8 research outputs found

    Backbending in Hf-167 and Hf-168 and the Band-crossing Picture

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    Using two Compton-suppression spectrometers in an Eγ−Eγ coincidence experiment, the yrast bands in 167,168Hf were extended up to 92 and 28 ħ, respectively. The i 132 positive parity band in 167Hf experiences backbending at a higher frequency than the first backbending in 168Hf, and no second backbending is obseerved in 168Hf. New information is threby obtained on the nature and interaction strength of the crossing bands in the vicinity of N = 96

    γ−γ energy correlations in 167,168Hf observed with two compton-suppression spectrometers

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    The ~,-~/energy correlation matrix obtained from 1 s9 Tb (14N, xn) reactions at 95 MeV exhibits a low-intensity central valley with smoothly decreasing width when the rotational frequency increases, indicating an increasing collective moment of inertia. Enhanced intensities in the valley at/~to = 0.42 and 0.52 MeV are observed for the f'trst time in the HF isotopes and axe interpreted as due to band crossings which may involve i13/2 , f7/2 neutron and hll/2 proton or higher orbitals