22 research outputs found

    Comparative Structural Analysis of Human DEAD-Box RNA Helicases

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    DEAD-box RNA helicases play various, often critical, roles in all processes where RNAs are involved. Members of this family of proteins are linked to human disease, including cancer and viral infections. DEAD-box proteins contain two conserved domains that both contribute to RNA and ATP binding. Despite recent advances the molecular details of how these enzymes convert chemical energy into RNA remodeling is unknown. We present crystal structures of the isolated DEAD-domains of human DDX2A/eIF4A1, DDX2B/eIF4A2, DDX5, DDX10/DBP4, DDX18/myc-regulated DEAD-box protein, DDX20, DDX47, DDX52/ROK1, and DDX53/CAGE, and of the helicase domains of DDX25 and DDX41. Together with prior knowledge this enables a family-wide comparative structural analysis. We propose a general mechanism for opening of the RNA binding site. This analysis also provides insights into the diversity of DExD/H- proteins, with implications for understanding the functions of individual family members

    A critical role of RBM8a in proliferation and differentiation of embryonic neural progenitors

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    BACKGROUND: Nonsense mediated mRNA decay (NMD) is an RNA surveillance mechanism that controls RNA stability and ensures the speedy degradation of erroneous and unnecessary transcripts. This mechanism depends on several core factors in the exon junction complex (EJC), eIF4A3, RBM8a, Magoh, and BTZ, as well as peripheral factors to distinguish premature stop codons (PTCs) from normal stop codons in transcripts. Recently, emerging evidence has indicated that NMD factors are associated with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disability (ID). However, the mechanism in which these factors control embryonic brain development is not clear. RESULT: We found that RBM8a is critical for proliferation and differentiation in cortical neural progenitor cells (NPCs). RBM8a is highly expressed in the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the early embryonic cortex, suggesting that RBM8a may play a role in regulating NPCs. RBM8a overexpression stimulates embryonic NPC proliferation and suppresses neuronal differentiation. Conversely, knockdown of RBM8a in the neocortex reduces NPC proliferation and promotes premature neuronal differentiation. Moreover, overexpression of RBM8a suppresses cell cycle exit and keeps cortical NPCs in a proliferative state. To uncover the underlying mechanisms of this phenotype, genome-wide RNAseq was used to identify potential downstream genes of RBM8a in the brain, which have been implicated in autism and neurodevelopmental disorders. Interestingly, autism and schizophrenia risk genes are highly represented in downstream transcripts of RBM8a. In addition, RBM8a regulates multiple alternative splicing genes and NMD targets that are implicated in ASD. Taken together, this data suggests a novel role of RBM8a in the regulation of neurodevelopment. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies provide some insight into causes of mental illnesses and will facilitate the development of new therapeutic strategies for neurodevelopmental illnesses. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13064-015-0045-7) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Genome-wide analysis of mRNAs regulated by the THO complex in Drosophila melanogaster.

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    In yeast cells, the THO complex has been implicated in mitotic recombination, transcription elongation and mRNA nuclear export. The stable core of THO consists of Tho2p, Hpr1p, Mft1p and Thp2p. Whether a complex with similar functions assembles in metazoa has not yet been established. Here we report that Drosophila melanogaster THO consists of THO2, HPR1 and three proteins, THOC5-THOC7, which have no orthologs in budding yeast. Gene expression profiling in cells depleted of THO components revealed that <20% of the transcriptome was regulated by THO. Nonetheless, export of heat-shock mRNAs under heat stress was strictly dependent on THO function. Notably, 8% of upregulated genes encode proteins involved in DNA repair. Thus, although THO function seems to be conserved, the vast majority of mRNAs are transcribed and exported independently of THO in D. melanogaster