17 research outputs found

    Parental influence on sport participation in elite young athletes

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    Cryophilic algae thrive in liquid water within snow and ice in alpine and polar regions worldwide. Blooms of these algae lower albedo (reflection of sunlight), thereby altering melting patterns (Kohshima, Seko & Yoshimura, 1993; Lutz et al., 2014; Thomas & Duval, 1995). Here metagenomic DNA analysis and satellite imaging were used to investigate red snow in Franz Josef Land in the Russian Arctic. Franz Josef Land red snow metagenomes confirmed that the communities are composed of the autotroph Chlamydomonas nivalis that is supporting a complex viral and heterotrophic bacterial community. Comparisons with white snow communities from other sites suggest that white snow and ice are initially colonized by fungal-dominated communities and then succeeded by the more complex C. nivalis-heterotroph red snow. Satellite image analysis showed that red snow covers up to 80% of the surface of snow and ice fields in Franz Josef Land and globally. Together these results show that C. nivalis supports a local food web that is on the rise as temperatures warm, with potential widespread impacts on alpine and polar environments worldwide

    Global microbialization of coral reefs

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    Microbialization refers to the observed shift in ecosystem trophic structure towards higher microbial biomass and energy use. On coral reefs, the proximal causes of microbialization are overfishing and eutrophication, both of which facilitate enhanced growth of fleshy algae, conferring a competitive advantage over calcifying corals and coralline algae. The proposed mechanism for this competitive advantage is the DDAM positive feedback loop (dissolved organic carbon (DOC), disease, algae, microorganism), where DOC released by ungrazed fleshy algae supports copiotrophic, potentially pathogenic bacterial communities, ultimately harming corals and maintaining algal competitive dominance. Using an unprecedented data set of >400 samples from 60 coral reef sites, we show that the central DDAM predictions are consistent across three ocean basins. Reef algal cover is positively correlated with lower concentrations of DOC and higher microbial abundances. On turf and fleshy macroalgal-rich reefs, higher relative abundances of copiotrophic microbial taxa were identified. These microbial communities shift their metabolic potential for carbohydrate degradation from the more energy efficient Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway on coral-dominated reefs to the less efficient Entner-Doudoroff and pentose phosphate pathways on algal-dominated reefs. This 'yield-to-power' switch by microorganism directly threatens reefs via increased hypoxia and greater CO2 release from the microbial respiration of DOC

    Novel NCC mutants and functional analysis in a new cohort of patients with Gitelman syndrome

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    Item does not contain fulltextGitelman syndrome (GS) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis in conjunction with significant hypomagnesemia and hypocalciuria. The GS phenotype is caused by mutations in the solute carrier family 12, member 3 (SLC12A3) gene that encodes the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC). We analyzed DNA samples of 163 patients with a clinical suspicion of GS by direct sequencing of all 26 exons of the SLC12A3 gene. In total, 114 different mutations were identified, 31 of which have not been reported before. These novel variants include 3 deletions, 18 missense, 6 splice site and 4 nonsense mutations. We selected seven missense mutations to investigate their effect on NCC activity and plasma membrane localization by using the Xenopus laevis oocyte expression system. The Thr392Ile mutant did not display transport activity (probably class 2 mutation), while the Asn442Ser and Gln1030Arg NCC mutants showed decreased plasma membrane localization and consequently function, likely due to impaired trafficking (class 3 mutation). Even though the NaCl uptake was hampered for NCC mutants Glu121Asp, Pro751Leu, Ser475Cys and Tyr489His, the transporters reached the plasma membrane (class 4 mutation), suggesting an effect on NCC regulation or ion affinity. The present study shows the identification of 38 novel mutations in the SLC12A3 gene and provides insight into the mechanisms that regulate NCC

    Lytic to temperate switching of viral communities

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    Microbial viruses can control host abundances via density-dependent lytic predator–prey dynamics. Less clear is how temperate viruses, which coexist and replicate with their host, influence microbial communities. Here we show that virus-like particles are relatively less abundant at high host densities. This suggests suppressed lysis where established models predict lytic dynamics are favoured. Meta-analysis of published viral and microbial densities showed that this trend was widespread in diverse ecosystems ranging from soil to freshwater to human lungs. Experimental manipulations showed viral densities more consistent with temperate than lytic life cycles at increasing microbial abundance. An analysis of 24 coral reef viromes showed a relative increase in the abundance of hallmark genes encoded by temperate viruses with increased microbial abundance. Based on these four lines of evidence, we propose the Piggyback-the-Winner model wherein temperate dynamics become increasingly important in ecosystems with high microbial densities; thus ‘more microbes, fewer viruses’