564 research outputs found

    Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation and slime excretion on antibiotic-loaded bone cement

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    Background Infection is an infrequent but serious complication of prosthetic joint surgery. These infections will usually not clear until the implant is removed and re-implantation has a high failure rate, especially when Pseudomonas aeruginosa is involved. Material and methods We examined Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation on plain and gentamicin-loaded bone cement with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM). Two different stains were applied in order to visualize and quantify the distribution of bacterial cells and extracellular polymeric substances (slime) from the bone cement surface to the top of the biofilm. Staining with LIVE/DEAD viability stain differentiated between live and dead bacteria within the biofilm, and slime production was evaluated after staining with Calcofluor white. Results CSLM showed that the biofilm was a nonuniform structure of variable thickness, with differences in local bacterial cell and slime densities. Incorporation of gentamicin in bone cement resulted in a 44% reduction in bacterial viability, while the slime density increased significantly. In addition, conventional plate counting showed the development of small-colony variants on gentamicin-loaded bone cement with a decreased sensitivity for gentamicin (MIC: 8 mg/L), as compared with normal-sized colonies taken from plain and gentamicin-loaded bone cement (MIC: 3 mg/L). The enhanced slime production on antibiotic-loaded bone cement, together with the formation of small-colony variants, resulted in decreased susceptibility to antibiotics-probably concomitant with the onset of persistent and relapsing infections. Interpretation In the clinical situation, our findings help to explain the frequent re-implantation failure of joint replacements infected with P. aeruginosa when the procedure has been performed using antibiotic-loaded bone cement

    Biofilm development in time on a silicone voice prosthesis:A case study

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    Voice prostheses from silicone elastomers become rapidly colonised by a mixed biofilm of bacteria and yeasts. In this study, microorganisms were isolated from biofilms on explanted prostheses after having been in place for various time intervals ranging from 1 to 67 d. The isolates were examined for their identity, adhesion to hexadecane and electrophoretic mobility. Bacteria from early (shorter than 8 d) and late (longer than 8 d) explants could not be classified according to their taxonomy, hydrophobicity or electrophoretic mobility. However, the yeasts clearly revealed a dominance of only hydrophilic Candida albicans isolates from early explants and only hydrophobic C. tropicalis isolates from late explants. These findings may be of significance for the development of strategies to control mixed biofilms on biomaterials.</p

    Surface thermodynamic homeostasis of salivary conditioning films through polar–apolar layering

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    Salivary conditioning films (SCFs) form on all surfaces exposed to the oral cavity and control diverse oral surface phenomena. Oral chemotherapeutics and dietary components present perturbations to SCFs. Here we determine the surface energetics of SCFs through contact angle measurements with various liquids on SCFs following perturbations with a variety of chemotherapeutics as well as after renewed SCF formation. Sixteen-hour SCFs on polished enamel surfaces were treated with a variety of chemotherapeutics, including toothpastes and mouthrinses. After treatment with chemotherapeutics, a SCF was applied again for 3 h. Contact angles with four different liquids on untreated and treated SCF-coated enamel surfaces were measured and surface free energies were calculated. Perturbations either caused the SCF to become more polar or more apolar, but in all cases, renewed SCF formation compensated these changes. Thus, a polar SCF attracts different salivary proteins or adsorbs proteins in a different conformation to create a more apolar SCF surface after renewed SCF formation and vice versa for apolar SCFs. This polar–apolar layering in SCF formation presents a powerful mechanism in the oral cavity to maintain surface thermodynamic homeostasis—defining oral surface properties within a narrow, biological range and influencing chemotherapeutic strategies. Surface chemical changes brought about by dietary or chemotherapeutic perturbations to SCFs make it more polar or apolar, but new SCFs are rapidly formed compensating for changes in surface energetics

    Emergent heterogeneous microenvironments in biofilms: substratum surface heterogeneity and bacterial adhesion force-sensing

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    Phenotypically-heterogeneous micro-environments emerge as biofilms mature across different environments. Phenotypic-heterogeneity in biofilm sub-populations not obeying quorum sensing-dictated, collective group-behavior, may be considered as a strategy allowing non-conformists to survive hostile conditions. Heterogeneous phenotype development has been amply studied with respect to gene expression and genotypic changes, but 'biofilm genes' responsible for pre-programmed development of heterogeneous micro-environments in biofilms have never been discovered. Moreover, the question of what triggers the development of phenotypically-heterogeneous micro-environments has never been addressed. The definition of biofilms as 'surface-adhering and surface-adapted' microbial communities contains the word 'surface' twice. This leads us to hypothesize that phenotypically-heterogeneous micro-environments in biofilms develop as an adaptive response of initial colonizers to their adhering state, governed by the forces through which they adhere to a substratum surface. No surface is entirely homogeneous, while adhering bacteria can substantially contribute to stochastically occurring surface heterogeneity. Accordingly, bacterial adhesion forces sensed by initial colonizers differ across a substratum surface, leading to differential mechanical deformation of the cell wall and membrane, where many environmental sensors are located. Bacteria directly adhering to heterogeneous substratum domains therewith formulate their own local responses to their adhering state and command non-conformist behavior, leading to phenotypically-heterogeneous micro-environments in biofilms

    A biodegradable gentamicin-hydroxyapatite-coating for infection prophylaxis in cementless hip prostheses

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    A degradable, poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), gentamicin-loaded prophylactic coating for hydroxyapatite (HA)-coated cementless hip prostheses is developed with similar antibacterial efficacy as offered by gentamicin-loaded cements for fixing traditional, cemented prostheses in bone. We describe the development pathway, from in vitro investigation of antibiotic release and antibacterial properties of this PLGA-gentamicin-HA-coating in different in vitro models to an evaluation of its efficacy in preventing implant-related infection in rabbits. Bone in-growth in the absence and presence of the coating was investigated in a canine model. The PLGA-gentamicin-HA-coating showed high-burst release, with antibacterial efficacy in agar-assays completely disappearing after 4 days, minimising risk of inducing antibiotic resistance. Gentamicin-sensitive and gentamicin-resistant staphylococci were killed by the antibiotic-loaded coating, in a simulated prosthesis-related interfacial gap. PLGA-gentamicin-HA-coatings prevented growth of bioluminescent staphylococci around a miniature-stem mounted in bacterially contaminated agar, as observed using bio-optical imaging. PLGA-gentamicin-HA-coated pins inserted in bacterially contaminated medullary canals in rabbits caused a statistically significant reduction in infection rates compared to HA-coated pins without gentamicin. Bone ingrowth to PLGA-gentamicin-HA-coated pins, in condylar defects of Beagle dogs was not impaired by the presence of the degradable, gentamicin-loaded coating. In conclusion, the PLGA-gentamicin-HA-coating constitutes an effective strategy for infection prophylaxis in cementless prostheses

    Oral biofilm models for mechanical plaque removal

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    In vitro plaque removal studies require biofilm models that resemble in vivo dental plaque. Here, we compare contact and non-contact removal of single and dual-species biofilms as well as of biofilms grown from human whole saliva in vitro using different biofilm models. Bacteria were adhered to a salivary pellicle for 2 h or grown after adhesion for 16 h, after which, their removal was evaluated. In a contact mode, no differences were observed between the manual, rotating, or sonic brushing; and removal was on average 39%, 84%, and 95% for Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus oralis, and Actinomyces naeslundii, respectively, and 90% and 54% for the dual- and multi-species biofilms, respectively. However, in a non-contact mode, rotating and sonic brushes still removed considerable numbers of bacteria (24–40%), while the manual brush as a control (5–11%) did not. Single A. naeslundii and dual-species (A. naeslundii and S. oralis) biofilms were more difficult to remove after 16 h growth than after 2 h adhesion (on average, 62% and 93% for 16- and 2-h-old biofilms, respectively), while in contrast, biofilms grown from whole saliva were easier to remove (97% after 16 h and 54% after 2 h of growth). Considering the strong adhesion of dual-species biofilms and their easier more reproducible growth compared with biofilms grown from whole saliva, dual-species biofilms of A. naeslundii and S. oralis are suggested to be preferred for use in mechanical plaque removal studies in vitro

    An integrated model system to gain mechanistic insights into biofilm-associated antimicrobial resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa MPAO1

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    open access articlePseudomonas aeruginosa MPAO1 is the parental strain of the widely utilized transposon mutant collection for this important clinical pathogen. Here, we validate a model system to identify genes involved in biofilm growth and biofilm-associated antibiotic resistance. Our model employs a genomics-driven workflow to assemble the complete MPAO1 genome, identify unique and conserved genes by comparative genomics with the PAO1 reference strain and genes missed within existing assemblies by proteogenomics. Among over 200 unique MPAO1 genes, we identified six general essential genes that were overlooked when mapping public Tn-seq data sets against PAO1, including an antitoxin. Genomic data were integrated with phenotypic data from an experimental workflow using a user-friendly, soft lithography-based microfluidic flow chamber for biofilm growth and a screen with the Tn-mutant library in microtiter plates. The screen identified hitherto unknown genes involved in biofilm growth and antibiotic resistance. Experiments conducted with the flow chamber across three laboratories delivered reproducible data on P. aeruginosa biofilms and validated the function of both known genes and genes identified in the Tn-mutant screens. Differential protein abundance data from planktonic cells versus biofilm confirmed the upregulation of candidates known to affect biofilm formation, of structural and secreted proteins of type VI secretion systems, and provided proteogenomic evidence for some missed MPAO1 genes. This integrated, broadly applicable model promises to improve the mechanistic understanding of biofilm formation, antimicrobial tolerance, and resistance evolution in biofilms

    recA mediated spontaneous deletions of the icaADBC operon of clinical Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates: a new mechanism of phenotypic variations

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    Phenotypic variation of Staphylococcus epidermidis involving the slime related ica operon results in heterogeneity in surface characteristics of individual bacteria in axenic cultures. Five clinical S. epidermidis isolates demonstrated phenotypic variation, i.e. both black and red colonies on Congo Red agar. Black colonies displayed bi-modal electrophoretic mobility distributions at pH 2, but such phenotypic variation was absent in red colonies of the same strain as well as in control strains without phenotypic variation. All red colonies had lost ica and the ability to form biofilms, in contrast to black colonies of the same strain. Real time PCR targeting icaA indicated a reduction in gene copy number within cultures exhibiting phenotypic variation, which correlated with phenotypic variations in biofilm formation and electrophoretic mobility distribution of cells within a culture. Loss of ica was irreversible and independent of the mobile element IS256. Instead, in high frequency switching strains, spontaneous mutations in lexA were found which resulted in deregulation of recA expression, as shown by real time PCR. RecA is involved in genetic deletions and rearrangements and we postulate a model representing a new mechanism of phenotypic variation in clinical isolates of S. epidermidis. This is the first report of S. epidermidis strains irreversibly switching from biofilm-positive to biofilm-negative phenotype by spontaneous deletion of icaADBC

    Adhesion Forces and Coaggregation between Vaginal Staphylococci and Lactobacilli

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    Urogenital infections are the most common ailments afflicting women. They are treated with dated antimicrobials whose efficacy is diminishing. The process of infection involves pathogen adhesion and displacement of indigenous Lactobacillus crispatus and Lactobacillus jensenii. An alternative therapeutic approach to antimicrobial therapy is to reestablish lactobacilli in this microbiome through probiotic administration. We hypothesized that lactobacilli displaying strong adhesion forces with pathogens would facilitate coaggregation between the two strains, ultimately explaining the elimination of pathogens seen in vivo. Using atomic force microscopy, we found that adhesion forces between lactobacilli and three virulent toxic shock syndrome toxin 1-producing Staphylococcus aureus strains, were significantly stronger (2.2–6.4 nN) than between staphylococcal pairs (2.2–3.4 nN), especially for the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14 (4.0–6.4 nN) after 120 s of bond-strengthening. Moreover, stronger adhesion forces resulted in significantly larger coaggregates. Adhesion between the bacteria occurred instantly upon contact and matured within one to two minutes, demonstrating the potential for rapid anti-pathogen effects using a probiotic. Coaggregation is one of the recognized mechanisms through which lactobacilli can exert their probiotic effects to create a hostile micro-environment around a pathogen. With antimicrobial options fading, it therewith becomes increasingly important to identify lactobacilli that bind strongly with pathogens

    How Do Bacteria Know They Are on a Surface and Regulate Their Response to an Adhering State?

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    Bacteria adhere to virtually all natural and synthetic surfaces [1,2]. Although there are a number of different reasons as to why bacteria adhere to a surface, the summarizing answer is brief: ‘‘Adhesion to a surface is a survival mechanism for bacteria’’. Nutrients in aqueous environments have the tendency to accumulate at surfaces [1,3], giving adhering bacteria a benefit over free floating, so-called planktonic ones. This is why mountain creeks may contain crystal clear, drinkable water, while stepping stones underneath the water may be covered with a slippery film of adhering microbes. In the oral cavity, adhesion to dental hard and soft tissues is life-saving to the organisms, because microbes that do not manage to adhere and remain planktonic in saliva are swallowed with an almost certain death in the gastrointestinal tract. Bacterial adhesion is generally recognized as the first step in biofilm formation, and for the human host, the ability of