39,355 research outputs found

    Superrotation planetary atmospheres: Mechanical analogy, angular momentum budget and simulation of the spin up process

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    Superrotation rates observed in planetary atmospheres are analyzed based on the concept of a thermally driven zonally symmetric circulation. Specifically, how this superrotation is produced and maintained against the tendency for friction to oppose differential motions between the atmosphere and the underlying planet is addressed. The time evolution of a fluid leading from corotation under uniform heating to superrotation under globally nonuniform heating is simulated using a three dimensional zonally symmetric spectral model and Laplace transformation. The increased tendency toward geostrophy combined with the increase of surface pressure toward the poles (due to meridional mass transport), induces the atmosphere to subrotate temporarily at lower altitudes. The resulting viscous shear near the surface thus permits angular momentum to flow from the planet into the atmosphere where it propagates upwards and, combined with the change in moment of inertia, produces large superrotation rates at higher viscosities

    Branching process approach for Boolean bipartite networks of metabolic reactions

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    The branching process (BP) approach has been successful in explaining the avalanche dynamics in complex networks. However, its applications are mainly focused on unipartite networks, in which all nodes are of the same type. Here, motivated by a need to understand avalanche dynamics in metabolic networks, we extend the BP approach to a particular bipartite network composed of Boolean AND and OR logic gates. We reduce the bipartite network into a unipartite network by integrating out OR gates, and obtain the effective branching ratio for the remaining AND gates. Then the standard BP approach is applied to the reduced network, and the avalanche size distribution is obtained. We test the BP results with simulations on the model networks and two microbial metabolic networks, demonstrating the usefulness of the BP approach

    Control of supersonic wind-tunnel noise by laminarization of nozzle-wall boundary layer

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    One of the principal design requirements for a quiet supersonic or hypersonic wind tunnel is to maintain laminar boundary layers on the nozzle walls and thereby reduce disturbance levels in the test flow. The conditions and apparent reasons for laminar boundary layers which have been observed during previous investigations on the walls of several nozzles for exit Mach numbers from 2 to 20 are reviewed. Based on these results, an analysis and an assessment of nozzle design requirements for laminar boundary layers including low Reynolds numbers, high acceleration, suction slots, wall temperature control, wall roughness, and area suction are presented

    Enhancement of Kerr nonlinearity via multi-photon coherence

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    We propose a new method of resonant enhancement of optical Kerr nonlinearity using multi-level atomic coherence. The enhancement is accompanied by suppression of the other linear and nonlinear susceptibility terms of the medium. We show that the effect results in a modification of the nonlinear Faraday rotation of light propagating in an Rb87 vapor cell by changing the ellipticity of the light.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures Submitted to Optics Letter

    Fluctuations of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas

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    Momentum-conserving one-dimensional models are known to exhibit anomalous Fourier's law, with a thermal conductivity varying as a power law of the system size. Here we measure, by numerical simulations, several cumulants of the heat flux of a one-dimensional hard particle gas. We find that the cumulants, like the conductivity, vary as power laws of the system size. Our results also indicate that cumulants higher than the second follow different power laws when one compares the ring geometry at equilibrium and the linear case in contact with two heat baths (at equal or unequal temperatures). keywords: current fluctuations, anomalous Fourier law, hard particle gasComment: 5 figure

    Breakdown of Hydrodynamics in a Simple One-Dimensional Fluid

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    We investigate the behavior of a one-dimensional diatomic fluid under a shock wave excitation. We find that the properties of the resulting shock wave are in striking contrast with those predicted by hydrodynamic and kinetic approaches, e.g., the hydrodynamic profiles relax algebraically toward their equilibrium values. Deviations from local thermodynamic equilibrium are persistent, decaying as a power law of the distance to the shock layer. Non-equipartition is observed infinitely far from the shock wave, and the velocity-distribution moments exhibit multiscaling. These results question the validity of simple hydrodynamic theories to understand collective behavior in 1d fluids.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    On the Formation of Galaxy Halos: Comparing NGC 5128 and the Local Group Members

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    The metallicity distribution function (MDF) for the old red-giant stars in the halo of NGC 5128, the nearest giant elliptical galaxy, is virtually identical with the MDF for the old-disk stars in the LMC and also strongly resembles the halo MDF in M31. These galaxies all have high mean halo metallicities ( ~ -0.4$) with very small proportions of low-metallicity stars. These observations reinforce the view that metal-rich halos are quite normal for large galaxies of all types. Such systems are unlikely to have built up by accretion of pre-existing, gas-free small satellite galaxies, unless these satellites had an extremely shallow mass distribution (d log N / d log M > -1). We suggest that the halo of NGC 5128 is more likely to have assembled from hierarchical merging of gas-rich lumps in which the bulk of star formation took place during or after the merger stage.Comment: 10 pages, LaTeX, plus 3 figures in separate postscript files; Astronomical Journal, in press for December 200

    Large-N theory of strongly commensurate dirty-bosons: absence of transition in two dimensions

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    The spherical limit of strongly commensurate dirty-bosons is studied perturbatively at weak disorder and numerically at strong disorder in two dimensions (2D). We argue that disorder is not perfectly screened by interactions, and consequently that the ground state in the effective Anderson localisation problem always remains localised. As a result there is only a gapped Mott insulator phase in the theory. Comparisons with other studies and the parallel with disordered fermions in 2D are discussed. We conjecture that while for the physical cases N=2 (XY) and N=1 (Ising) the theory should have the ordered phase, it may not for N=3 (Heisenberg).Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Minor typographical errors correcte
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