5 research outputs found

    Visualization of software and systems as support mechanism for integrated software project control

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    Many software development organizations still lack support for obtaining intellectual control over their software development processes and for determining the performance of their processes and the quality of the produced products. Systematic support for detecting and reacting to critical process and product states in order to achieve planned goals is usually missing. One means to institutionalize measurement on the basis of explicit models is the development and establishment of a so-called Software Project Control Center (SPCC) for systematic quality assurance and management support. An SPCC is comparable to a control room, which is a well known term in the mechanical production domain. One crucial task of an SPCC is the systematic visualization of measurement data in order to provide context-, purpose-, and role-oriented information for all stakeholders (e.g., project managers, quality assurance managers, developers) during the execution of a software development project. The article will present an overview of SPCC concepts, a concrete instantiation that supports goal-oriented data visualization, as well as examples and experiences from practical applications

    Aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos da estefanofilariose em vacas leiteiras e comparação entre métodos de diagnóstico Epidemiological and clinical features of stephanofilariasis in dairy cows and diagnosis methods confrontation

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    A estefanofilariose é uma doença mundialmente distribuída e caracteriza-se por lesões na pele causadas por nematódeo do gênero Stephanofilaria. Nos bovinos manifesta-se por uma dermatite crônica associada com erupção papular progredindo para nódulos, alopecia e ulceração crostosa. Apesar de reconhecida há muitos anos, há poucos estudos e relatos sobre a mesma. A literatura é particularmente escassa no Brasil. Esse trabalho teve como objetivos investigar aspectos epidemiológicos e clínicos da estefanofilariose em vacas leiteiras naturalmente acometidas e comparar dois métodos para a confirmação do diagnóstico, o exame histopatológico e o exame direto. Foram investigados aspectos clínicos relacionados à ocorrência natural da estefanofilariose em 58 vacas de leite de sete rebanhos criados nos municípios de Santana do Itararé, PR e de Itaberá, SP durante o período de janeiro de 2006 a agosto de 2008. Dois métodos foram comparados para confirmação do diagnóstico a partir de tecido colhido por biópsia da borda das lesões, o histopatológico (n=24) e o exame direto do sedimento da solução salina isotônica na qual o tecido permaneceu embebido (n=20). A maior prevalência ocorreu de dezembro a março (57%) e a maioria das vacas era lactante (87,9%). As lesões se localizavam nos quartos anteriores do úbere em seu aspecto cranial (96,7%), principalmente próximo à linha média (55%). A lesão típica tinha formato circular era ulcerada com crostas e exibia exsudato sero-sanguinolento. No exame histopatológico evidenciou-se uma dermatite crônica com infiltrado mononuclear e eosinofílico. A presença do parasita não foi detectada em nenhum dos cortes examinados. O exame direto possibilitou a demonstração do agente em todas as amostras examinadas, comprovando-se como um método eficiente para a confirmação do diagnóstico.<br>Stephanofilariasis is a worldwide disease caused by the nematode Stephanofilaria that determines skin lesions. In cattle, the chronic dermatitis is characteristic begining with papules that progress to nodules, alopecia and ulcers with crusts. Despite it's long time recognition, there are few studies and reports about this disease, specially in Brazil. This work was conducted in order to investigate epidemiological and clinical features of stephanofilariasis in dairy cows and to compare two methods for the diagnosis confirmation. Fifty-eight naturally affected dairy cows from seven herds located in Santana do Itararé, state of Paraná, and Itaberá, state of São Paulo, were studied from January 2006 through August 2008. Two methods for the diagnosis confirmation were compared using biopsied tissues from the border of the skin lesion: the histopathological examination (n=24) and the direct sediment examination of an isotonic saline solution in which the tissue fragment remained soaked (n=20). The prevalence was higher from December to March (57%) and lactating cows were primarily affected (87,9%). The cranial aspect of the fore mammary glands was the main site of the skin lesions (96,7%), chiefly near the ventral midline (55%). The characteristic wound was of circular shape, ulcerated with crusts and serosanguineous exudation. Chronic dermatitis with eosinophilic and mononuclaer cell infiltrates was the histopathologic change pattern present. The parasite was not detected in any histologic section examined. The direct sediment examination otherwise proved to be efficient for the diagnosis confirmation revealing the nematode adult and larval forms in all the specimens

    From feast to famine; adaptation to nutrient availability in yeast

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