10 research outputs found

    First order optical potentials and 25 to 40 MeV proton elastic scattering

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    The differential cross sections and analyzing powers from the elastic scattering of 25 and 40 MeV protons from many nuclei have been studied. Analyses have been made using a fully microscopic model of proton-nucleus scattering seeking to establish a means appropriate for use in analyses of radioactive beam scattering from hydrogen with ion energies 25A and 40A MeV.Comment: 9 pages, RevTeX, 4 figure

    Proton-proton scattering above 3 GeV/c

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    A large set of data on proton-proton differential cross sections, analyzing powers and the double polarization parameter A_NN is analyzed employing the Regge formalism. We find that the data available at proton beam momenta from 3 GeV/c to 50 GeV/c exhibit features that are very well in line with the general characteristics of Regge phenomenology and can be described with a model that includes the rho, omega, f_2, and a_2 trajectories and single Pomeron exchange. Additional data, specifically for spin-dependent observables at forward angles, would be very helpful for testing and refining our Regge model.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figures; revised version accepted for publication in EPJ

    Inversion Potentials for Meson-Nucleon and Meson-Meson Interactions

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    Two--body interactions of elementary particles are useful in particle and nuclear physics to describe qualitatively and quantitatively few-- and many--body systems. We are extending for this purpose the quantum inversion approach for systems consisting of nucleons and mesons. From the wide range of experimentally studied two--body systems we concentrate here on N , , K + N , K and K K. As input we require results of phase shift analyses. Quantum inversion Gelfand--Levitan and Marchenko single and coupled channel algorithms are used for Schrodinger type wave equations in partial wave decomposition. The motivation of this study comes from our two approaches: to generate and investigate potentials directly from data by means of inversion and alternatively use linear and nonlinear boson exchange models. The interesting results of inversion are coordinate space informations about radial ranges, strengths, long distance behaviors, resonance characteristics, threshold effects,..

    Semimicroscopic nucleon-nucleus spherical optical model for nuclei with A

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