10 research outputs found

    Production of dust by massive stars at high redshift

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    The large amounts of dust detected in sub-millimeter galaxies and quasars at high redshift pose a challenge to galaxy formation models and theories of cosmic dust formation. At z > 6 only stars of relatively high mass (> 3 Msun) are sufficiently short-lived to be potential stellar sources of dust. This review is devoted to identifying and quantifying the most important stellar channels of rapid dust formation. We ascertain the dust production efficiency of stars in the mass range 3-40 Msun using both observed and theoretical dust yields of evolved massive stars and supernovae (SNe) and provide analytical expressions for the dust production efficiencies in various scenarios. We also address the strong sensitivity of the total dust productivity to the initial mass function. From simple considerations, we find that, in the early Universe, high-mass (> 3 Msun) asymptotic giant branch stars can only be dominant dust producers if SNe generate <~ 3 x 10^-3 Msun of dust whereas SNe prevail if they are more efficient. We address the challenges in inferring dust masses and star-formation rates from observations of high-redshift galaxies. We conclude that significant SN dust production at high redshift is likely required to reproduce current dust mass estimates, possibly coupled with rapid dust grain growth in the interstellar medium.Comment: 72 pages, 9 figures, 5 tables; to be published in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Revie

    Multifrequency observations of BL Lacertae in 1988

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    Simultaneous multiwavelength observations of BL Lacertae were performed on two occasions separated by 1 month in 1988 June and July, covering the radio, submillimeter, infrared, optical, ultraviolet, and X-ray wave bands. In the wide-band photon spectra, the X-ray flux lies clearly above the extension of radio-ultraviolet continuum as expected. The slope of the X-ray spectra is significantly flatter than that at optical-ultraviolet regimes, and its spectral index 0.7-1.0 corresponds to the slope at submillimeter band. Comparison with earlier observations, in fact, indicates that the X-ray flux is correlated with the submillimeter band, an not with the others, and supports the SSC model

    Commission de L’Astronomie a Partir de L’Espace

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    Diseases and Mortalities of Fishes and Other Animals In the Gulf of Mexico

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    Most mortality results from natural causes including red tide which is primarily restricted to West Florida and cold-kills that have greater influence in the warmer regions of South Texas and South Florida, but also kill a significant amount of fish and other animals in the northern Gulf. With the exception of red tide and other harmful algal blooms, the health of the Gulf has not been systematically studied. Mexico has only recently started to evaluate the health of its coastlines. Mortalities of marine animals, particularly fishes, in the Gulf caused by natural and anthropogenic events seem to interact with infectious disease agents and noninfectious diseases, but the mortalities are often attributed to the disease agents alone. “Events” that cause mortalities include eutrophication; hypoxia; algal blooms; temperature, salinity, and weather extremes; and chemical and sediment pollution. “Diseases” include those caused by infectious agents, parasites, neoplasms, and developmental abnormalities. Interactions of the effects of diseases and stressful events are considered important but little investigated

    The impact of space experiments on our knowledge of the physics of the universe

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