125 research outputs found

    Doing Farm Tourism: The Intertwining Practices of Gender and Work

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    Drawing on the perspective of doing gender, Berit Brandth and Marit S. Haugen explore how women and men do gender in farm tourist work. On the basis of five case studies of farms that have shifted from farm production to hosting tourists, the expectation is that the new occupation of tourism may create conditions for (un)doing gender at the interactional level and reshuffling power within the couple. The segmented work and unequal work statuses of men and women known from research on family farming seem to be less distinct in farm tourism as women are managers and men do cleaning, catering, and caring. However, the symbolic meaning of the indoor‐outdoor dichotomy plays a defining role. And even if women and men have changed their performances, gender and work are still interpreted and perceived according to the heterosexual matrix.© 2010 by The University of Chicago. All rights reserved

    Små barns uteopplevelser

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    Problemstilling: Hva kreves for at de minste i barnehagen skal få positive uteopplevelser?publishedVersio

    Frivillighetens plass i distriktskommuners eldreomsorg. En forprosjektrapport

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    Notat; Bruk av tynnslipanalyser sett opp mot andre undersøkelser av steinmaterialer

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    Tynnslipanalyse av bergarter kan være et nyttig hjelpemiddel for å evaluere målte bergartsegenskaper, men det krever minimum 2-6 tynnslip fra hver forekomst for å dekke mulig variasjoner i bergarten. Viktige egenskaper for en bergarts mekaniske styrke er blant annet mineralkornstørrelse og -fordeling, innhold og orientering av glimmer, tilstedeværelsen av mikrosprekker, innhold av bløte mineraler totalt og kontaktflaten mellom de ulike mineralkornene. Korrelasjon mellom mekaniske styrkeparametere, slik som Los Angeles-verdi og Micro-Devalverdi, krever en kvantifisering av de nevnte egenskapene, noe som ofte er vanskelig og tidkrevende. Tynnslipanalyse fungerer derfor best som støttefunksjon til arbeidet med å vurdere en bergarts kvalitetsegenskaper. I henhold til norsk regelverk skal tynnslipanalyse utføres for alt tilslag som skal benyttes i betong, der sand, singel og pukk fra produsert materiale skal undersøkes. Tynnslipanalyse er spesielt viktig med tanke på å vurdere potensiell alkalireaktivitet i bergartene, der kornstørrelsen, teksturen og mengden kvartsmineraler (SiO2) er avgjørende for reaktiviteten. Tynnslipmikroskopi brukes i Norge stort sett som eneste metode for å klassifisere tilslagsreaktivitet, i motsetning til i de fleste andre land der det benyttes ulike ekspansjonstester. To supplerende ekspansjonsmetoder er imidlertid også inkludert i det norske regelverket. Tynnslipanalyse kan også gi en indikasjon på glimmerinnholdet i bergarten. Høyt glimmerinnhold i sandfraksjonen vil gjøre betongen mer vannkrevende. Svovelinnholdet i bergarter er en kritisk parameter for om tilslaget kan benyttes i betong, og dette bestemmes våtkjemisk. Tynnslipteknikken kan imidlertid bidra til å vise hvilke bergartstyper som har høyt svovelinnhold. Dette kan gi viktig forskningsmessig informasjon, i tillegg til at det kan muliggjøre selektiv drift i et pukkverk. Tynnslipanalyse brukes også som et støtteverktøy ved ingeniørgeologiske undersøkelser, og analysemetoden har vist seg å være nyttig i denne sammenheng. Dette gjelder for eksempel ved forundersøkelser av potensielle nye pukkverk eller av tunneltraseer med tanke på bruk av tunnelmasser til betongformål. Tynnslipanalyser kan i mange tilfeller også være med på å forklare årsaker til/underbygge oppnådde laboratorieresultater for bergartsprøver. Samlet sett er undersøkelser i mikroskop et meget godt, kvalitativt verktøy. Ved bruk av ulike typer slip, for eksempel ved å supplere med polerte tynnslip for opake faser/kismineraler og kombinasjons-slip med fluoriserende epoksy som får fram blant annet mikroriss og tegn på forvitring, kan man få svar eller indikasjoner på en rekke materialtekniske og bestandighetsmessige forhold.publishedVersio

    Social Sustainable Education in a Refugee Camp

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    The main objective of this article is to discuss how an Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) institution in a refugee camp can promote social sustainable education. By giving empirical examples of innovative pedagogical ideas and practices inside a Greek ECEC institution, this article argues that concepts of formation are ways to promote social sustainable education. The article draws on data from an ECEC institution in which both the children living in a refugee camp and Greek children are located together. With nature as a neutral cultural mediator, serving as a pedagogical framework, children can make new experiences based on participation, equality and mutual respect. Data were produced through field observations, semi-structured interviews and one group interview from March 2019 until September 2019. The empirical data reveal three dimensions that we suggest work as markers for social sustainable pedagogical practice: the importance of nature and play as a facilitator for children’s activities; the importance of participation and equality; and the importance of commitment to the community. The findings are discussed in relation with theoretical concepts of formation, with a particular focus on children as active agents and the value of experiences, and the importance of highly qualified educators.publishedVersio

    The EU "PARTNER" Project - European standard tests to prevent alkali reactions in aggregates: Final results and recommendations

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    This paper presents the main findings in the EU PARTNER Project (2002–2006) providing the basis for a unified European test approach for evaluating the potential alkali-reactivity of aggregates. The project evaluated the tests developed by RILEM and some regional tests for their suitability for use with the wide variety of aggregates and geological types found across Europe. The project had 24 partners from 14 countries, covering most of Europe, from Iceland to Greece. 22 different types of aggregates from 10 different European countries were evaluated. It was found that in most cases the RILEM tests could successfully identify the reactivity of the aggregates tested. They were most successful with normally reactive and non-reactive aggregates, but with aggregates that react very slowly an extended test period may be necessary for some of the RILEM methods. Overall, the accelerated mortar bar test and the accelerated concrete prism test seemed most effective and to have the best precision.acceptedVersio

    Local use of rock materials – production and utilization State-of-the-art

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    During excavation of tunnels, large amounts of rock material are produced. This excavated rock material is utilized to a varying extent for road-, railway- and concrete purposes, but significant amounts are used as deposits on land, in fjords or lakes. For both economic and environmental reasons there is a great potential in increasing the utilization of excavated rock material locally in the same project or in neighboring projects. Initially, this report presents a brief introduction to the geology in Norway and some comparable European countries. This may give an indication which main rock type to expect in different areas during tunnelling. Further, the development within the main directions of tunnelling is discussed. Also, an overview of equipment and crushing technology is given. The boundaries of this report are excavated material used in asphalt, concrete, road construction and railway construction. For each area of utilization, a presentation of the currenttechnical requirements for various uses of the material in Norway is given. Examples of projects where excavated material is utilized are presented. Finally, possibilities and obstacles when it comes to utilizing excavated rock material are discussed, and further work is proposed.publishedVersio