22,466 research outputs found

    Identically Distributed Pairs of Partition Statistics

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    We show that many theorems which assert that two kinds of partitions of the same integer nn are equinumerous are actually special cases of a much stronger form of equality. We show that in fact there correspond partition statistics XX and YY that have identical distribution functions. The method is an extension of the principle of sieve-equivalence, and it yields simple criteria under which we can infer this identity of distribution functions

    Public Power and Atomic Power Development

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    The Great Shift: the rise of México and the Decline of Peru in the Spanish American Colonial Empire, 1680-1809

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    Editada en Fundación Empresa PúblicaA partir de la reconstrucción de las cuentas de la Real Tesorería para las tres principales colonias de Hispanoamérica desde el último cuarto del siglo XVII a la primera década del siglo XIX, el ensayo reconstruye el destino cambiante de los ingresos y gastos reales en estas cruciales economías americamis. Los vicerreinatos de Perú y México y la Audiencia de Charcos fueron las principales fuentes del superávit en las colonias americanas. Hasta 1700, las dos regiones andinas dominaron el sistema colonial hispanoamericano en términos de ingresos reales generados y de plata producida para ser exportada a Europa. Sin embargo, estas regiones comenzaron a declinar en el siglo XVIII. Los diferentes tipos de ingresos y de gastos reales y su evolución son analizados para cada una de estas tres colonias a fin de determinar sus tendencias a largo plazo y su importancia relativa.Using the reconstructed royal treasury records for the trhee principal colonies of Spanish America from the last quarter of the 17th century to the first decade of the 19th century this essay constructs the changin fortunes of royal income and expenditures in these crucial American economies. The viceroyalties of Perú and Mexico an the Audiencia of Charcas were the principal sources of surplus revenues in the American colonies. Until 1700 the two Andean regions dominated the Spanish American colonial system in terms of generating royal income and in producing silver for export to Europe. But these soon declined relative to Mexico wich in the 18th century became to dominant economy and major source of royal income. The various royal revenues and expenditures and their performance over time are analyzed for all trhee colonies to determine the long term trends in dieir growth and relative importance.Publicad

    Business Cycles in EU Member States

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    The paper investigates the business cycle relationships between the EU-15, the EU-11, as well as the EU-core countries for the period 1971 to 1997. Emphasis is put on the question whether there is a synchronization in the national business cycles or not. Using One-way- and Twoway-Anova techniques the results show that country-specific shocks are important to the smaller countries such as Luxembourg, Ireland, Portugal, and Finland. But for most of the EMU-members common shocks are much more important than country-specific shocks. In addition there is no indication of significant differences in the national growth rates, i.e. the European countries do not move along diverging growth paths. Nevertheless, departures over the business cycles are possible because persistence in output growth differs across countries. -- In dem Beitrag wird der konjunkturelle Zusammenhang zwischen den EU-15, den EU-11 und den ?Kern?-EU-Staaten für den Zeitraum von 1971 bis 1997 dahingehend untersucht, ob zwischen den Staaten ein konjunktureller Gleichlauf besteht oder nicht. Eine One-Way- und eine Two-Way-Anova-Analyse zeigt, daß insbesondere für die kleineren Länder länderspezifische Schocks eine beträchtliche Bedeutung haben. Demgegenüber dominieren bei den Kernländern deutlich die ?common shocks?. Da keine länderspezifischen Unterschiede feststellbar waren, kann daraus der Schluß gezogen werden, daß sich die europäischen Staaten entlang eines einheitlichen Wachstumspfades entwickeln. Gleichwohl können kurz- bis mittelfristige Abweichungen eintreten, da die Persistenz im Output für die einzelnen Länder unterschiedlich ist.