1,042 research outputs found

    A Compact 3H(p,gamma)4He 19.8-MeV Gamma-Ray Source for Energy Calibration at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory

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    The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) is a new 1000-tonne D2O Cerenkov solar neutrino detector. A high energy gamma-ray source is needed to calibrate SNO beyond the 8B solar neutrino endpoint of 15 MeV. This paper describes the design and construction of a source that generates 19.8-MeV gamma rays using the 3H(p,gamma)4He reaction (``pt''), and demonstrates that the source meets all the physical, operational and lifetime requirements for calibrating SNO. An ion source was built into this unit to generate and to accelerate protons up to 30 keV, and a high purity scandium tritide target with a scandium-tritium atomic ratio of 1:2.0+/-0.2 was included. This pt source is the first self-contained, compact, and portable high energy gamma-ray source (E>10 MeV).Comment: 33 pages (including 2 table, 12 figures) This is the revised manuscript, accepted for publication in NIM A. This revision relfects minor editorial changes from the previous versio

    Order from disorder in lattice QCD at high density

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    We investigate the properties of the ground state of strong coupling lattice QCD at finite density. Our starting point is the effective Hamiltonian for color singlet objects, which looks at lowest order as an antiferromagnet, and describes meson physics with a fixed baryon number background. We concentrate on uniform baryon number backgrounds (with the same baryon number on all sites), for which the ground state was extracted in an earlier work, and calculate the dispersion relations of the excitations. Two types of Goldstone boson emerge. The first, antiferromagnetic spin waves, obey a linear dispersion relation. The others, ferromagnetic magnons, have energies that are quadratic in their momentum. These energies emerge only when fluctuations around the large-N_c ground state are taken into account, along the lines of ``order from disorder'' in frustrated magnetic systems. Unlike other spectrum calculations in order from disorder, we employ the Euclidean path integral. For comparison, we also present a Hamiltonian calculation using a generalized Holstein-Primakoff transformation. The latter can only be constructed for a subset of the cases we consider.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Casimir interaction between two concentric cylinders: exact versus semiclassical results

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    The Casimir interaction between two perfectly conducting, infinite, concentric cylinders is computed using a semiclassical approximation that takes into account families of classical periodic orbits that reflect off both cylinders. It is then compared with the exact result obtained by the mode-by-mode summation technique. We analyze the validity of the semiclassical approximation and show that it improves the results obtained through the proximity theorem.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures include

    Quantum electromagnetic field in a three dimensional oscillating cavity

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    We compute the photon creation inside a perfectly conducting, three dimensional oscillating cavity, taking the polarization of the electromagnetic field into account. As the boundary conditions for this field are both of Dirichlet and (generalized) Neumann type, we analyze as a preliminary step the dynamical Casimir effect for a scalar field satisfying generalized Neumann boundary conditions. We show that particle production is enhanced with respect to the case of Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then we consider the transverse electric and transverse magnetic polarizations of the electromagnetic field. For resonant frequencies, the total number of photons grows exponentially in time for both polarizations, the rate being greater for transverse magnetic modes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur

    Temperature correction to the Casimir force in cryogenic range and anomalous skin effect

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    Temperature correction to the Casimir force is considered for real metals at low temperatures. With the temperature decrease the mean free path for electrons becomes larger than the field penetration depth. In this condition description of metals with the impedance of anomalous skin effect is shown to be more appropriate than with the permittivity. The effect is crucial for the temperature correction. It is demonstrated that in the zero frequency limit the reflection coefficients should coincide with those of ideal metal if we demand the entropy to be zero at T=0. All the other prescriptions discussed in the literature for the n=0n=0 term in the Lifshitz formula give negative entropy. It is shown that the temperature correction in the region of anomalous skin effect is not suppressed as it happens in the plasma model. This correction will be important in the future cryogenic measurements of the Casimir force.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Violation of the Nernst heat theorem in the theory of thermal Casimir force between Drude metals

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    We give a rigorous analytical derivation of low-temperature behavior of the Casimir entropy in the framework of the Lifshitz formula combined with the Drude dielectric function. An earlier result that the Casimir entropy at zero temperature is not equal to zero and depends on the parameters of the system is confirmed, i.e. the third law of thermodynamics (the Nernst heat theorem) is violated. We illustrate the resolution of this thermodynamical puzzle in the context of the surface impedance approach by several calculations of the thermal Casimir force and entropy for both real metals and dielectrics. Different representations for the impedances, which are equivalent for real photons, are discussed. Finally, we argue in favor of the Leontovich boundary condition which leads to results for the thermal Casimir force that are consistent with thermodynamics.Comment: 24 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Casimir force and the quantum theory of lossy optical cavities

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    We present a new derivation of the Casimir force between two parallel plane mirrors at zero temperature. The two mirrors and the cavity they enclose are treated as quantum optical networks. They are in general lossy and characterized by frequency dependent reflection amplitudes. The additional fluctuations accompanying losses are deduced from expressions of the optical theorem. A general proof is given for the theorem relating the spectral density inside the cavity to the reflection amplitudes seen by the inner fields. This density determines the vacuum radiation pressure and, therefore, the Casimir force. The force is obtained as an integral over the real frequencies, including the contribution of evanescent waves besides that of ordinary waves, and, then, as an integral over imaginary frequencies. The demonstration relies only on general properties obeyed by real mirrors which also enforce general constraints for the variation of the Casimir force.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, minor amendment

    Surface-impedance approach solves problems with the thermal Casimir force between real metals

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    The surface impedance approach to the description of the thermal Casimir effect in the case of real metals is elaborated starting from the free energy of oscillators. The Lifshitz formula expressed in terms of the dielectric permittivity depending only on frequency is shown to be inapplicable in the frequency region where a real current may arise leading to Joule heating of the metal. The standard concept of a fluctuating electromagnetic field on such frequencies meets difficulties when used as a model for the zero-point oscillations or thermal photons in the thermal equilibrium inside metals. Instead, the surface impedance permits not to consider the electromagnetic oscillations inside the metal but taking the realistic material properties into account by means of the effective boundary condition. An independent derivation of the Lifshitz-type formulas for the Casimir free energy and force between two metal plates is presented within the impedance approach. It is shown that they are free of the contradictions with thermodynamics which are specific to the usual Lifshitz formula for dielectrics in combination with the Drude model. We demonstrate that in the impedance approach the zero-frequency contribution is uniquely fixed by the form of impedance function and does not need any of the ad hoc prescriptions intensively discussed in the recent literature. As an example, the computations of the Casimir free energy between two gold plates are performed at different separations and temperatures. It is argued that the surface impedance approach lays a reliable framework for the future measurements of the thermal Casimir force.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On the energy-momentum tensor for a scalar field on manifolds with boundaries

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    We argue that already at classical level the energy-momentum tensor for a scalar field on manifolds with boundaries in addition to the bulk part contains a contribution located on the boundary. Using the standard variational procedure for the action with the boundary term, the expression for the surface energy-momentum tensor is derived for arbitrary bulk and boundary geometries. Integral conservation laws are investigated. The corresponding conserved charges are constructed and their relation to the proper densities is discussed. Further we study the vacuum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor in the corresponding quantum field theory. It is shown that the surface term in the energy-momentum tensor is essential to obtain the equality between the vacuum energy, evaluated as the sum of the zero-point energies for each normal mode of frequency, and the energy derived by the integration of the corresponding vacuum energy density. As an application, by using the zeta function technique, we evaluate the surface energy for a quantum scalar field confined inside a spherical shell.Comment: 25 pages, 2 figures, section and appendix on the surface energy for a spherical shell are added, references added, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Thermal correction to the Casimir force, radiative heat transfer, and an experiment

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    The low-temperature asymptotic expressions for the Casimir interaction between two real metals described by Leontovich surface impedance are obtained in the framework of thermal quantum field theory. It is shown that the Casimir entropy computed using the impedance of infrared optics vanishes in the limit of zero temperature. By contrast, the Casimir entropy computed using the impedance of the Drude model attains at zero temperature a positive value which depends on the parameters of a system, i.e., the Nernst heat theorem is violated. Thus, the impedance of infrared optics withstands the thermodynamic test, whereas the impedance of the Drude model does not. We also perform a phenomenological analysis of the thermal Casimir force and of the radiative heat transfer through a vacuum gap between real metal plates. The characterization of a metal by means of the Leontovich impedance of the Drude model is shown to be inconsistent with experiment at separations of a few hundred nanometers. A modification of the impedance of infrared optics is suggested taking into account relaxation processes. The power of radiative heat transfer predicted from this impedance is several times less than previous predictions due to different contributions from the transverse electric evanescent waves. The physical meaning of low frequencies in the Lifshitz formula is discussed. It is concluded that new measurements of radiative heat transfer are required to find out the adequate description of a metal in the theory of electromagnetic fluctuations.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. svjour.cls is used, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.
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