3,143 research outputs found

    Hopping in a Supercooled Lennard-Jones Liquid: Metabasins, Waiting Time Distribution, and Diffusion

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    We investigate the jump motion among potential energy minima of a Lennard-Jones model glass former by extensive computer simulation. From the time series of minima energies, it becomes clear that the energy landscape is organized in superstructures, called metabasins. We show that diffusion can be pictured as a random walk among metabasins, and that the whole temperature dependence resides in the distribution of waiting times. The waiting time distribution exhibits algebraic decays: τ1/2\tau^{-1/2} for very short times and τα\tau^{-\alpha} for longer times, where α2\alpha\approx2 near TcT_c. We demonstrate that solely the waiting times in the very stable basins account for the temperature dependence of the diffusion constant.Comment: to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Non Markovian persistence in the diluted Ising model at criticality

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    We investigate global persistence properties for the non-equilibrium critical dynamics of the randomly diluted Ising model. The disorder averaged persistence probability Pcˉ(t)\bar{{P}_c}(t) of the global magnetization is found to decay algebraically with an exponent θc\theta_c that we compute analytically in a dimensional expansion in d=4ϵd=4-\epsilon. Corrections to Markov process are found to occur already at one loop order and θc\theta_c is thus a novel exponent characterizing this disordered critical point. Our result is thoroughly compared with Monte Carlo simulations in d=3d=3, which also include a measurement of the initial slip exponent. Taking carefully into account corrections to scaling, θc\theta_c is found to be a universal exponent, independent of the dilution factor pp along the critical line at Tc(p)T_c(p), and in good agreement with our one loop calculation.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Local Properties of the Potential Energy Landscape of a Model Glass: Understanding the Low Temperature Anomalies

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    Though the existence of two-level systems (TLS) is widely accepted to explain low temperature anomalies in the sound absorption, heat capacity, thermal conductivity and other quantities, an exact description of their microscopic nature is still lacking. We performed computer simulations for a binary Lennard-Jones system, using a newly developed algorithm to locate double-well potentials (DWP) and thus two-level systems on a systematic basis. We show that the intrinsic limitations of computer simulations like finite time and finite size problems do not hamper this analysis. We discuss how the DWP are embedded in the total potential energy landscape. It turns out that most DWP are connected to the dynamics of the smaller particles and that these DWP are rather localized. However, DWP related to the larger particles are more collective

    Backward correlations and dynamic heterogeneities: a computer study of ion dynamics

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    We analyse the correlated back and forth dynamics and dynamic heterogeneities, i.e. the presence of fast and slow ions, for a lithium metasilicate system via computer simulations. For this purpose we define, in analogy to previous work in the field of glass transition, appropriate three-time correlation functions. They contain information about the dynamics during two successive time intervals. First we apply them to simple model systems in order to clarify their information content. Afterwards we use this formalism to analyse the lithium trajectories. A strong back-dragging effect is observed, which also fulfills the time-temperature superposition principle. Furthermore, it turns out that the back-dragging effect is long-ranged and exceeds the nearest neighbor position. In contrast, the strength of the dynamic heterogeneities does not fulfill the time-temperature superposition principle. The lower the temperature, the stronger the mobility difference between fast and slow ions. The results are then compared with the simple model systems considered here as well as with some lattice models of ion dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    What does the potential energy landscape tell us about the dynamics of supercooled liquids and glasses?

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    For a model glass-former we demonstrate via computer simulations how macroscopic dynamic quantities can be inferred from a PEL analysis. The essential step is to consider whole superstructures of many PEL minima, called metabasins, rather than single minima. We show that two types of metabasins exist: some allowing for quasi-free motion on the PEL (liquid-like), the others acting as traps (solid-like). The activated, multi-step escapes from the latter metabasins are found to dictate the slowing down of dynamics upon cooling over a much broader temperature range than is currently assumed

    The Potential for Student Performance Prediction in Small Cohorts with Minimal Available Attributes

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    The measurement of student performance during their progress through university study provides academic leadership with critical information on each student’s likelihood of success. Academics have traditionally used their interactions with individual students through class activities and interim assessments to identify those “at risk” of failure/withdrawal. However, modern university environments, offering easy on-line availability of course material, may see reduced lecture/tutorial attendance, making such identification more challenging. Modern data mining and machine learning techniques provide increasingly accurate predictions of student examination assessment marks, although these approaches have focussed upon large student populations and wide ranges of data attributes per student. However, many university modules comprise relatively small student cohorts, with institutional protocols limiting the student attributes available for analysis. It appears that very little research attention has been devoted to this area of analysis and prediction. We describe an experiment conducted on a final-year university module student cohort of 23, where individual student data are limited to lecture/tutorial attendance, virtual learning environment accesses and intermediate assessments. We found potential for predicting individual student interim and final assessment marks in small student cohorts with very limited attributes and that these predictions could be useful to support module leaders in identifying students potentially “at risk.”.Peer reviewe

    Finite-Size Effects in a Supercooled Liquid

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    We study the influence of the system size on various static and dynamic properties of a supercooled binary Lennard-Jones liquid via computer simulations. In this way, we demonstrate that the treatment of systems as small as N=65 particles yields relevant results for the understanding of bulk properties. Especially, we find that a system of N=130 particles behaves basically as two non-interacting systems of half the size.Comment: Proceedings of the III Workshop on Non Equilibrium Phenomena in Supercooled Fluids, Glasses and Amorphous Materials, Sep 2002, Pis

    Origin of non-exponential relaxation in a crystalline ionic conductor: a multi-dimensional 109Ag NMR study

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    The origin of the non-exponential relaxation of silver ions in the crystalline ion conductor Ag7P3S11 is analyzed by comparing appropriate two-time and three-time 109Ag NMR correlation functions. The non-exponentiality is due to a rate distribution, i.e., dynamic heterogeneities, rather than to an intrinsic non-exponentiality. Thus, the data give no evidence for the relevance of correlated back-and-forth jumps on the timescale of the silver relaxation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Recovering non-Maxwellian particle velocity distribution functions from collective Thomson-scattered spectra

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    Collective optical Thomson scattering (TS) is a diagnostic commonly used to characterize plasma parameters. These parameters are typically extracted by a fitting algorithm that minimizes the difference between a measured scattered spectrum and an analytic spectrum calculated from the velocity distribution function (VDF) of the plasma. However, most existing TS analysis algorithms assume the VDFs are Maxwellian, and applying an algorithm which makes this assumption does not accurately extract the plasma parameters of a non-Maxwellian plasma due to the effect of non-Maxwellian deviations on the TS spectra. We present new open-source numerical tools for forward modeling analytic spectra from arbitrary VDFs, and show that these tools are able to more accurately extract plasma parameters from synthetic TS spectra generated by non-Maxwellian VDFs compared to standard TS algorithms. Estimated posterior probability distributions of fits to synthetic spectra for a variety of example non-Maxwellian VDFs are used to determine uncertainties in the extracted plasma parameters, and show that correlations between parameters can significantly affect the accuracy of fits in plasmas with non-Maxwellian VDFs