546 research outputs found

    Exploring the diversity of promoter and 5’UTR sequences in ancestral, historic and modern wheat

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    A dataset of promoter and 5’UTR sequences of homoeo-alleles of 495 wheat genes that contribute to agriculturally important traits in 95 ancestral and commercial wheat cultivars is presented here. The high stringency myBaits technology used made individual capture of homoeo-allele promoters possible, which is reported here for the first time. Promoters of most genes are remarkably conserved across the 82 hexaploid cultivars used with <7 haplotypes per promoter and 21% being identical to the reference Chinese Spring. InDels and many high-confidence SNPs are located within predicted plant transcription factor binding sites, potentially changing gene expression. Most haplotypes found in the Watkins landraces and a few haplotypes found in T. monococcum, germplasms hitherto not thought to have been used in modern wheat breeding, are already found in many commercial hexaploid wheats. The full dataset which is useful for genomic and gene function studies and wheat breeding is available at https://rrescloud.rothamsted.ac.uk/index.php/s/3vc9QopcqYEbIUs/authenticate

    Saving Plants From Disease

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    Proteinaceous effector discovery and characterisation in filamentous plant pathogens

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    The complicated interplay of plant-pathogen interactions occurs on multiple levels as pathogens evolve to constantly evade the immune responses of their hosts. Many economically important crops fall victim to filamentous pathogens which produce small proteins called effectors to manipulate the host and aid infection/colonisation. Understanding the effector repertoires of pathogens is facilitating an increased understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying virulence as well as guiding the development of disease control strategies. The purpose of this review is to give a chronological perspective on the evolution of the methodologies used in effector discovery from physical isolation and in silico predictions, to functional characterisation of the effectors of filamentous plant pathogens and identification of their host targets

    Apoplastic and vascular defences

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    The apoplast comprises the intercellular space between cell membranes, includes the xylem, and extends to the rhizoplane and the outer surfaces of the plant. The apoplast plays roles in different biological processes including plant immunity. This highly specialised space is often the first place where pathogen recognition occurs, and this then triggers the immune response. The immune response in the apoplast involves different mechanisms that restrict pathogen infection. Among these responses, secretion of different molecules like proteases, proteins related to immunity, small RNAs and secondary metabolites play important and often additive or synergistic roles. In addition, production of reactive oxygen species occurs to cause direct deleterious effects on the pathogen as well as reinforce the plant’s immune response by triggering modifications to cell wall composition and providing additional defence signalling capabilities. The pool of available sugar in the apoplast also plays a role in immunity. These sugars can be manipulated by both interactors, pathogens gaining access to nutrients whilst the plant’s responses restrict the pathogen’s access to nutrients. In this review, we describe the latest findings in the field to highlight the importance of the apoplast in plant – pathogen interactions and plant immunity. We also indicate where new discoveries are needed

    WGIN Stakeholder's Newsletter [November 2011]

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    Fusarium graminearum gene deletion mutants map1 and tri5 reveal similarities and differences in the pathogenicity requirements to cause disease on Arabidopsis and wheat floral tissue

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    The Ascomycete pathogen Fusarium graminearum can infect all cereal species and lower grain yield, quality and safety. The fungus can also cause disease on Arabidopsis thaliana. In this study, the disease-causing ability of two F. graminearum mutants was analysed to further explore the parallels between the wheat (Triticum aestivum) and Arabidopsis floral pathosystems. Wild-type F. graminearum (strain PH-1) and two isogenic transformants lacking either the mitogen-activated protein kinase MAP1 gene or the trichodiene synthase TRI5 gene were individually spray- or point-inoculated onto Arabidopsis and wheat floral tissue. Disease development was quantitatively assessed both macroscopically and microscopically and deoxynivalenol (DON) mycotoxin concentrations determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Wild-type strain inoculations caused high levels of disease in both plant species and significant DON production. The map1 mutant caused minimal disease and DON accumulation in both hosts. The tri5 mutant, which is unable to produce DON, exhibited reduced pathogenicity on wheat ears, causing only discrete eye-shaped lesions on spikelets which failed to infect the rachis. By contrast, the tri5 mutant retained full pathogenicity on Arabidopsis floral tissue. This study reveals that DON mycotoxin production is not required for F. graminearum to colonize Arabidopsis floral tissue

    Sources for resistance to Soil-Borne Cereal Mosaic Virus (SBCMV) among cultivated accessions of common wheat and its wild relatives

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    Relatório de estágio do mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, apresentado à Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de CoimbraO Relatório Final de Estágio insere-se no plano curricular do 2º ano do Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, da Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de Coimbra. Este pretende que o professor estagiário demonstre competências de análise crítica fundamentada e reflexão aprofundada a partir da sua experiência de Estágio Pedagógico. O Estágio Pedagógico caracteriza-se por um período de formação curricular onde é permitido ao professor estagiário, de uma forma orientada, exercer e cumprir com todas as funções inerentes ao cargo docente. Este constitui portanto, a componente prática da aplicação dos saberes teóricos adquiridos durante a formação inicial. A transição entre a teoria e a prática só é possível através de um olhar crítico sobre o contexto real de prática pedagógica, de modo a serem utilizados os meios mais eficazes para o desenvolvimento de aprendizagens significativas face à especificidade da realidade em que nos inserimos. No meu caso, o Estágio Pedagógico foi realizado na Escola Básica e Secundária da Quinta das Flores, no ano letivo de 2013/2014, sendo lecionada a disciplina de Educação Física à turma do 11ºA. Este estágio representa o culminar da formação académica e a aproximação à prática profissional, em que todas as experiências vivenciadas, aprendizagens realizadas e conhecimentos adquiridos devem representar as competências necessárias para o desenvolvimento de uma prática docente na área da Educação Física. O Relatório de Estágio pretende assim englobar toda a descrição e reflexão sobre as atividades desenvolvidas e aprendizagens realizadas durante o estágio pedagógico. Este relatório divide-se em três áreas fundamentais. A primeira trata-se de uma contextualização da prática desenvolvida. A segunda consiste numa análise reflexiva sobre a prática pedagógica. A terceira é o aprofundamento de um tema-problema, uma investigação realizada sobre: "A pertinência do uso do modelo de ensino "Teaching Games for Understanding" no ensino de jogos desportivos coletivos de invasão. Comparação da evolução de desempenhos entre duas turmas na modalidade de Andebol." The Final Training Report is part of the curriculum of the second year of the Master in Physical Education Teaching in Basic and Secondary Education at the School of Sport Science and Physical Education in Coimbra University. This report is intended to demonstrate the ability to make a reasoned critical analysis and deep reflection based on the experience as a Trainee Teacher. The Pedagogical Training is characterized by a period of training curriculum where the trainee teacher is allowed to exert and fulfill with all the functions inherent to the teaching in a supervised manner.Thus, this is the practical component of the theoretical knowledge acquired during the initial education. The transition between the theory and practice is only possible through a critical eye on the real context of pedagogical practice in order to use the most effective means for the development of significant learning experiences in contrast to the specificity of the reality in which we live. In my own case, the Pedagogical Training was carried out in the Basic and Secondary School of Quinta das Flores in the school year of 2013 - 2014, where Physical Education was taught to the 11th A class. This training represents the culmination of the academic education and the approach to the professional practice, in which all the experiences, learnings and knowledge acquired previously shall represent the required skills for the development of a teaching practice in the area of Physical Education. In this way, the Training Report intends to encompass the entire description and reflection on the developed activities and apprenticeships carried out during the pedagogic training. This report is divided in three basic areas. The first area refers to a contextualization of the practice developed. The second consists of a reflective analysis of the pedagogical practice. The third is the deepening of a theme-problem, a research on "The relevance of the use of the teaching model "Teaching Games for Understanding” in teaching collective sport invasion games. A comparative study on the evolution of performances between two Handball teams.