9 research outputs found

    Structural Properties of the Sliding Columnar Phase in Layered Liquid Crystalline Systems

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    Under appropriate conditions, mixtures of cationic and neutral lipids and DNA in water condense into complexes in which DNA strands form local 2D smectic lattices intercalated between lipid bilayer membranes in a lamellar stack. These lamellar DNA-cationic-lipid complexes can in principle exhibit a variety of equilibrium phases, including a columnar phase in which parallel DNA strands from a 2D lattice, a nematic lamellar phase in which DNA strands align along a common direction but exhibit no long-range positional order, and a possible new intermediate phase, the sliding columnar (SC) phase, characterized by a vanishing shear modulus for relative displacement of DNA lattices but a nonvanishing modulus for compressing these lattices. We develop a model capable of describing all phases and transitions among them and use it to calculate structural properties of the sliding columnar phase. We calculate displacement and density correlation functions and x-ray scattering intensities in this phase and show, in particular, that density correlations within a layer have an unusual exp(const.ln2r)\exp(- {\rm const.} \ln^2 r) dependence on separation r. We investigate the stability of the SC phase with respect to shear couplings leading to the columnar phase and dislocation unbinding leading to the lamellar nematic phase. For models with interactions only between nearest neighbor planes, we conclude that the SC phase is not thermodynamically stable. Correlation functions in the nematic lamellar phase, however, exhibit SC behavior over a range of length scalesComment: 28 pages, 4 figure

    Statistical mechanics of semiflexible ribbon polymers

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    The statistical mechanics of a ribbon polymer made up of two semiflexible chains is studied using both analytical techniques and simulation. The system is found to have a crossover transition at some finite temperature, from a type of short range order to a fundamentally different sort of short range order. In the high temperature regime, the 2-point correlation functions of the object are identical to worm-like chains, while in the low temperature regime they are different due to a twist structure. The crossover happens when the persistence length of individual strands becomes comparable to the thickness of the ribbon. In the low temperature regime, the ribbon is observed to have a novel ``kink-rod'' structure with a mutual exclusion of twist and bend in contrast to smooth worm-like chain behaviour. This is due to its anisotropic rigidity and corresponds to an {\it infinitely} strong twist-bend coupling. The double-stranded polymer is also studied in a confined geometry. It is shown that when the polymer is restricted in a particular direction to a size less than the bare persistence length of the individual strands, it develops zigzag conformations which are indicated by an oscillatory tangent-tangent correlation function in the direction of confinement. Increasing the separation of the confining plates leads to a crossover to the free behaviour, which takes place at separations close to the bare persistence length. These results are expected to be relevant for experiments which involve complexation of two or more stiff or semiflexible polymers.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. PRE (in press


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    Chemical Modification and Cleavage of Proteins and Chemical Strategy in Immunochemical Studies of Proteins

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    Listing of Protein Spectra

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