1,290 research outputs found

    Equality connecting energy dissipation with violation of fluctuation-response relation

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    In systems driven away from equilibrium, the velocity correlation function and the linear response function to a small perturbation force do not satisfy the fluctuation-response relation (FRR) due to the lack of detailed balance in contrast to equilibrium systems. In this Letter, an equality between an extent of the FRR violation and the rate of energy dissipation is proved for Langevin systems under non-equilibrium conditions. This equality enables us to calculate the rate of energy dissipation by quantifying the extent of the FRR violation, which can be measured experimentally.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett, v2: major revision, v3: minor revisio

    Study of “Confusion after the Entrance to Higher Education” Ⅱ : Practice of Psychological Support Service for Student

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      本稿は,学生が大学入学後に陥りがちな高等学校と大学とのギャップからくる戸惑いや困難の状態を「大1コンフュージョン」であると,その要因を踏まえた支援の在り方について,学校心理学における3段階の心理教育的援助サービスの枠組みを用いて分類しつつ論考するものである。「大1コンフュージョン」の予防と緩和に関する実践的研究を推進するにあたって,(1)全ての新入学生,(2)苦戦し始めた一部の学生,(3)苦戦が著しい状態にある特定の学生,以上のそれぞれを対象とした具体的な支援例について検討した。In this study, a gap between a high school and a university that new students tend to experience after entering the university is discussed. We call the strong bewilderment and difficulties caused by this gap “Confusion after the entrance to higher education “. Employing the concept of support service in the school psychology was thought to be a proper measure against these problems. As a practice to proceed with the study, some actual cases were examined

    A Discussion of Universal Design for Learning for Active Learning in the University.

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     近年,大学教育の中で演習形式を含むアクティブラーニング型授業が増加している。この授業形態は,多くの学生の主体的・能動的な学修を促進する上で有効である一方,自閉症スペクトラム障がい(ASD)の学生をはじめコミュニケーションを苦手とする学生が授業に参加する上での大きな障壁ともなり得る。本稿では,演習形式の授業への参加に困難を持つであろうASD の学生や,それに準ずるコミュニケーションの苦手な学生への支援を考慮した,大学教育のユニバーサルデザイン環境について,先行文献を概観しながら考察した。その中で,授業外における支援として,シラバス記載の配慮,演習形式を練習する機会の提供,ファシリテーターの養成について述べると共に,授業内における支援として,具体化・明確化,見通しを持たせる配慮,視覚支援,感覚過敏への対応等について述べ,代替課題への置き換えについても言及した。 The purpose of this study was to review the literature on support for students with developmental disorders in exercise-style classes, and to discuss universal design for learning for active learning in the University. Outside class, it will be necessary in the future to write up the syllabus more, to provide opportunities to practice exercise-style such as a presentation, a group discussion, group works, to cultivate student-facilitators. Inside class, the support methods for person with autism such as making rules explicit, a visual support, the support of hypersensitivity will be helpful to support the students with senses of weakness of communication with others

    Study of “Confusion after the Entrance to Higher Education” Ⅲ The Relationships among “Confusion after the entrance to Higher Education”, Life Skills, Passivity Area, and Psychological Stress Response.

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    Adaptive Structural Learning of Deep Belief Network for Medical Examination Data and Its Knowledge Extraction by using C4.5

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    Deep Learning has a hierarchical network architecture to represent the complicated feature of input patterns. The adaptive structural learning method of Deep Belief Network (DBN) has been developed. The method can discover an optimal number of hidden neurons for given input data in a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM) by neuron generation-annihilation algorithm, and generate a new hidden layer in DBN by the extension of the algorithm. In this paper, the proposed adaptive structural learning of DBN was applied to the comprehensive medical examination data for the cancer prediction. The prediction system shows higher classification accuracy (99.8% for training and 95.5% for test) than the traditional DBN. Moreover, the explicit knowledge with respect to the relation between input and output patterns was extracted from the trained DBN network by C4.5. Some characteristics extracted in the form of IF-THEN rules to find an initial cancer at the early stage were reported in this paper.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, The First IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE2018

    Local Positional Encoding for Multi-Layer Perceptrons

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    A multi-layer perceptron (MLP) is a type of neural networks which has a long history of research and has been studied actively recently in computer vision and graphics fields. One of the well-known problems of an MLP is the capability of expressing high-frequency signals from low-dimensional inputs. There are several studies for input encodings to improve the reconstruction quality of an MLP by applying pre-processing against the input data. This paper proposes a novel input encoding method, local positional encoding, which is an extension of positional and grid encodings. Our proposed method combines these two encoding techniques so that a small MLP learns high-frequency signals by using positional encoding with fewer frequencies under the lower resolution of the grid to consider the local position and scale in each grid cell. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method by applying it to common 2D and 3D regression tasks where it shows higher-quality results compared to positional and grid encodings, and comparable results to hierarchical variants of grid encoding such as multi-resolution grid encoding with equivalent memory footprint