng 3 loài san hô cứng Acropora hyacinthus, Acropora muricata và Acropora robusta phổ biến tại Ninh Thuận được đánh giá vào các thời điểm trước, trong, và sau khi san hô bị tẩy trắng bằng phương pháp đếm huỳnh quang và pha loãng tới hạn. Kết quả cho thấy mật độ tảo Symbiodinium khác nhau có ý nghĩa thống kê (dao động 0,39-1,83x107tb/g) ở các loài san hô khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, mật độ tảo cộng sinh không có khác biệt lớn giữa các tháng nghiên cứu. Mật độ vi khuẩn dao động từ 0,83-2,52x108tb/g và có sự sai khác có ý nghĩa thống kê không chỉ giữa các loài san hô mà còn ở các thời điểm trước trong và sau tẩy trắng. Tổng vi khuẩn, phẩy khuẩn và trực khuẩn có tương quan nghịch và có ý nghĩa về mặt thống kê với chỉ số pH và hàm lượng PO4. Ngược lại, mật độ tảo hoàn toàn không tương quan với các yếu tố môi trường