14 research outputs found

    Supplementary Material for: Identification of Rare Variants from Exome Sequence in a Large Pedigree with Autism

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    We carried out analyses with the goal of identifying rare variants in exome sequence data that contribute to disease risk for a complex trait. We analyzed a large, 47-member, multigenerational pedigree with 11 cases of autism spectrum disorder, using genotypes from 3 technologies representing increasing resolution: a multiallelic linkage marker panel, a dense diallelic marker panel, and variants from exome sequencing. Genome-scan marker genotypes were available on most subjects, and exome sequence data was available on 5 subjects. We used genome-scan linkage analysis to identify and prioritize the chromosome 22 region of interest, and to select subjects for exome sequencing. Inheritance vectors (IVs) generated by Markov chain Monte Carlo analysis of multilocus marker data were the foundation of most analyses. Genotype imputation used IVs to determine which sequence variants reside on the haplotype that co-segregates with the autism diagnosis. Together with a rare-allele frequency filter, we identified only one rare variant on the risk haplotype, illustrating the potential of this approach to prioritize variants. The associated gene, MYH9, is biologically unlikely, and we speculate that for this complex trait, the key variants may lie outside the exome

    Ice–ocean coupled computations for sea-ice prediction to support ice navigation in Arctic sea routes

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    With the recent rapid decrease in summer sea ice in the Arctic Ocean extending the navigation period in the Arctic sea routes (ASR), the precise prediction of ice distribution is crucial for safe and efficient navigation in the Arctic Ocean. In general, however, most of the available numerical models have exhibited significant uncertainties in short-term and narrow-area predictions, especially in marginal ice zones such as the ASR. In this study, we predict short-term sea-ice conditions in the ASR by using a mesoscale eddy-resolving ice–ocean coupled model that explicitly treats ice floe collisions in marginal ice zones. First, numerical issues associated with collision rheology in the ice–ocean coupled model (ice–Princeton Ocean Model [POM]) are discussed and resolved. A model for the whole of the Arctic Ocean with a coarser resolution (about 25 km) was developed to investigate the performance of the ice–POM model by examining the reproducibility of seasonal and interannual sea-ice variability. It was found that this coarser resolution model can reproduce seasonal and interannual sea-ice variations compared to observations, but it cannot be used to predict variations over the short-term, such as one to two weeks. Therefore, second, high-resolution (about 2.5 km) regional models were set up along the ASR to investigate the accuracy of short-term sea-ice predictions. High-resolution computations were able to reasonably reproduce the sea-ice extent compared to Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer–Earth Observing System satellite observations because of the improved expression of the ice–albedo feedback process and the ice–eddy interaction process


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