3 research outputs found

    Accessibility and access to services and facilities in Hay Mohammadi, a new urban development in Agadir, Morocco

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    Hay Mohammadi is the largest new development in Agadir. Located in the north-east of the city, this district spanning over 465 ha has been designed to accommodate some 100,000 inhabitants. It was planned in 2002 and in 2007 people started to move in. So far this area is still under construction. The first observations show that it suffers from a deficiency in terms of public facilities and services. In addition, problems of accessibility and mobility have been observed in this district. It appears that this new urban development has been designed to facilitate car movement at the expense of pedestrians, cyclists and other users of public space who are obliged to share roadways because neither sidewalks nor pedestrian streets are paved. In spite of the huge investment Hay Mohammadi gives the impression of a non-regulatory urban development characterized by underequipped outdoor spaces as is often the case in developing countries

    Perception du paysage urbain par ses usagers: Cas de l'extension urbaine Hay Mohammadi Ă  Agadir (Maroc)

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    The concept of landscape is largely unknown in Morocco and often reduced to a planting practice once urban development projects are almost finished. This understanding that minimizes the place of landscape in the living environment has contributed to producing urban landscapes with quality differing from one area to another, in the same city. Hay Mohammadi is a relatively recent urban development of the city of Agadir covering ??465 ha. The creation of a new neighborhood of this size would normally provide an opportunity for carefully chosen planning options to avoid the mistakes of the past and provide future residents with a context where they should feel at home. The evaluation of the urban landscape that resulted from this development operation would make it possible to assess the living environment and the extent to which inhabitants are satisfied and happy to live there. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among residents of Hay Mohammadi to assess their perception of the landscape of their neighborhood. This survey, conducted online with more than 300 people, shows that despite the constraints of everyday life, users have a critical look at their environment and the landscape that has been produced for them. Keywords: Urban landscape, Agadir, Hay Mohammadi, urban development, perception by inhabitants, survey.La notion de paysage est largement mĂ©connue au Maroc et souvent rĂ©duite Ă  une pratique de plantation Ă  l'aval de projets d’amĂ©nagement en milieu urbain. Cette comprĂ©hension qui minimise la place du paysage dans le cadre de vie a participĂ© Ă  produire des paysages urbains dont la qualitĂ© diffère d'une zone Ă  une autre, dans la mĂŞme ville. Hay Mohammadi est une extension urbaine relativement rĂ©cente de la ville d'Agadir qui s'Ă©tale sur une superficie de 465 ha. La crĂ©ation d'un nouveau quartier  d’une telle ampleur devrait normalement donner l'opportunitĂ© de bien penser les partis d’amĂ©nagement afin d’éviter les erreurs du passĂ© et d’offrir aux futurs habitants un contexte oĂą ils devraient se sentir Ă  l’aise. L'Ă©valuation du paysage urbain qui a rĂ©sultĂ© de cette opĂ©ration d’amĂ©nagement permettrait d'apprĂ©cier le cadre de vie  et le degrĂ© de satisfaction des habitants. Dans cette intention, une enquĂŞte a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e auprès d’habitants de Hay Mohammadi afin d'Ă©valuer leur perception du paysage de leur quartier. Il ressort de cette enquĂŞte, conduite en ligne auprès de plus de 300 personnes, que malgrĂ© les contraintes de la vie quotidienne, les usagers ont un regard critique sur leur environnement et sur le paysage qui a Ă©tĂ© produit pour eux. Mots clĂ©s : Paysage urbain, Agadir, Hay Mohammadi, extension urbaine, perception par les habitants, enquĂŞte

    Green spaces in a new urban extension: Case of Hay Mohammadi in Agadir

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    Les espaces verts sont essentiels pour atténuer plusieurs contraintes liées au contexte urbain des villes d’aujourd’hui, qu’elles soient d’ordre environnemental, social ou économique et cela grâce à l’ensemble des services écosystémiques et du sentiment de bien-être qu’ils sont capables de procurer. L’étude de la situation des espaces verts dans le quartier Mohammadi, à Agadir, a pour but d’évaluer la quantité et la qualité des espaces verts disponibles mais aussi le degré de satisfaction des besoins et des aspirations des habitants et de relever les principaux critères qui affectent leur appréciation. Plusieurs facteurs peuvent influencer la disponibilité et l’attractivité des espaces verts comme le type et la superficie, la fragmentation, l’accessibilité et la diversification des activités et des équipements dans ces espaces. Les résultats montrent que la quantité d’espaces verts actuellement réalisés ne procure que 5,5 m²/hab. et n’atteint donc pas le minimum recommandé (10 m²/hab.). La fragmentation élevée de certaines catégories d’espaces verts (espaces d’accompagnement) et la répartition inéquitable de ces espaces ainsi que le manque d’équipements affectent leur utilisation et leur capacité à fournir la plupart des services écosystémiques. La perception des espaces verts du quartier par les usagers appuie ces résultats. En effet, selon eux ces espaces ne sont pas en quantité suffisante et ne permettent pas de satisfaire leurs besoins et leurs aspirations en termes de qualité, de diversification et de disponibilité des équipements et des services. Ils considèrent aussi qu’ils ne sont pas disponibles à proximité de leurs lieux de résidence. Toutefois, l’étude du plan d’aménagement du quartier a permis de constater que les espaces verts projetés, une fois réalisés, permettront de doter la population d’un ratio de 12,4 m²/hab. Mots clés: Espaces verts, Hay Mohammadi, Agadir, Services écosystémiques, qualité, ratio, appréciation par les habitantsGreen spaces are essential to alleviate many constraints related to the urban context of today's cities, be they environmental, social or economic, thanks to the combination of ecosystem services and the feeling of well-being that they provide. The study of the green space’s situation in the Mohammadi district, in Agadir, aims to assess the quantity and quality of available green spaces but also the degree of satisfaction of the requirements and aspirations of inhabitants and to identify the main criteria that affect their appreciation by users. Several factors can influence the availability and attractiveness of green spaces such as type and size, fragmentation, accessibility and diversification of activities and facilities in these spaces. The results show that current green spaces only provide 5.5 m²/inhabitant and therefore do not reach the recommended minimum (10 m²/inhabitant). The high fragmentation of certain categories of green spaces such as those accompanying streets or buildings and the inequitable distribution of these spaces as well as the lack of amenities affect their use and their capacity to provide most of the ecosystem services. The perception of green spaces in the neighborhood by users supports these results. Indeed, according to them these spaces are not in sufficient quantity and do not allow to satisfy their needs and their aspirations in terms of quality, diversification and availability of equipment and services. They also consider that they are not available near their places of residence. However, the study of the neighborhood development plan has shown that projected green spaces, once totally implemented, will provide the population with a ratio of 12.4 m² per inhabitant. Keywords: Green spaces, Hay Mohammadi, Agadir, Ecosystem services; quality, ratio, appreciation by inhabitant