411 research outputs found

    Effect of Dietary Protein Restriction and Nutritional Assessment on Early-Stage Diabetic Nephropathy.

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    We evaluated the effects of a protein-limited diet on renal function, urinary albumin excretion and nutritional status of 16 patients with non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (11 males and 5 females, mean age 60.5 years) had a urinary albumin excretion rate of between 15 and 200μg/min and were c1assified into two groups : group Ⅰ patients were placed on a protein-limited diet (0.77g/kg/day), and group Ⅱ followed a conventional diabetic diet (1.33g/kg/day). After six months, the value of creatinine c1earance was significantly reduced in group Ⅰ, but urinary albumin excretion did not change in either group. Anthropometric measurements revealed no significant change in body weight, body mass index, arm circumference or triceps skinfold thickness in either group during the study period, but the arm musc1ec ircumference significantly increased in group Ⅰ. No significant differences were observed in either group with regard to serum level of protein, in c1uding total protein, albumin, prealbumin or transferrin, In conc1usion, a protein-limited diet was useful for prevention of diabetic nephropathy in patients with early-stage diabetic nephropathy

    ビジュツカン ノ カンショウ シエン プログラム トノ レンケイ : ビジュツ サクヒン オ トオシタ ガクシュウ ノ カノウセイ

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    58-year-old woman with aortic regurgitation was admitted to our hospi- tal because of high grade fever. She had infective endocarditis and an aneurysm of the anterior mitral leaflet. Doppler echocardiography indicated a ruptured mitral valve aneurysm. Aortic regurgitant flow along the anterior mitral leaflet was suspected to have contributed to mitral valve endocarditis, aneurysm formation and rupture. She was initially treated with high-dose intravenous penicillin, but congestive heart failure worsened. Mitral valve replacement was then successfully performed

    The CD70-CD27 interaction during the stimulation with dendritic cells promotes naive CD4+ T cells to develop into T cells producing a broad array of immunostimulatory cytokines in humans

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    CD70 expressed on dendritic cells (DCs) has been shown to play a critical role in inducing effective CD8+ T cell responses and a Th1 response in mice. However, it has not been extensively examined whether human primary DCs express CD70 and whether the CD70–CD27 interaction promotes naive CD4+ T cells to acquire the ability to produce effector cytokines during the DC–T cell interaction in humans. Here, we show that human myeloid dendritic cells (mDCs) and plasmacytoid dendritic cells stimulated with CD40 ligand together with pro-inflammatory cytokines or Toll-like receptor ligands express CD70. Thymic stromal lymphopoietin plus prostaglandin E2 also induced CD70 on mDCs. Naive CD4+ T cells stimulated with DCs but not with anti-CD3/CD28 microbeads expressed CD70. Stimulation with CD70 together with anti-CD3/CD28 microbeads imparted the ability to produce Th1 (IFN-), Th2 (IL-4, IL-5, IL-13) cytokines, IL-2 and tumor necrosis factor- to naive CD4+ T cells. The production of IFN- was associated with the induction of T-bet. Naive CD4+ T cells stimulated with mDCs acquired an enhanced ability to produce a broad array of immunostimulatory cytokines in a CD70-dependent manner. These data suggest that human CD70 expressed on mDCs and activated T cells transmits a ‘basal level’ signal, rather than a ‘polarizing’ signal, to naive CD4+ T cells, in that CD70 promotes the development of CD4+ T cells that produce a variety of effector cytokines including both Th1 and Th2 types, thus contributing to the enhancement of a broad spectrum of immune responses

    Comparison of bacterial contamination in fowl semen with various collecting methods

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    各種採精法によって得られた,ニワトリ精液の細菌汚染について比較検討した結果,広島法による精液の細薗汚染が最も少なかった.また精液からの出現薗叢の成績は,他の報告者のそれと同様の傾向を示していた.それらの成績は以下のごとく要約される. 1. 一般生菌数の成績は,BURROWS & QUINN の新,旧両法によるものが多く,広島法によるものはこれら両法によるものの約1/10 の菌量で最少を示した. 2. 汚染指標菌としての大腸菌群の成績は,コンドーム法によるものが最も多く,広島法のそれが最少であった. 3. 腸球菌群の成績は, 旧法によるものが多く,広島法によるものが最も少なかった. 4. ニワトリ精液からの出現薗種を調べた結果, Micrococcus , Diththeroid,グラム陰性作成,Strettococcus, Enterococcus group, Coliforms , Bacillus , Stathylococcus の順で検出された.Bacterial contamination in fowl semen collected by four methods, Hiroshima method of the authors, Old method (Abdominal massage) and New method (Milking) of BURROWS & QUINN, and Condom method were investigated comparatively. The total bacterial count was the largest in the semen by New and Old method, and was the smallest in the one by Hiroshima method. The bacterial number in the latter semen was about one-tenth of the former. Most probable numbers of coliform bacteria and enterococcus group bacteria as an indicators of faecal contamination were the smallest in the semen by Hiroshima method, of the four collecting methods. From these results, Hiroshima method is the most useful method for collecting of semen from the cock, in the viewpoint of bacterial contamination. Examination of 16 semen samples revealed the presence of the following bacteria: Micrococcus, Diththeroid, Gram negative rods, Strettococcus, Enterococcus group, Coliforms, Bacillus and Stathylococcus.終りに本研究は文部省科学試験研究費補助金によったものであることを付記して,ここに謝意を表する

    Survival motor neuron (SMN) protein in the spinal anterior horn cells of patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a fatal neurodegenerative disease involving mainly the upper and lower motor neurons of adult humans. With regard to the pathomechanism of spinal anterior horn cell (AHC) degeneration in ALS, copy number abnormalities of the survival motor neuron (SMN) genes have been reported in sporadic (s) ALS. SMN protein is the protein responsible for the pathogenesis of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), an autosomal recessive disease characterized by lower motor neuron loss and muscle atrophy. The disease is caused by deficiency of SMN protein induced by mutation of one of the SMA-associated genes, SMN1. To clarify the role of SMN protein in the degeneration of spinal AHCs in sALS, we examined the amount of cytoplasmic SMN protein in individual AHCs using cytofluorophotometry in 9 patients with sALS and 10 control subjects. It was found that: 1) SMN protein was present in the cytoplasm, nucleus and nucleolus of AHCs and in the nucleus of glial cells, 2) expression of SMN protein in AHCs was significantly associated with cell size in both sALS patients and controls, 3) expression of SMN protein per unit area in AHCs was similar in sALS patients and controls. These findings suggest that: 1) the amount of SMN protein in the cytoplasm of AHCs is strictly controlled in accordance with cell size, in both sALS patients and controls, 2) the amount of SMN protein in the AHCs of sALS patients may be reduced when the AHCs are atrophic, and 3) decrease of SMN protein in the AHCs of sALS patients may be a secondary, and not primary, phenomenon according to their sizes.ArticleBRAIN RESEARCH. 1372:152-159 (2011)journal articl

    Preparations for Endosseous Implants. Part 2. : Laying stress on the method of measuring the efficiency of the insertion guide

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    As a preparation for endosseous implants, we determined the occlusal relationship after fixing superstructures in a study cast, on examination of the positions and bearings of inserted implants. We then made up a guide to put it to practical use in the oral cavity, and gained clinically good results. We picked two cases out of the latest implanting data and examined the study cast in occlusal bearing and the post-operative cast in three bearings; (occlusal, buccal and distal). As a result, this method could be considered suitable for measuring the efficiency of the guide. In measuring it, the fact that an inserting position of implant was displaced 1mm (at the maximum) to mesio-distal and about 0.3mm bucally was recognized. Planting direction inclined approximately 4.5° (at the maximum) to mesio-distal and approximately 3° bucally

    Supranuclear Melanin Caps Reduce Ultraviolet Induced DNA Photoproducts in Human Epidermis

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    Melanin can form supranuclear caps in human epidermis, suggesting that intracellular melanin reduces ultraviolet transmission to underlying cell nuclei and inhibits the formation of ultraviolet induced DNA photoproducts. The purpose of this study was to determine the photoprotective effect of epidermal melanin. We irradiated normal human skin explants with ultraviolet B and determined the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and (6–4)photoproducts in individual epidermal cells by indirect immunofluorescence and by laser cytometry using monoclonal antibodies specific for cyclobutane dimers or for (6–4)photoproducts. We found that epidermal cells with supranuclear melanin caps had significantly less DNA photoproducts (both types) than epidermal cells without supranuclear melanin caps. Moreover, the protection factor against both types of photolesions correlated with melanin concentration in epidermal cells. These results indicate that melanin reduces ultraviolet induced DNA photoproducts in human epidermis in a concentration dependent manner