15 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial Dysfunction Links Ceramide Activated HRK Expression and Cell Death

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    Cell death is an essential process in normal development and homeostasis. In eyes, corneal epithelial injury leads to the death of cells in underlying stroma, an event believed to initiate corneal wound healing. The molecular basis of wound induced corneal stromal cell death is not understood in detail. Studies of others have indicated that ceramide may play significant role in stromal cell death following LASIK surgery. We have undertaken the present study to investigate the mechanism of death induced by C6 ceramide in cultures of human corneal stromal (HCSF) fibroblasts.Cultures of HCSF were established from freshly excised corneas. Cell death was induced in low passage (p<4) cultures of HCSF by treating the cells with C6 ceramide or C6 dihydroceramide as a control. Cell death was assessed by Live/Dead cell staining with calcein AM and ethidium homodimer-1 as well as Annexin V staining, caspase activation and TUNEL staining Mitochondrial dysfunction was assessed by Mito Sox Red, JC-1 and cytochrome C release Gene expression was examined by qPCR and western blotting.Our data demonstrate ceramide caused mitochondrial dysfunction as evident from reduced MTT staining, cyto c release from mitochondria, enhanced generation of ROS, and loss in mitochondrial membrane potential (ΔΨm). Cell death was evident from Live -Dead Cell staining and the inability to reestablish cultures from detached cells. Ceramide induced the expression of the harikari gene(HRK) and up-regulated JNK phosphorylation. In ceramide treated cells HRK was translocated to mitochondria, where it was found to interact with mitochondrial protein p32. The data also demonstrated HRK, p32 and BAD interaction. Ceramide-induced expression of HRK, mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death were reduced by HRK knockdown with HRK siRNA.Our data document that ceramide is capable of inducing death of corneal stromal fibroblasts through the induction of HRK mediated mitochondria dysfunction

    Up-Regulation of Mcl-1 and Bak by Coronavirus Infection of Human, Avian and Animal Cells Modulates Apoptosis and Viral Replication

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    Virus-induced apoptosis and viral mechanisms that regulate this cell death program are key issues in understanding virus-host interactions and viral pathogenesis. Like many other human and animal viruses, coronavirus infection of mammalian cells induces apoptosis. In this study, the global gene expression profiles are first determined in IBV-infected Vero cells at 24 hours post-infection by Affymetrix array, using avian coronavirus infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) as a model system. It reveals an up-regulation at the transcriptional level of both pro-apoptotic Bak and pro-survival myeloid cell leukemia-1 (Mcl-1). These results were further confirmed both in vivo and in vitro, in IBV-infected embryonated chicken eggs, chicken fibroblast cells and mammalian cells at transcriptional and translational levels, respectively. Interestingly, the onset of apoptosis occurred earlier in IBV-infected mammalian cells silenced with short interfering RNA targeting Mcl-1 (siMcl-1), and was delayed in cells silenced with siBak. IBV progeny production and release were increased in infected Mcl-1 knockdown cells compared to similarly infected control cells, while the contrary was observed in infected Bak knockdown cells. Furthermore, IBV infection-induced up-regulation of GADD153 regulated the expression of Mcl-1. Inhibition of the mitogen-activated protein/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK/ERK) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K/Akt) signaling pathways by chemical inhibitors and knockdown of GADD153 by siRNA demonstrated the involvement of ER-stress response in regulation of IBV-induced Mcl-1 expression. These results illustrate the sophisticated regulatory strategies evolved by a coronavirus to modulate both virus-induced apoptosis and viral replication during its replication cycle

    TAT-RasGAP317-326-mediated tumor cell death sensitization can occur independently of Bax and Bak.

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    The increase of cancer specificity and efficacy of anti-tumoral agents are prime strategies to overcome the deleterious side effects associated with anti-cancer treatments. We described earlier a cell-permeable protease-resistant peptide derived from the p120 RasGAP protein, called TAT-RasGAP317-326, as being an efficient tumor-specific sensitizer to apoptosis induced by genotoxins in vitro and in vivo. Bcl-2 family members regulate the intrinsic apoptotic response and as such could be targeted by TAT-RasGAP317-326. Our results indicate that the RasGAP-derived peptide increases cisplatin-induced Bax activation. We found no evidence, using in particular knock-out cells, of an involvement of other Bcl-2 family proteins in the tumor-specific sensitization activity of TAT-RasGAP317-326. The absence of Bax and Bak in mouse embryonic fibroblasts rendered them resistant to cisplatin-induced apoptosis and consequently to the sensitizing action of the RasGAP-derived peptide. Surprisingly, in the HCT116 colon carcinoma cell line, the absence of Bax and Bak did not prevent cisplatin-induced apoptosis and the ability of TAT-RasGAP317-326 to augment this response. Our study also revealed that p53, while required for an efficient genotoxin-induced apoptotic response, is dispensable for the ability of the RasGAP-derived peptide to improve the capacity of genotoxins to decrease long-term survival of cancer cells. Hence, even though genotoxin-induced Bax activity can be increased by TAT-RasGAP317-326, the sensitizing activity of the RasGAP-derived peptide can operate in the absence of a functional mitochondrial intrinsic death pathway

    Bax activation and stress-induced apoptosis delayed by the accumulation of cholesterol in mitochondrial membranes

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    Activation of Bax or Bak is essential for the completion of many apoptotic programmes. Under cytotoxic conditions, these proteins undergo a series of conformational rearrangements that end up with their oligomerization. We found that unlike inactive monomeric Bax, active oligomerized Bax is partially resistant to trypsin digestion, providing a convenient read out to monitor Bax activation. Using this assay, we studied how the lipid composition of membranes affects tBid-induced Bax activation in vitro with pure liposomes. We report that Bax activation is inhibited by cholesterol and by decreases in membrane fluidity. This observation was further tested in vivo using the drug U18666A, which we found increases mitochondrial cholesterol levels. When incubated with tBid, mitochondria isolated from U18666A-treated cells showed a delay in the release of Smac/Diablo and Cytochrome c, as well as in Bax oligomerization. Moreover, pre-incubation with U18666A partially protected cells from stress-induced apoptosis. As many tumours display high mitochondrial cholesterol content, inefficient Bax oligomerization might contribute to their resistance to apoptosis-inducing agents

    Selective involvement of BH3-only proteins and differential targets of Noxa in diverse apoptotic pathways

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    The BH3-only proteins of the Bcl-2 family are known to mediate mitochondrial dysfunction during apoptosis. However, the identity of the critical BH3-only proteins and the mechanism of their action following treatment by diverse apoptotic stimuli remain to be fully resolved. We therefore used RNAi to screen the entire Bcl-2 family for their involvement in three major apoptotic pathways in HeLa cells. We found that Bcl-xL and Mcl-1 are major inhibitors of apoptosis induced by TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL), endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and proteasome inhibition. Among the 10 BH3-only proteins, Bid and Noxa were found to be critically involved in TRAIL-induced apoptosis, in which Noxa participates by constitutively binding to Mcl-1. Bim and Noxa were found to be necessary for ER stress-induced apoptosis, in which Noxa assisted Bim function by sequestering Mcl-1 and binding to Bcl-xL. As a critical BH3-only protein, Noxa was strongly upregulated and became associated with both Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL during apoptosis induced by proteasome inhibition. In addition, we found that Noxa became ‘Mcl-1 free' following treatment by ER stress and proteasome inhibition, but not after TRAIL treatment. These results defined the critical Bcl-2 network during apoptosis and suggested that Noxa participated in triggering mitochondrial dysfunction in multiple apoptotic pathways through distinct mechanisms

    Differential regulation of the proapoptotic multidomain protein Bak by p53 and p73 at the promoter level

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    During apoptosis Bcl-2 proteins control permeabilization of the mitochondrial outer membrane leading to the release of cytochrome c. Essential gatekeepers for cytochrome c release are the proapoptotic multidomain proteins, Bax, and Bak. The expression of Bax is upregulated upon cellular stress by the tumor suppressor p53. Despite the high functional homology of Bax and Bak, little is known about how the bak gene is regulated. To investigate its transcriptional regulation in further detail, we have analyzed a region spanning 8200 bp upstream of the bak start codon (within exon 2) for transcription factor-binding sites, and identified three p53 consensus sites (BS1–3). Reporter gene assays in combination with site-directed mutagenesis revealed that only one putative p53-binding site (BS3) is necessary and sufficient for induction of reporter gene expression by p53. Consistently, p53 induces expression of endogenous Bak. At the mRNA level, induction of Bak expression is weaker than induction of Puma and p21. Interestingly, Bak expression can also be induced by p73 that binds however to each of the three p53-binding sites within the bak promoter region. Our data suggest that expression of Bak can be induced by both, p53 and p73 utilizing different binding sites within the bak promoter

    N-terminally cleaved Bcl-xL mediates ischemia-induced neuronal death

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    Transient global ischemia in rats induces delayed death of hippocampal CA1 neurons. Early events include caspase activation, cleavage of anti-death Bcl-2 family proteins and large mitochondrial channel activity. However, a causal role of these events in ischemia-induced neuronal death is unclear. Unexpectedly, we found that the Bcl-2/Bcl-x(L) inhibitor ABT-737, which enhances death of tumor cells, protects rats against neuronal death in a clinically relevant model of brain ischemia. Bcl-x(L) is prominently expressed in adult neurons and can be cleaved by caspases to generate a pro-death fragment ΔN-Bcl-x(L). We found that ABT-737 administered before or after ischemia inhibited ΔN-Bcl-x(L)-induced mitochondrial channel activity and neuronal death. To establish a causal role for ΔN-Bcl-x(L), we generated knockin mice expressing caspase-resistant Bcl-x(L). The knockin mice exhibit strikingly reduced mitochondrial channel activity and reduced vulnerability to ischemia-induced neuronal death. These findings point to truncated Bcl-x(L) as a potentially important therapeutic target in ischemic brain injury