91 research outputs found

    Silk nanoparticles for delivery of human BMP-2 in bone regenerative medicine applications

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    [Excerpt] A tissue engineering approach combines the use of scaffold biomaterials, stem cells and growth factors. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are growth factors that have sparked a great interest in tissue engineering due to their strong ability to promote new bone formation. Herein, we report the use of silk derived nanoparticles as carriers for delivery of human BMP-2. Silks are attractive biomaterials for tissue engineering due to its biocompatibility, slow biodegradability and excellent mechanical properties. Recombinant human BMP-2 was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified by affinity chromatography, showing bioactivity in human adipose stem cells. BMP2-containing silk particles were then prepared by a water-in-oil emulsion method. [...]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Preparation and characterization of starch-poly-epsilon-caprolactone microparticles incorporating bioactive agents for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications

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    One limitation associated with the delivery of bioactive agents concerns the short half-life of these molecules when administered intravenously, which results in their loss from the desired site. Incorporation of bioactive agents into depot vehicles provides a means to increase their persistence at the disease site. Major issues are involved in the development of a proper carrier system able to deliver the correct drug, at the desired dose, place and time. In this work, starch-poly-e-caprolactone (SPCL) microparticles were developed for use in drug delivery and tissue engineering (TE) applications. SPCL microparticles were prepared by using an emulsion solvent extraction/evaporation technique, which was demonstrated to be a successful procedure to obtain particles with a spherical shape (particle size between 5 and 900 lm) and exhibiting different surface morphologies. Their chemical structure was confirmed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. To evaluate the potential of the developed microparticles as a drug delivery system, dexamethasone (DEX) was used as model drug. DEX, a well-known component of osteogenic differentiation media, was entrapped into SPCL microparticles at different percentages up to 93%. The encapsulation efficiency was found to be dependent on the polymer concentration and drug-to-polymer ratio. The initial DEX release seems to be governed mainly by diffusion, and it is expected that the remaining DEX will be released when the polymeric matrix starts to degrade. In this work it was demonstrated that SPCL microparticles containing DEX can be successfully prepared and that these microparticular systems seem to be quite promising for controlled release applications, namely as carriers of important differentiation agents in TE.E.R.B. thanks the Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Early Stage Research Training (EST) "Alea Jacta EST" (MEST-CT-2004-008104) for providing her with a PhD Fellowship. This work was partially supported by the European NoE EXPERTISSUES (NMP3-CT-2004-500283)

    A novel enzymatically-mediated drug delivery carrier for bone tissue engineering applications: combining biodegradable starch-based microparticles and differentiation agents

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    In many biomedical applications, the performance of biomaterials depends largely on their degradation behavior. For instance, in drug delivery applications, the polymeric carrier should degrade under physiological conditions slowly releasing the encapsulated drug. The aim of this work was, therefore, to develop an enzymaticmediated degradation carrier system for the delivery of differentiation agents to be used in bone tissue engineering applications. For that, a polymeric blend of starch with polycaprolactone (SPCL) was used to produce a microparticle carrier for the controlled release of dexamethasone (DEX). In order to investigate the effect of enzymes on the degradation behavior of the developed system and release profile of the encapsulated osteogenic agent (DEX), the microparticles were incubated in phosphate buffer solution in the presence of a-amylase and/or lipase enzymes (at physiological concentrations), at 37 C for different periods of time. The degradation was followed by gravimetric measurements, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Fourier transformed infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and the release of DEX was monitored by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The developed microparticles were shown to be susceptible to enzymatic degradation, as observed by an increase in weight loss and porosity with degradation time when compared with control samples (incubation in buffer only). For longer degradation times, the diameter of the microparticles decreased significantly and a highly porous matrix was obtained. The in vitro release studies showed a sustained release pattern with 48% of the encapsulated drug being released for a period of 30 days. As the degradation proceeds, it is expected that the remaining encapsulated drug will be completely released as a consequence of an increasingly permeable matrix and faster diffusion of the drug. Cytocompatibility results indicated the possibility of the developed microparticles to be used as biomaterial due to their reduced cytotoxic effects

    Learning from multimedia and hypermedia

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    Computer-based multimedia and hypermedia resources (e.g., the world wide web) have become one of the primary sources of academic information for a majority of pupils and students. In line with this expansion in the field of education, the scientific study of learning from multimedia and hypermedia has become a very active field of research. In this chapter we provide a short overview with regard to research on learning with multimedia and hypermedia. In two review sections, we describe the educational benefits of multiple representations and of learner control, as these are the two defining characteristics of hypermedia. In a third review section we describe recent scientific trends in the field of multimedia/hypermedia learning. In all three review sections we will point to relevant European work on multimedia/hypermedia carried out within the last 5 years, and often carried out within the Kaleidoscope Network of Excellence. According to the interdisciplinary nature of the field this work might come not only from psychology, but also from technology or pedagogy. Comparing the different research activities on multimedia and hypermedia that have dominated the international scientific discourse in the last decade reveals some important differences. Most important, a gap seems to exist between researchers mainly interested in a “serious” educational use of multimedia/ hypermedia and researchers mainly interested in “serious” experimental research on learning with multimedia/hypermedia. Recent discussions about the pros and cons of “design-based research” or “use-inspired basic research” can be seen as a direct consequence of an increasing awareness of the tensions within these two different cultures of research on education

    Adaptabilidade, estabilidade e resistência a patógenos em genótipos de feijoeiro

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    Resumo:O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a resistência de genótipos de feijoeiro aos principais patógenos da cultura, bem como a adaptabilidade e a estabilidade de produção de grãos desses genótipos. Avaliaram-se 26 genótipos de feijoeiro quanto à resistência a Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. phaseolie Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, por meio de inoculação, em laboratório, e em 19 ensaios de valor de cultivo e uso (VCU), em diferentes locais do Estado de São Paulo, nas safras das "águas", "seca" e "inverno", durante os anos agrícolas 2011, 2012 e 2013. Dezoito genótipos foram considerados resistentes: sete deles a C. lindemuthianum, sete a F. oxysporumf. sp. phaseolie quatro a X. axonopodispv. phaseoli. A reação de resistência aos patógenos está associada à estabilidade dos genótipos. Por meio das análises GGE biplot, foi possível identificar genótipos com adaptabilidade e estabilidade superiores às das testemunhas, nos dois grupos de tegumento avaliados, em todas as épocas de semeadura