82 research outputs found

    Response of cell wall composition and RNA-seq transcriptome to methyl-jasmonate in Brachypodium distachyon callus

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    Main conclusion: Methyl-jasmonate induces large increases in p-coumarate linked to arabinoxylan in Brachypodium and in abundance of GT61 and BAHD family transcripts consistent with a role in synthesis of this linkage. Jasmonic acid (JA) signalling is required for many stress responses in plants, inducing large changes in the transcriptome, including up-regulation of transcripts associated with lignification. However, less is known about the response to JA of grass cell walls and the monocot-specific features of arabinoxylan (AX) synthesis and acylation by ferulic acid (FA) and para-coumaric acid (pCA). Here, we show that methyl-jasmonate (MeJA) induces moderate increases in FA monomer, > 50% increases in FA dimers, and five–sixfold increases in pCA ester-linked to cell walls in Brachypodium callus. Direct measurement of arabinose acylated by pCA (Araf-pCA) indicated that most or all the increase in cell-wall pCA was due to pCA ester-linked to AX. Analysis of the RNA-seq transcriptome of the callus response showed that these cell-wall changes were accompanied by up-regulation of members of the GT61 and BAHD gene families implicated in AX decoration and acylation; two BAHD paralogues were among the most up-regulated cell-wall genes (seven and fivefold) after 24 h exposure to MeJA. Similar responses to JA of orthologous BAHD and GT61 transcripts are present in the RiceXPro public expression data set for rice seedlings, showing that they are not specific to Brachypodium or to callus. The large response of AX-pCA to MeJA may, therefore, indicate an important role for this linkage in response of primary cell walls of grasses to JA signalling

    Progress on lead-free metal halide perovskites for photovoltaic applications: a review

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    ABSTRACT: Metal halide perovskites have revolutionized the field of solution-processable photovoltaics. Within just a few years, the power conversion efficiencies of perovskite-based solar cells have been improved significantly to over 20%, which makes them now already comparably efficient to silicon-based photovoltaics. This breakthrough in solution-based photovoltaics, however, has the drawback that these high efficiencies can only be obtained with lead-based perovskites and this will arguably be a substantial hurdle for various applications of perovskite-based photovoltaics and their acceptance in society, even though the amounts of lead in the solar cells are low. This fact opened up a new research field on lead-free metal halide perovskites, which is currently remarkably vivid. We took this as incentive to review this emerging research field and discuss possible alternative elements to replace lead in metal halide perovskites and the properties of the corresponding perovskite materials based on recent theoretical and experimental studies. Up to now, tin-based perovskites turned out to be most promising in terms of power conversion efficiency; however, also the toxicity of these tin-based perovskites is argued. In the focus of the research community are other elements as well including germanium, copper, antimony, or bismuth, and the corresponding perovskite compounds are already showing promising properties. GRAPHICAL ABSTRACT: [Image: see text
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