19,543 research outputs found

    Thunderstorms observed by radio astronomy Explorer 1 over regions of low man made noise

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    Radio Astronomy Explorer (RAE) I observations of thunderstorms over regions of low man-made noise levels are analyzed to assess the satellite's capability for noise source differentiation. The investigation of storms over Australia indicates that RAE can resolve noise generation due to thunderstorms from the general noise background over areas of low man-made noise activity. Noise temperatures observed by RAE over stormy regions are on the average 10DB higher than noise temperatures over the same regions in the absence of thunderstorms. In order to determine the extent of noise contamination due to distant transmitters comprehensive three dimensional computer ray tracings were generated. The results indicate that generally, distant transmitters contribute negligibly to the total noise power, being 30DB or more below contributions arriving from an area immediately below the satellite

    Weak-Scale Hidden Sector and Energy Transport in Fireball Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    The annihilation of pairs of very weakly interacting particles in the neibourghood of gamma-ray sources is introduced here as a plausible mechanism to overcome the baryon load problem. This way we can explain how these very high energy gamma-ray bursts can be powered at the onset of very energetic events like supernovae (collapsars) explosions or coalescences of binary neutron stars. Our approach uses the weak-scale hidden sector models in which the Higgs sector of the standard model is extended to include a gauge singlet that only interacts with the Higgs particle. These particles would be produced either during the implosion of the red supergiant star core or at the aftermath of a neutron star binary merger. The whole energetics and timescales of the relativistic blast wave, the fireball, are reproduced.Comment: 4 pp, 1 ps fig, text revised and improve

    Initiation of non-tropical thunderstorms by solar activity

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    Correlative evidence accumulating since 1926 suggests that there must be some physical coupling mechanism between solar activity and thunderstorm occurrence in middle to high latitudes. Such a link may be provided by alteration of atmospheric electric parameters through the combined influence of high-energy solar protons and decreased cosmic ray intensities, both of which are associated with active solar events. The protons produce excess ionization near and above 20km, while the Forbush decreases a lowered conductivity and enhanced fair-weather atmospheric electric field below that altitude. Consequent effects ultimately lead to a charge distribution similar to that found in thunderclouds, and then other cloud physics processes take over to generate the intense electric fields required for lightning discharge

    Unitary groups over local rings

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    Structural properties of unitary groups over local, not necessarily commutative, rings are developed, with applications to the computation of the orders of these groups (when finite) and to the degrees of the irreducible constituents of the Weil representation of a unitary group associated to a ramified extension of finite local rings

    Heat transport and flow structure in rotating Rayleigh-B\'enard convection

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    Here we summarize the results from our direct numerical simulations (DNS) and experimental measurements on rotating Rayleigh-B\'enard (RB) convection. Our experiments and simulations are performed in cylindrical samples with an aspect ratio \Gamma varying from 1/2 to 2. Here \Gamma=D/L, where D and L are the diameter and height of the sample, respectively. When the rotation rate is increased, while a fixed temperature difference between the hot bottom and cold top plate is maintained, a sharp increase in the heat transfer is observed before the heat transfer drops drastically at stronger rotation rates. Here we focus on the question of how the heat transfer enhancement with respect to the non-rotating case depends on the Rayleigh number Ra, the Prandtl number Pr, and the rotation rate, indicated by the Rossby number Ro. Special attention will be given to the influence of the aspect ratio on the rotation rate that is required to get heat transport enhancement. In addition, we will discuss the relation between the heat transfer and the large scale flow structures that are formed in the different regimes of rotating RB convection and how the different regimes can be identified in experiments and simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Tax Competition under Minimum Rates: The Case of European Diesel Excises

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    This paper estimates Nash-type fiscal reaction functions for European governments competing for revenue from diesel excises. It appears that European governments strategically set their excise levels by responding to their neighbors’ tax rates. This provides evidence for the presence of tax competition in diesel excises. In fact, a 10 percent higher rate in neighboring countries (in terms of the user price) induces a country to raise its own rate by between 2 and 3 percent. This impact is robust for alternative specifications. By imposing restrictions on excise levels, EU harmonization of excises in 1987 and the introduction of a minimum in 1992 exerted a positive impact on the excise level in a number of EU countries. It has not, however, significantly reduced the intensity of tax competition. Indeed, strategic tax responses have not significantly been reduced by these harmonization policies. We also find that high-tax countries appear to compete more aggressively than low-tax countries in the sense that they feature larger strategic tax responses. There is no significant difference between large and small countries.Diesel excise, strategic tax setting, minimum rates, European Union

    ADAT LAW IN INDONESIA. By B. ter Haar. New York: Institute of Pacific lR elations. 1948.

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    A white dwarf-neutron star relativistic binary model for soft gamma-ray repeaters

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    A scenario for SGRs is introduced in which gravitational radiation reaction effects drive the dynamics of an ultrashort orbital period X-ray binary embracing a high-mass donor white dwarf (WD) to a rapidly rotating low magnetised massive neutron star (NS) surrounded by a thick, dense and massive accretion torus. Driven by GR reaction, sparsely, the binary separation reduces, the WD overflows its Roche lobe and the mass transfer drives unstable the accretion disk around the NS. As the binary circular orbital period is a multiple integer number (mm) of the period of the WD fundamental mode (Pons et al. 2002), the WD is since long pulsating at its fundamental mode; and most of its harmonics, due to the tidal interaction with its NS orbital companion. Hence, when the powerful irradiation glows onto the WD; from the fireball ejected as part of the disk matter slumps onto the NS, it is partially absorbed. This huge energy excites other WD radial (pp-mode) pulsations (Podsiadlowski 1991,1995). After each mass-transfer episode the binary separation (and orbital period) is augmented significantly (Deloye & Bildsten 2003; Al\'ecyan & Morsink 2004) due to the binary's angular momentum redistribution. Thus a new adiabatic inspiral phase driven by GR reaction starts which brings the binary close again, and the process repeats. This model allows to explain most of SGRs observational features: their recurrent activity, energetics of giant superoutbursts and quiescent stages, and particularly the intriguing subpulses discovered by BeppoSAX (Feroci et al. 1999), which are suggested here to be {\it overtones} of the WD radial fundamental mode (see the accompanying paper: Mosquera Cuesta 2004b).Comment: This paper was submitted as a "Letter to the Editor" of MNRAS in July 17/2004. Since that time no answer or referee report was provided to the Author [MNRAS publication policy limits reviewal process no longer than one month (+/- half more) for the reviewal of this kind of submission). I hope this contribution is not receiving a similar "peer-reviewing" as given to the A. Dar and A. De Rujula's "Cannonball model for gamma-ray bursts", or to the R.K. Williams' "Penrose process for energy extraction from rotating black holes". The author welcomes criticisms and suggestions on this pape
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