57 research outputs found

    Exact Solutions to Nonlinear Difference Equations (Theory of Nonlinear Waves)

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    九州大学応用力学研究所研究集会報告 No.21ME-S7 「非線形波動研究の現状と将来 : 次の10 年への展望」RIAM Symposium No.21ME-S7 Current and Future Research on Nonlinear Waves : Perspectives for the Next Decade超離散hungry Lotka?Volterra方程式では、孤立波同士の相互作用の前後で挙動に変化が起こる場合がある。このような現象を表す厳密解として、周期関数を導入してソリトンを拡張した解や、静止解について述べる。ソリトンを拡張した解は、形を変えながら伝播する波を表しており、この解が関わる相互作用ではソリトンの場合ではありえなかった現象が観測される

    Pfaffian and Determinant Solutions to A Discretized Toda Equation for Br,CrB_r, C_r and DrD_r

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    We consider a class of 2 dimensional Toda equations on discrete space-time. It has arisen as functional relations in commuting family of transfer matrices in solvable lattice models associated with any classical simple Lie algebra XrX_r. For Xr=Br,CrX_r = B_r, C_r and DrD_r, we present the solution in terms of Pfaffians and determinants. They may be viewed as Yangian analogues of the classical Jacobi-Trudi formula on Schur functions.Comment: Plain Tex, 9 page

    Numerical instability of the Akhmediev breather and a finite-gap model of it

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    In this paper we study the numerical instabilities of the NLS Akhmediev breather, the simplest space periodic, one-mode perturbation of the unstable background, limiting our considerations to the simplest case of one unstable mode. In agreement with recent theoretical findings of the authors, in the situation in which the round-off errors are negligible with respect to the perturbations due to the discrete scheme used in the numerical experiments, the split-step Fourier method (SSFM), the numerical output is well-described by a suitable genus 2 finite-gap solution of NLS. This solution can be written in terms of different elementary functions in different time regions and, ultimately, it shows an exact recurrence of rogue waves described, at each appearance, by the Akhmediev breather. We discover a remarkable empirical formula connecting the recurrence time with the number of time steps used in the SSFM and, via our recent theoretical findings, we establish that the SSFM opens up a vertical unstable gap whose length can be computed with high accuracy, and is proportional to the inverse of the square of the number of time steps used in the SSFM. This neat picture essentially changes when the round-off error is sufficiently large. Indeed experiments in standard double precision show serious instabilities in both the periods and phases of the recurrence. In contrast with it, as predicted by the theory, replacing the exact Akhmediev Cauchy datum by its first harmonic approximation, we only slightly modify the numerical output. Let us also remark, that the first rogue wave appearance is completely stable in all experiments and is in perfect agreement with the Akhmediev formula and with the theoretical prediction in terms of the Cauchy data.Comment: 27 pages, 8 figures, Formula (30) at page 11 was corrected, arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1707.0565

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