7 research outputs found

    Morphological adaptation of a planktonic diatom to growth in Antarctic sea ice.

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    Chaetoceros dichaeta Ehrenberg is one of the most important planktonic diatom species in the Southern Ocean, making a significant contribution to the total biomass in the region. Our observations on both field and culture material have revealed the existence of a specialized form of C. dichaeta adapted to living in sea ice. This sea ice form differs from the planktonic form by the shape and orientation of the setae and the aperture length between sibling cells. Thus, the diameter of the chain is equivalent to the apical axes of the cells and is accompanied by a two order of magnitude decrease in minimal space requirement. Here, we report for the first time on the extraordinary overwintering strategy of a planktonic diatom in sea ice facilitated by its rapid morphological adaptation to changing environmental conditions. This morphological plasticity enables it to thrive in the confined space of the sea ice brine matrix and retain its numerical dominance in recurrent growing seasons and has likely evolved to optimally exploit the dynamic ecosystem of the seasonally ice-covered seas of the Southern Ocean

    Seasonal progression of diatom assemblages in surface waters of Ryder Bay, Antarctica

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    Phytoplankton assemblages from seasonally sea-ice covered Ryder Bay (Adelaide Island, Antarctica) were studied over three austral summers (2004–2007), to link sea-ice variability and environmental conditions with algal speciation. Typical of near-shore Antarctic waters, biomass was dominated by large diatoms, although the prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis antarctica was numerically dominant. Although there was considerable interannual variability between main diatom species, high biomass of certain species or species groups corresponded consistently to certain phases of seasonal progression. We present the first documentation of an extensive bloom of the late-season diatom Proboscia inermis in February 2006, accounting for over 90% of diatom biomass. At this time, water column stratification and nutrient drawdown were high relative to other periods of the study, although carbon export was relatively low. Melt water flux in this region promotes well-stratified surface waters and high chlorophyll levels, but not necessarily concurrent increases in export production relative to seasons with lower freshwater inputs

    Antibiofilm, Antifouling, and Anticorrosive Biomaterials and Nanomaterials for Marine Applications

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    Formation of biofilms is one of the most serious problems affecting the integrity of marine structures both onshore and offshore. These biofilms are the key reasons for fouling of marine structures. Biofilm and biofouling cause severe economic loss to the marine industry. It has been estimated that around 10% of fuel is additionally spent when the hull of ship is affected by fouling. However, the prevention and control treatments for biofilms and biofouling of marine structures often involve toxic materials which pose severe threat to the marine environment and are strictly regulated by international maritime conventions. In this context, biomaterials for the treatment of biofilms, fouling, and corrosion of marine structures assume much significance. In recent years, due to the technological advancements, various nanomaterials and nanostructures have revolutionized many of the biological applications including antibiofilm, antifouling, and anticorrosive applications in marine environment. Many of the biomaterials such as furanones and some polypeptides are found to have antibiofilm, antifouling, and anticorrosive potentials. Many of the nanomaterials such as metal (titanium, silver, zinc, copper, etc.) nanoparticles, nanocomposites, bioinspired nanomaterials, and metallic nanotubes were found to exhibit antifouling and anticorrosive applications in marine environment. Both biomaterials and nanomaterials have been used in the control and prevention of biofilms, biofouling, and corrosion in marine structures. In recent years, the biomaterials and nanomaterials were also characterized to have the ability to inhibit bacterial quorum sensing and thereby control biofilm formation, biofouling, and corrosion in marine structures. This chapter would provide an overview of the biomaterials from diverse sources and various category of nanomaterials for their use in antibiofilm, antifouling, and anticorrosion treatments with special reference to marine applications

    Integration of Waste Valorization for Sustainable Production of Chemicals and Materials via Algal Cultivation

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