24 research outputs found

    Gentina chazaroi (Gentianaceae), a new western Mexican species

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    A new, small-leaved, blue-flowered, slenderly rhizomatous Gentiana of section Pneumonanthe related to the larger-flowered G. ovatiloba Kusn. Is described from La Ciudad, on the crest of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Durango, Mexico.Se describe una nueva especie de Gentiana, sección Pneumonanthe, relacionada a G. ovatiloba Kusn. Se trata de una hierba pequeña, tal vez rizomatoza, de hojas pequeñas y flores pequeñas azules, que crece en las cercanías de La Ciudad, Durango, en las estribaciones de La Sierra Madre Occidental, México


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    Muhlenbergia filiculmis Vaseyslimstem muhly2 miles SW of GlentivarArid sandy semidesert grassland in vast flat area of South Platte Riverca. 8870 feetArtemisia frigida s.l., Boutelou


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    Bouteloua gracilis (Kunth) Lagasca ex Griffithsblue grama;eyelash grass;graceful grama grass;mosquito grassboutelou grêle;boutelou gracieuxgracilisalong Nebraska highway 70, 5-6 miles W of ArnoldHigh Plains grassland, dry gravelly loess hillsBouteloua -- Stipa -- Aristida -- Buchloe -- Yucc


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    Juncus ensifolius Wikströmdagger-leaved rush;sword-leaved rush;three-stamened rush;equitant-leaved rushjonc à épéesensifoliusE side of Hwy. 13, 1 mi. S. of its jct. with Hwy. 77, S edge of Mellenin open artificial roadside ditch, ground wet and mucky, with mosses over red-colored sandOsmunda claytoniana, Onoclea sensibilis, Thelypteris palustris, Typha latifolia, Salix petiolaris, S. bebbiana, Polygonum sagittatum, Impatiens biflora, Scutellaria lateriflora, Eupatorium maculatum, Aster puniceusLocally abundant, forming a colony 50 yds. long x 1 yd. wid


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    Bromus porteri (J.M. Coulter) NashPorter bromeBromus anomalusW-slope, Rocky Mts. Front Range: Rolling hills 2 miles S of Florissant, at ""Petrified Forest""grassland, grazed, with many compositae9350 feetBouteloua - Festuca - Artemisia frigid


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    Aristida purpurea var. longiseta (Steudel) Vaseyred threeawn grassaristide à arêtes longuesAristida longiseta2 miles W of Ellicutt (21 miles of E of Colorado Springs)sandy roadside in flat high plains. Bouteloua grassland on highway 945300 feetBoutelou

    Selaginella porphyrospora

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    Carex sedakowii

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    Zea diploperennis (gramineae): A new teosinte from Mexico

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    A perennial teosinte or "wild maize" endemic to the Cerro de San Miguel, Sierra de Manantlan, Jalisco, Mexico differs from Zea perennis by dimorphic rhizomes, robust habit, and a larger number of longer, laxer tassel branches. The fact that it is a diploid (2n = 20) has taxonomic and agronomic significance. The seeds are used locally for food. Copyright © 1979 AAAS

    Zonobiomes, zonoecotones and azonal vegetation along the Pacific coast of North America

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    A perennial teosinte or "wild maize" endemic to the Cerro de San Miguel, Sierra de Manantlan, Jalisco, Mexico differs from Zea perennis by dimorphic rhizomes, robust habit, and a larger number of longer, laxer tassel branches. The fact that it is a diploid (2n = 20) has taxonomic and agronomic significance. The seeds are used locally for food. Copyright " 1979 AAAS.",,,,,,,,,"http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12104/45774","http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0001490237&partnerID=40&md5=bd97326e1633e6b1785f0e6ce4b36164",,,,,,"4376",,"Science",,"18