2,733 research outputs found

    The Physical Conditions and Dynamics of the Interstellar Medium in the Nucleus of M83: Observations of CO and CI

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    This paper presents CI, CO J=4-3, and CO J=3-2 maps of the barred spiral galaxy M83 taken at the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. Observations indicate a double peaked structure which is consistent with gas inflow along the bar collecting at the inner Lindblad resonance. This structure suggests that nuclear starbursts can occur even in galaxies where this inflow/collection occurs, in contrast to previous studies of barred spiral galaxies. However, the observations also suggest that the double peaked emission may be the result of a rotating molecular ring oriented nearly perpendicular to the main disk of the galaxy. The CO J=4-3 data indicate the presence of warm gas in the nucleus that is not apparent in the lower-J CO observations, which suggests that CO J=1-0 emission may not be a reliable tracer of molecular gas in starburst galaxies. The twelve CI/CO J=4-3 line ratios in the inner 24'' x 24'' are uniform at the 2 sigma level, which indicates that the CO J=4-3 emission is originating in the same hot photon-dominated regions as the CI emission. The CO J=4-3/J=3-2 line ratios vary significantly within the nucleus with the higher line ratios occurring away from peaks of emission along an arc of active star forming regions. These high line ratios (>1) likely indicate optically thin gas created by the high temperatures caused by star forming regions in the nucleus of this starburst galaxy.Comment: 15 pages with 10 figures. To appear in the August 10 1998 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    Role of cell wall on tomato fruit susceptibility to calcium deficiency disorder

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    The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of Ca2+ binding to the cell wall 14 on fruit susceptibility to BER

    Discovery of High-Latitude CO in a HI Supershell in NGC 5775

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    We report the discovery of very high latitude molecular gas in the edge-on spiral galaxy, NGC 5775. Emission from both the J=1-0 and 2-1 lines of 12CO is detected up to 4.8 kpc away from the mid-plane of the galaxy. NGC 5775 is known to host a number of HI supershells. The association of the molecular gas M(H2,F2) = 3.1x10^7 solar masses reported here with one of the HI supershells (labeled F2) is clear, which suggests that molecular gas may have survived the process which originally formed the supershell. Alternatively, part of the gas could have been formed in situ at high latitude from shock-compression of pre-existing HI gas. The CO J=2-1/J=1-0 line ratio of 0.34+-40% is significantly lower than unity, which suggests that the gas is excited subthermally, with gas density a few times 100 cubic cm. The molecular gas is likely in the form of cloudlets which are confined by magnetic and cosmic rays pressure. The potential energy of the gas at high latitude is found to be 2x10^56 ergs and the total (HI + H2) kinetic energy is 9x10^53 ergs. Based on the energetics of the supershell, we suggest that most of the energy in the supershell is in the form of potential energy and that the supershell is on the verge of falling and returning the gas to the disk of the galaxy.Comment: Accept by ApJL, 4 pages, 3 ps figure

    A scalable FPGA-based architecture for depth estimation in SLAM

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    The current state of the art of Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping, or SLAM, on low power embedded systems is about sparse localisation and mapping with low resolution results in the name of efficiency. Meanwhile, research in this field has provided many advances for information rich processing and semantic understanding, combined with high computational requirements for real-time processing. This work provides a solution to bridging this gap, in the form of a scalable SLAM-specific architecture for depth estimation for direct semi-dense SLAM. Targeting an off-the-shelf FPGA-SoC this accelerator architecture achieves a rate of more than 60 mapped frames/sec at a resolution of 640×480 achieving performance on par to a highly-optimised parallel implementation on a high-end desktop CPU with an order of magnitude improved power consumption. Furthermore, the developed architecture is combined with our previous work for the task of tracking, to form the first complete accelerator for semi-dense SLAM on FPGAs, establishing the state of the art in the area of embedded low-power systems

    NMA CO (J=1-0) Observations of the Halpha/Radio Lobe Galaxy NGC 3079: Gas Dynamics in a Weak Bar Potential and Central Massive Core

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    within 24 lines with 80 characters) We present ^12CO (1-0) observations in the central 4.5 kpc (1 arcmin) of the Halpha/Radio lobe galaxy NGC 3079 with the Nobeyama Millimeter Array. The molecular gas shows four components: a main disk, spiral arms, a nuclear disk, and a nuclear core. The main disk extends beyond our spatial coverage. The spiral arms are superimposed on the main disk. The nuclear disk with about 600 pc radius has an intense concentration of molecular gas. Its appearance on PV diagrams is indicative of oval motions of the gas, rather than circular. The nuclear core is more compact than our resolution. Though it is unresolved, the nuclear core shows a very high velocity about 200 km/s even at the radius of about 100 pc on the PV diagram. We propose a model that NGC 3079 contains a weak bar. This model explains the observed features: the main disk and spiral arms result from gaseous x1-orbits and associated crowding respectively. The nuclear disk arises from gaseous x2-orbits. From the appearance of the spiral arms on the PV diagram, the pattern speed of the bar is estimated to be 55+-10 km/s/kpc. The high velocity of the nuclear core cannot be explained by our model for a bar. Thus we attribute it to a central massive core with a dynamical mass of 10^9 Msun within the central 100 pc. This mass is three orders of magnitude more massive than that of a central black hole in this galaxy.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures; ApJ, 573, 105, 200

    High-Resolution, Wide-Field Imaging of the Galactic Center Region at 330 MHz

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    We present a wide field, sub-arcminute resolution VLA image of the Galactic Center region at 330 MHz. With a resolution of ~ 7" X 12" and an RMS noise of 1.6 mJy/beam, this image represents a significant increase in resolution and sensitivity over the previously published VLA image at this frequency. The improved sensitivity has more than tripled the census of small diameter sources in the region, has resulted in the detection of two new Non Thermal Filaments (NTFs), 18 NTF candidates, 30 pulsar candidates, reveals previously known extended sources in greater detail, and has resulted in the first detection of Sagittarius A* in this frequency range. A version of this paper containing full resolution images may be found at http://lwa.nrl.navy.mil/nord/AAAB.pdf.Comment: Astronomical Journal, Accepted 62 Pages, 21 Figure

    Radio and gamma-ray constraints on dark matter annihilation in the Galactic center

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    We determine upper limits on the dark matter (DM) self-annihilation cross section for scenarios in which annihilation leads to the production of electron--positron pairs. In the Galactic centre (GC), relativistic electrons and positrons produce a radio flux via synchroton emission, and a gamma ray flux via bremsstrahlung and inverse Compton scattering. On the basis of archival, interferometric and single-dish radio data, we have determined the radio spectrum of an elliptical region around the Galactic centre of extent 3 degrees semi-major axis (along the Galactic plane) and 1 degree semi-minor axis and a second, rectangular region, also centered on the GC, of extent 1.6 degrees x 0.6 degrees. The radio spectra of both regions are non-thermal over the range of frequencies for which we have data: 74 MHz -- 10 GHz. We also consider gamma-ray data covering the same region from the EGRET instrument (about GeV) and from HESS (around TeV). We show how the combination of these data can be used to place robust constraints on DM annihilation scenarios, in a way which is relatively insensitive to assumptions about the magnetic field amplitude in this region. Our results are approximately an order of magnitude more constraining than existing Galactic centre radio and gamma ray limits. For a DM mass of m_\chi =10 GeV, and an NFW profile, we find that the velocity-averaged cross-section must be less than a few times 10^-25 cm^3 s^-1.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures. Version accepted for publication in PRD. Reference section updated/extended