4,752 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Investor Dalam Transaksi Saham Tanpa Warkat (Scriptless Trading) Di Pasar Modal

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    Trade system without documents (scriptless trading) constitutes a new trade system applied in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Trade without documents is done by computerization. This system not only deals with trade but also with the resolution of the trade itself. In this system, the stocks are changed to electronic data which are saved in computer. Scriptless trading or trade without documents is a trade system which has the mechanism of resolution and storage of stocks electronically. The problems which arise in the implementation of using scriptless trading in the Indonesia Stock Exchange is how about the validity of the transaction of stocks without any documents (scriptless trading) in the Indonesia Stock Exchange and how about the legal protection for investors in scriptless trading in the Indonesian Capital Market

    Aplikasi E-Commerce Sebagai Jembatan Perancang Dan Konsumen Pada T-Shirt Design

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    — In Indonesia, there is still not a special website that accommodates designers to design, to sell t-shirts with their own design, most websites only sell t-shirts. Abroad, some websites have been selling design t-shirts such as Teespring. Teespring makes it easy to create, sell, and order custom t-shirts, but has the disadvantage that the price is less affordable for the people of Indonesia. T-Shirt Design is an e-commerce website that makes it easy to create, sell and order custom t-shirts with affordable prices. T-Shirt Design embraces designers as sellers with their own design products and accomodate selling their custom t-shirts. T-Shirt Design will process orders from designer/seller and display t-shirt products that have ready to sell to consumer. Consumer can order, buy t-shirt product, and pay it. After receiving the product, consumer will give the feedback that use to improve serving, accuration, expedition. Designer/Seller get selling report, inventory report and list of consumer for each shop. Keywords—Custom T-Shirt, E-commerce, T-Shirt Desig

    A Summary of the Bank of Canada Conference on Fixed-Income Markets, 3-4 May 2006

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    The Bank of Canada's interest in fixed-income markets spans several of its functional areas of responsibility, including monetary policy, funds management, and financial system stability and efficiency. For that reason, the 2006 conference brought together top academics and central bankers from around the world to discuss leading-edge work in the field of fixed-income research. The papers and discussions cover such topics as the efficiency of fixed-income markets, price formation, the determinants of the yield curve, and volatility modelling. This article provides a short summary of each conference paper and the ensuing discussion.

    Model Supplay Chain Management dan Perancangan Aplikasi E-SCM pada PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Bogasari Flour Mills Division

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze company business process by determining the appropriate model of supply chain at PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Bogasari and designing the e-SCM system that aims to facilitate the flow of information and products to the company, ranging from suppliers to customers. Research used Porter's Five Forces analysis, value network analysis, order fulfillment based on the concept of decoupling point, EOQ (Economic Order Quantity) inventory model, and the method of designing an e-SCM system with Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD). The results of Porter's Five Forces analysis show that bargaining power of suppliers and competition among similar companies had a strong tendency, while bargaining power of customers, new competitors, and product substitution had a weak tendency in the external environment. In addition, the value chain analysis results show the condition of the company's internal information flows were substandard, especially in the upstream of the business process in the company. Based on the concept of decoupling point, MTS was more appropriate to Bogasari in response to consumer demand. Furthermore, this study also proposed EOQ inventory model so that the company can manage inventory and order better as well as overcome some of the problems such as the uncertainty in the inventory levels of consumer demand and limited raw materials from suppliers. The e-SCM online system application designed with Object Oriented Analysis Design (OOAD) is expected to facilitate the flow of information and to integrate its customers and agents in supporting company business process, so the information between suppliers and customers becomes well integrated

    Evaluasi Penyimpangan Pondasi Tiang Dari Rencana Awal

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari ketepatan dalam pemancangan pondasi tiang dan membandingkan penyimpangan titik tiang pancang yang terjadi di lapangan dengan batasan standar-standar yang ada. Standar-standar yang digunakan untuk batasan toleransi penyimpangan pada tiang pancang adalah British Standard, Canadian Standard, dan Indian Standard. Ke-3 standar di atas menggunakan batas penyimpangan tiang pancang maksimum sebesar 75mm dan 150mm. Data yang menunjukan besarnya penyimpangan tiang pancang ditentukan dari hasil perpindahan tiang secara lateral dari posisi awal rencana tiang pancang tersebut. Hasil penelitian awal terhadap 19 proyek yang menggunakan pondasi tiang dengan dimensi dari 250mm sampai 600mm menunjukan bahwa sekitar 40% tiang dengan diameter 600mm berada dalam batas penyimpangan kurang dari 75mm, sedangkan sekitar 60% tiang dengan diameter 500mm, dan sekitar 65% tiang berdiameter 250mm sampai dengan 450mm. Dengan kata lain dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin besar dimensi tiang semakin menurun tingkat ketepatan posisi tiang

    Analisis Performansi Very Small Aperature Terminal (Vsat) Pengiriman Data Cuaca Penerbangan Menggunakan Computer Message Switching System (Cmss)

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    Pontianak Supadio Meteorological Station is a weather observation station belonging Meteorology and Geophysics Agency in charge of weather observations in the region of West Kalimantan. The data obtained from the weather observation at garden tools contained in Pontianak Supadio Stamet transmitted using VSAT network technology. On the VSAT network, frequent problems of significant delay and capability VSAT terminal while sending and receiving data extremely vulnerable to climate change. VSAT network performance monitoring process and emphasize the value parameter measurement delay and data rate with the method of observation. From the analysis on the scale of value can be a minimum average delay of 624 ms with an average value of a maximum of 1442 ms. As for the value of the maximum data rate that can be as big as 10 Mbytes within 160 seconds. With a delay value and the data rate that has been in the can, VSAT still can communicate well, this is because the VSAT is a feature of TCP spoofing. Process information to predict the weather in Pontianak Supadio Statmet that happens to agencies, airline and everyday life an area by using CMSS. Preliminary data on the observation code identifying synoptic form of a numerical model that describes the weather situation is happening as WIOO (area code Pontianak), 240524Z (delivery time), 070330KT (wind direction and speed in knots), 9999 (visibility flat above 10 km or more), BKN024 (2400 ft broken clouds covering the sky 5/8 to 7,8 part), 33/20 (surface temperature = 33 degrees and the dew point = 20 degrees), Q1009 (air pressure = 1009 mb), NOSIG = (the weather forecast has not changed)

    Pengaruh Inflasi Dan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Terhadap Tingkat Suku Bunga Riil Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Taylor Rule

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    Penelitian ini berfokus kepada kebijakan moneter khususnya analisis kebijakan moneter dengan menggunakan pendekatan "Taylor Rule" Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Inflasi Dan Produk Domestik Bruto (PDB) Terhadap Tingkat Suku Bunga Riil Dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Taylor Rule. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa bahwa Variabel Bebas (Inflasi dan Output) berpengaruh negative slope terhadap Variabel Terikat (Tingkat Suku Bunga Riil), hal ini berarti setiap kenaikan nominal pada variable Inflasi dan Output maka akan menyebabkan tingkat suku bunga riil akan turun. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Variable bebas mampu untuk menjelaskan variable terikat sebesar 0,240 atau 24%, dan terdapat 76% variabel lain yang dapat juga menjelaskan variabel terikat tetapi tidak dimasukkan kedalam uji model pada penelitian ini. Untuk uji hipotesis, variable bebas tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap variable terikat

    Utilization of MS-222 and Salt Solution on the Transportation of Jelawat (Leptobarbus Hoevenii Blkr.) Fingerling

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    The research about utilization of MS-222 and salt solution was conducted on the transportation of jelawat fingerling. The objective of this research was to find the optimum concentration of MS-222 (tricaine methanesulfonate) in water with similar salinity as transport medium of jelawat fingerling. These triplicate experiments consisted of 8 levels of MS-222 combined with NaCl; and the ratio of MS-222 (mg L-1) and salt (gL-1). Treatment A only salt 3 g L-1, without MS-222 in order to evaluate the important of salt in the transportation. Treatment B (MS-222 0.0; salt 3.0), C (10.0;3.0), D (20.0;3.0), E (30.0;3.0), F (40.0;3.0), G (50.0;3.0) and H (60.0;3.0). The size of jelawat were 10-12 cm in total length. the experimental unit, was a plastic bag filled with 1 L water, 3 L of oxygen and 25 fish. Those plastic bags had been placed in styrofoam box and transported by car for 18 hours. The results showed that the induction time, sedative duration and survival life of fish were significant (p 0.05) difference on induction time, sedative duration and survival life. The best concentration of MS-222 was 40.02 mg L-1 for survival rate of jelawat fingerling transportation

    Pemetaan Loyalitas Karyawan PT Mitra Tritunggal Sakti

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    Loyalitas karyawan dapat diukur menggunakan em­­pat indikator yaitu kepatuhan, tanggung jawab, dedikasi, dan in­te­­­gritas karyawan terhadap Perusahaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan un­tuk mengetahui pemetaan loyalitas karyawan PT Mitra Tri­tung­gal Sak­ti. Data primer yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah ang­ket yang disebarkan kepada 30 responden yang merupakan se­luruh karyawan PT Mitra Tritunggal Sakti. Pengumpulan data di­la­kukan de­ngan menggunakan angket kemudian diolah dengan meng­­­­gu­na­kan teknik analisis statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian me­nun­juk­kan kondisi loyalitas karyawan tinggi, dengan ka­rak­teris­tik kar­ya­wan patuh, bertanggung jawab, berdedikasi, dan berin­te­gri­­­tas