10 research outputs found

    Effect of superphosphate on the germination of Townsville lucerne (Stylo-santhes humilis H.B.K)

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    In laboratory tests, superphosphate at the equivalent rate of 2.5 cwt/ac inhibited germination of abraded seeds

    Seed quality assurance

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    The relevance of quality assurance to seed production and marketing is discussed with particular reference to tropical and subtropical countries. Many of the examples given are drawn from experience in Queensland, Australia. Topics discussed include the concept of quality assurance, components of seed quality, production of quality seed, ensuring quality in the marketplace, quarantine legislation, seed certification, and quality standards for international trade

    Effect of lucerne-wheat rotations on the yield and quality of subsequent wheat crops on the Darling Downs, Queensland. Repr

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    In one experiment, on a brown colluvial clay loam derived from basalt and sandstone, wheat grown after three years of grazed lucerne and grass sheep pasture was compared with wheat grown after three years of summer (grain sorghum) or winter (grazing oats) animal cropping. In a second experiment, on a dark brown clay derived from basalt, an eight-year rotation of alternate wheat-grain sorghum was compared with four years of lucerne grown for hay followed by sorghum, wheat, oats, wheat. Wheat yields were increased by growing lucerne on the more fertile soil which had good moisture-holding capacity; lucerne did not increase wheat yields on the less fertile soil. Grain-protein content increased where wheat followed lucerne, particularly on the less fertile soil; flour quality also improved

    Variability in properties of grouted Phosphate/Sulfate N-Reactor Waste

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    A Transportable Grout Facility (TGF) is being constructed at the Hanford site in Washington State to convert various low-level liquid wastes to a grout waste form for onsite disposal. The TGF Project is managed by Rockwell Hanford Operations (Rockwell). Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has provided a grout formulation for Phosphate/Sulfate N-Reactor Waste, the first waste stream scheduled for grouting beginning in late 1987. The formulation includes a blend of portland cement, fly ash, attapulgite clay, and an illitic clay. Grout will be produced by mixing the blend with Phosphate/Sulfate N-Reactor Waste. These wastes result from decontamination and ion-exchange regeneration activities at Hanford's N-Reactor. Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL) is conducting studies on grouted Phosphate/Sulfate N-Reactor Waste to verify that the grout can be successfully processed and, when hardened, that it will meet all performance and regulatory requirements. As part of these studies, PNL is assessing the variability that may be encountered when processing Phosphate/Sulfate N-Reactor Waste grout. Sources of variability that may affect grout properties include the composition and concentrations of the waste and dry solids, temperature, efficiency of dry solids blending, and dry blend storage time. 13 refs., 20 figs., 9 tabs

    Superação da dormência de sementes de capim colonião Dormancy overcoming in Panicum maximum seeds

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    O objetivo da pesquisa foi o de identificar tratamentos capazes de superar a dormência e elevar a taxa de germinação das sementes de Panicum maximum Jacq., passíveis de utilização visando semeadura a campo. Para tanto, sementes foram submetidas a tratamentos de imersão em H2SO4 (98%, 36N) por 5 minutos, de umedecimento do substrato de germinação com KNO3 (0,2%) e a tratamentos térmicos de 40, 55, 70 e 85OC por períodos de exposição de 5, 10 e 15h, em estufa com circulação forçada de ar. As sementes tratadas foram avaliadas por meio do teste de germinação, finalizado pelo teste de tetrazólio nas sementes não germinadas, bimestralmente, ao longo de 6 meses de armazenamento. Foi constatado que os tratamentos químicos (KNO3 e H2SO4) e térmicos (40, 55, 70 e 85 oC por 5, 10 e 15 h) são eficientes na superação da dormência que, não necessariamente, é revertida em elevação da taxa de germinação. A utilização da temperatura de 40oC reduz a taxa de dormência promovendo elevação na taxa de germinação das sementes.<br>The objective of this research was to develop procedures to overcome the dormancy of Panicum maximum seeds. The following treatments were used: soaking in H2SO4 (98% and 36N) for 5 minutes; germination in paper moistened with KNO3 (0.2%); exposition to the temperatures of 40, 55 70 or 85ºC for 5, 10 or 15 hours. The seeds from all treatments were stored for 0, 2, 4 and 6 months. Germination was estimated using standard methods. The viability of non germinated seeds was evaluated using tetrazolium test. The dormancy was overcome by all the chemical and thermal treatments, but only the exposure to 40ºC increased the germination rate

    Does the Development of Vaccines Advance Solutions for Tuberculosis?

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