2,604 research outputs found

    First contact distributions for spatial patterns: regularity and estimation

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    For applications in spatial statistics an important property of a random set X in Rk is its rst contact distribution This is the distribution of the distance from a xed point to the nearest point of X where distance is measured using scalar dilations of a xed test set B We show that if B is convex and contains a neighbourhood of the rst contact distribution function FB is absolutely continuous We give two explicit representations of FB and additional regularity conditions under which FB is continuously dierentiable A KaplanMeier estimator of FB is introduced and its basic properties examine

    Development of low and high birefringence optical fibres

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    The polarization properties of single-mode optical fibers are easily modified by environmental factors, While this can be exploited in a number of fiber sensor devices. it can be troublesome in applications where a stable output polarization-state is required. Fibers with both low and high birefringence have been developed to enhance or diminish their environmental sensitivity, and recent progress in each area is reviewed. Low-birefringence fibers are described which are made by spinning the preform during the draw. In addition. developments in high-birefringence fibers which maintain a polarization state over long lengths are summarized. The effect on performance of external factors such as bends, transverse pressure, and twists is analyzed. Consideration is also given to polarization mode-dispersion as a potential limiting factor in ultrahigh bandwidth systems

    Dynamical density functional theory for the evaporation of droplets of nanoparticle suspension

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    We develop a lattice gas model for the drying of droplets of a nanoparticle suspension on a planar surface, using dynamical density functional theory (DDFT) to describe the time evolution of the solvent and nanoparticle density profiles. The DDFT assumes a diffusive dynamics but does not include the advective hydrodynamics of the solvent, so the model is relevant to highly viscous or near to equilibrium systems. Nonetheless, we see an equivalent of the coffee-ring stain effect, but in the present model it occurs for thermodynamic rather the fluid-mechanical reasons. The model incorporates the effect of phase separation and vertical density variations within the droplet and the consequence of these on the nanoparticle deposition pattern on the surface. We show how to include the effect of slip or no-slip at the surface and how this is related to the receding contact angle. We also determine how the equilibrium contact angle depends on the microscopic interaction parameters.Comment: 35 pages, 10 figure

    Generation of defects and disorder from deeply quenching a liquid to form a solid

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    We show how deeply quenching a liquid to temperatures where it is linearly unstable and the crystal is the equilibrium phase often produces crystalline structures with defects and disorder. As the solid phase advances into the liquid phase, the modulations in the density distribution created behind the advancing solidification front do not necessarily have a wavelength that is the same as the equilibrium crystal lattice spacing. This is because in a deep enough quench the front propagation is governed by linear processes, but the crystal lattice spacing is determined by nonlinear terms. The wavelength mismatch can result in significant disorder behind the front that may or may not persist in the latter stage dynamics. We support these observations by presenting results from dynamical density functional theory calculations for simple one- and two-component two-dimensional systems of soft core particles.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figure

    Resonant Absorption as Mode Conversion?

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    Resonant absorption and mode conversion are both extensively studied mechanisms for wave "absorption" in solar magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). But are they really distinct? We re-examine a well-known simple resonant absorption model in a cold MHD plasma that places the resonance inside an evanescent region. The normal mode solutions display the standard singular resonant features. However, these same normal modes may be used to construct a ray bundle which very clearly undergoes mode conversion to an Alfv\'en wave with no singularities. We therefore conclude that resonant absorption and mode conversion are in fact the same thing, at least for this model problem. The prime distinguishing characteristic that determines which of the two descriptions is most natural in a given circumstance is whether the converted wave can provide a net escape of energy from the conversion/absorption region of physical space. If it cannot, it is forced to run away in wavenumber space instead, thereby generating the arbitrarily small scales in situ that we recognize as fundamental to resonant absorption and phase mixing. On the other hand, if the converted wave takes net energy way, singularities do not develop, though phase mixing may still develop with distance as the wave recedes.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables; accepted by Solar Phys (July 9 2010

    The extended empirical process test for non-Gaussianity in the CMB, with an application to non-Gaussian inflationary models

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    In (Hansen et al. 2002) we presented a new approach for measuring non-Gaussianity of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) anisotropy pattern, based on the multivariate empirical distribution function of the spherical harmonics a_lm of a CMB map. The present paper builds upon the same ideas and proposes several improvements and extensions. More precisely, we exploit the additional information on the random phases of the a_lm to provide further tests based on the empirical distribution function. Also we take advantage of the effect of rotations in improving the power of our procedures. The suggested tests are implemented on physically motivated models of non-Gaussian fields; Monte-Carlo simulations suggest that this approach may be very promising in the analysis of non-Gaussianity generated by non-standard models of inflation. We address also some experimentally meaningful situations, such as the presence of instrumental noise and a galactic cut in the map.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Possible Localized Modes in the Uniform Quantum Heisenberg Chains of Sr2CuO3

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    A model of mobile-bond defects is tentatively proposed to analyze the "anomalies" observed on the NMR spectrum of the quantum Heisenberg chains of Sr2CuO3. A bond-defect is a local change in the exchange coupling. It results in a local alternating magnetization (LAM), which when the defect moves, creates a flipping process of the local field seen by each nuclear spin. At low temperature, when the overlap of the LAM becomes large, the defects form a periodic structure, which extends over almost all the chains. In that regime, the density of bond-defects decreases linearly with T.Comment: 4 pages + 3 figures. To appear in Physical Review

    Dynamic scaling and aging phenomena in short-range Ising spin glass: Cu0.5_{0.5}Co0.5_{0.5}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compound

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    Static and dynamic behavior of short-range Ising-spin glass Cu0.5_{0.5}Co0.5_{0.5}Cl2_{2}-FeCl3_{3} graphite bi-intercalation compounds (GBIC) has been studied with SQUID DC and AC magnetic susceptibility. The TT dependence of the zero-field relaxation time τ\tau above a spin-freezing temperature TgT_{g} (= 3.92 ±\pm 0.11 K) is well described by critical slowing down. The absorption χ\chi^{\prime\prime} below TgT_{g} decreases with increasing angular frequency ω\omega, which is in contrast to the case of 3D Ising spin glass. The dynamic freezing temperature Tf(H,ω)T_{f}(H,\omega) at which dMFC(T,H)/M_{FC}(T,H)/dH=χ(T,H=0,ω)H=\chi^{\prime}(T,H=0,\omega), is determined as a function of frequency (0.01 Hz ω/2π\leq \omega/2\pi \leq 1 kHz) and magnetic field (0 H\leq H \leq 5 kOe). The dynamic scaling analysis of the relaxation time τ(T,H)\tau(T,H) defined as τ=1/ω\tau = 1/\omega at T=Tf(H,ω)T = T_{f}(H,\omega) suggests the absence of SG phase in the presence of HH (at least above 100 Oe). Dynamic scaling analysis of χ(T,ω)\chi^{\prime \prime}(T, \omega) and τ(T,H)\tau(T,H) near TgT_{g} leads to the critical exponents (β\beta = 0.36 ±\pm 0.03, γ\gamma = 3.5 ±\pm 0.4, ν\nu = 1.4 ±\pm 0.2, zz = 6.6 ±\pm 1.2, ψ\psi = 0.24 ±\pm 0.02, and θ\theta = 0.13 ±\pm 0.02). The aging phenomenon is studied through the absorption χ(ω,t)\chi^{\prime \prime}(\omega, t) below TgT_{g}. It obeys a (ωt)b(\omega t)^{-b^{\prime \prime}} power-law decay with an exponent b0.150.2b^{\prime \prime}\approx 0.15 - 0.2. The rejuvenation effect is also observed under sufficiently large (temperature and magnetic-field) perturbations.Comment: 14 pages, 19 figures; to be published in Phys. Rev. B (September 1, 2003

    The lower airway microbiome in paediatric health and chronic disease

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    The advent of next generation sequencing has rapidly challenged the paediatric respiratory physician’s understanding of lung microbiology and the role of the lung microbiome in host health and disease. In particular, the role of “microbial key players” in paediatric respiratory disease is yet to be fully explained. Accurate profiling of the lung microbiome in children is challenging since the ability to obtain lower airway samples coupled with processing “low-biomass specimens” are both technically difficult. Many studies provide conflicting results. Early microbiota-host relationships may be predictive of the development of chronic respiratory disease but attempts to correlate lower airway microbiota in premature infants and risk of developing bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) have produced mixed results. There are differences in lung microbiota in asthma and cystic fibrosis (CF). The increased abundance of oral taxa in the lungs may (or may not) promote disease processes in asthma and CF. In CF, correlation between microbiota diversity and respiratory decline is commonly observed. When one considers other pathogens beyond the bacterial kingdom, the contribution and interplay of fungi and viruses within the lung microbiome further increase complexity. Similarly, the interaction between microbial communities in different body sites, such as the gut-lung axis, and the influence of environmental factors, including diet, make the co-existence of host and microbes ever more complicated. Future, multi-omics approaches may help uncover novel microbiome-based biomarkers and therapeutic targets in respiratory disease and explain how we can live in harmony with our microbial companions