27 research outputs found

    Exploring the Limits of Common Coins Using Frontier Analysis of Protocols

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    In 2-party secure computation, access to common, trusted randomness is a fundamental primitive. It is widely employed in the setting of computationally bounded players (under various complexity assumptions) to great advantage. In this work we seek to understand the power of trusted randomness, primarily in the computationally unbounded (or information theoretic) setting. We show that a source of common randomness does not add any additional power for secure evaluation of deterministic functions, even when one of the parties has arbitrary influence over the distribution of the common randomness. Further, common randomness helps only in a trivial sense for realizing randomized functions too (namely, it only allows for sampling from publicly fixed distributions), if UC security is required. To obtain these impossibility results, we employ a recently developed protocol analysis technique, which we call the {\em frontier analysis}. This involves analyzing carefully defined ``frontiers\u27\u27 in a weighted tree induced by the protocol\u27s execution (or executions, with various inputs), and establishing various properties regarding one or more such frontiers. We demonstrate the versatility of this technique by employing carefully chosen frontiers to derive the different results. To analyze randomized functionalities we introduce a frontier argument that involves a geometric analysis of the space of probability distributions. Finally, we relate our results to computational intractability questions. We give an equivalent formulation of the ``cryptomania assumption\u27\u27 (that there is a semi-honest or standalone secure oblivious transfer protocol) in terms of UC-secure reduction among randomized functionalities. Also, we provide an {\em unconditional result} on the uselessness of common randomness, even in the computationally bounded setting. Our results make significant progress towards understanding the exact power of shared randomness in cryptography. To the best of our knowledge, our results are the first to comprehensively characterize the power of large classes of randomized functionalities

    Attribute-Based Signing Right Delegation

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    Attribute-based signature and proxy signature are both very useful in many real-world applications. In this paper, we combine the special features of both signatures and propose an attribute-based proxy signature scheme, where the original signer, who possesses a set of attributes, can delegate his/her signing right to a designated proxy signer. By verifying the signature, a verifier can be convinced that the signature is generated by the proxy signer who has obtained the delegation from a legitimate signer whose attributes satisfy a predicate. However, the verifier cannot tell from the signature who is the original signer. We provide the formal definition and adversarial models for attribute-based proxy signature, and an efficient scheme that supports threshold predicates

    Attribute-Based Signature with Message Recovery

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    Short Pairing-Efficient Threshold-Attribute-Based Signature

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    Feasibility and Completeness of Cryptographic Tasks in the Quantum World

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    htmlabstractIt is known that cryptographic feasibility results can change by moving from the classical to the quantum world. With this in mind, we study the feasibility of realizing functionalities in the framework of universal composability, with respect to both computational and information-theoretic security. With respect to computational security, we show that existing feasibility results carry over unchanged from the classical to the quantum world; a functionality is “trivial” (i.e., can be realized without setup) in the quantum world if and only if it is trivial in the classical world. The same holds with regard to functionalities that are complete (i.e., can be used to realize arbitrary other functionalities). In the information-theoretic setting, the quantum and classical worlds differ. In the quantum world, functionalities in the class we consider are either complete, trivial, or belong to a family of simultaneous-exchange functionalities (e.g., XOR). However, other results in the information-theoretic setting remain roughly unchanged

    On the Black-Box Complexity of Optimally-Fair Coin Tossing

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    Abstract. A fair two-party coin tossing protocol is one in which both parties output the same bit that is almost uniformly distributed (i.e., it equals 0 and 1 with probability that is at most negligibly far from one half). It is well known that it is impossible to achieve fair coin tossing even in the presence of fail-stop adversaries (Cleve, FOCS 1986). In fact, Cleve showed that for every coin tossing protocol running for r rounds, an efficient fail-stop adversary can bias the output by Ω(1/r). Since this is the best possible, a protocol that limits the bias of any adversary to O(1/r) is called optimally-fair. The only optimally-fair protocol that is known to exist relies on the existence of oblivious transfer, because it uses general secure computation (Moran, Naor and Segev, TCC 2009). However, it is possible to achieve a bias of O(1 / √ r)inr rounds relying only on the assumption that there exist one-way functions. In this paper we show that it is impossible to achieve optimally-fair coin tossing via a black-box construction from one-way functions for r that is less than O(n / log n), where n is the input/output length of the one-way function used. An important corollary of this is that it is impossible to construct an optimally-fair coin tossing protocol via a black-box construction from one-way functions whose round complexity is independent of the security parameter n determining the security of the one-way function being used. Informally speaking, the main ingredient of our proof is to eliminate the random-oracle from “secure ” protocols with “low round-complexity” and simulate the protocol securely against semi-honest adversaries in the plain model. We believe our simulation lemma to be of broader interest