7,096 research outputs found

    Spin noise spectroscopy in GaAs

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    We observe the noise spectrum of electron spins in bulk GaAs by Faraday rotation noise spectroscopy. The experimental technique enables the undisturbed measurement of the electron spin dynamics in semiconductors. We measure exemplarily the electron spin relaxation time and the electron Lande g-factor in n-doped GaAs at low temperatures and find good agreement of the measured noise spectrum with an unpretentious theory based on Poisson distribution probability.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Interaction-Induced Spin Polarization in Quantum Dots

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    The electronic states of lateral many electron quantum dots in high magnetic fields are analyzed in terms of energy and spin. In a regime with two Landau levels in the dot, several Coulomb blockade peaks are measured. A zig-zag pattern is found as it is known from the Fock-Darwin spectrum. However, only data from Landau level 0 show the typical spin-induced bimodality, whereas features from Landau level 1 cannot be explained with the Fock-Darwin picture. Instead, by including the interaction effects within spin-density-functional theory a good agreement between experiment and theory is obtained. The absence of bimodality on Landau level 1 is found to be due to strong spin polarization.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Multiple transitions of the spin configuration in quantum dots

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    Single electron tunneling is studied in a many electron quantum dot in high magnetic fields. For such a system multiple transitions of the spin configuration are theoretically predicted. With a combination of spin blockade and Kondo effect we are able to detect five regions with different spin configurations. Transitions are induced with changing electron numbers.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Non-invasive detection of molecular bonds in quantum dots

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    We performed charge detection on a lateral triple quantum dot with star-like geometry. The setup allows us to interpret the results in terms of two double dots with one common dot. One double dot features weak tunnel coupling and can be understood with atom-like electronic states, the other one is strongly coupled forming molecule-like states. In nonlinear measurements we identified patterns that can be analyzed in terms of the symmetry of tunneling rates. Those patterns strongly depend on the strength of interdot tunnel coupling and are completely different for atomic- or molecule-like coupled quantum dots allowing the non-invasive detection of molecular bonds.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Channel Blockade in a Two-Path Triple-Quantum-Dot System

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    Electronic transport through a two-path triple-quantum-dot system with two source leads and one drain is studied. By separating the conductance of the two double dot paths, we are able to observe double dot and triple dot physics in transport and study the interaction between the paths. We observe channel blockade as a result of inter-channel Coulomb interaction. The experimental results are understood with the help of a theoretical model which calculates the parameters of the system, the stability regions of each state and the full dynamical transport in the triple dot resonances.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure

    Probing a Kondo correlated quantum dot with spin spectroscopy

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    We investigate Kondo effect and spin blockade observed on a many-electron quantum dot and study the magnetic field dependence. At lower fields a pronounced Kondo effect is found which is replaced by spin blockade at higher fields. In an intermediate regime both effects are visible. We make use of this combined effect to gain information about the internal spin configuration of our quantum dot. We find that the data cannot be explained assuming regular filling of electronic orbitals. Instead spin polarized filling seems to be probable.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Giant anisotropy of Zeeman splitting of quantum confined acceptors in Si/Ge

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    Shallow acceptor levels in Si/Ge/Si quantum well heterostructures are characterized by resonant tunneling spectroscopy in the presence of high magnetic fields. In a perpendicular magnetic field we observe a linear Zeeman splitting of the acceptor levels. In an in-plane field, on the other hand, the Zeeman splitting is strongly suppressed. This anisotropic Zeeman splitting is shown to be a consequence of the huge light hole-heavy hole splitting caused by a large biaxial strain and a strong quantum confinement in the Ge quantum well.Comment: 5 figures, 4 page

    Spin Blockade in Capacitively Coupled Quantum Dots

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    We present transport measurements on a lateral double dot produced by combining local anodic oxidation and electron beam lithography. We investigate the tunability of our device and demonstrate, that we can switch between capacitive and tunnel coupling. In the regime of capacitive coupling we observe the phenomenon of spin blockade in a magnetic field and analyze the influence of capacitive interdot coupling on this effect.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Optical properties of current carrying molecular wires

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    We consider several fundamental optical phenomena involving single molecules in biased metal-molecule-metal junctions. The molecule is represented by its highest occupied and lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals, and the analysis involves the simultaneous consideration of three coupled fluxes: the electronic current through the molecule, energy flow between the molecule and electron-hole excitations in the leads and the incident and/or emitted photon flux. Using a unified theoretical approach based on the non-equilibrium Green function method we derive expressions for the absorption lineshape (not an observable but a ueful reference for considering yields of other optical processes) and for the current induced molecular emission in such junctions. We also consider conditions under which resonance radiation can induce electronic current in an unbiased junction. We find that current driven molecular emission and resonant light induced electronic currents in single molecule junctions can be of observable magnitude under appropriate realizable conditions. In particular, light induced current should be observed in junctions involving molecular bridges that are characterized by strong charge transfer optical transitions. For observing current induced molecular emission we find that in addition to the familiar need to control the damping of molecular excitations into the metal substrate the phenomenon is also sensitive to the way in which the potential bias si distributed on the junction.Comment: 56 pages, 8 figures; submitted to JC

    Analytical approach to semiconductor Bloch equations

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    Although semiconductor Bloch equations have been widely used for decades to address ultrafast optical phenomena in semiconductors, they have a few important drawbacks: (i) Coulomb terms between free electron-hole pairs require Hartree-Fock treatment which, in its usual form, preserves excitonic poles but loses biexcitonic resonances. (ii) Solving the resulting coupled differential equations imposes heavy numerics which completely hide the physics. This can be completely avoided if, instead of free electron-hole pairs, we use correlated pairs, i.e., excitons. Their interactions are easy to handle through the recently constructed composite-exciton many-body theory, which allows us to \emph{analytically} obtain the time evolution of the polarization induced by a laser pulse. This polarization comes from Coulomb interactions between virtual excitons, but also from Coulomb-free fermion exchanges, which are dominant at large detuning
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