1,577 research outputs found
Search for Cold Dark Matter and Solar Neutrinos with GENIUS and GENIUS-TF
The new project GENIUS will cover a wide range of the parameter space of
predictions of SUSY for neutralinos as cold dark matter. Further it has the
potential to be a real-time detector for low-energy (pp and 7Be) solar
neutrinos. A GENIUS Test Facility has just been funded and will come into
operation by end of 2002.Comment: 4 pages, revtex, 3 figures, Talk was presented at International
School on Nuclear Physics, 23rd Course: Neutrinos in Astro, Particle and
Nuclear Physics, Erice, September 18 - 26, 2001, Publ. in Progress in
Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 48 (2002) 283 - 286, Home Page of
Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group:
First Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Double beta decay is indispensable to solve the question of the neutrino mass
matrix together with oscillation experiments. Recent analysis of the most
sensitive experiment since nine years - the HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW experiment in
Gran-Sasso - yields a first indication for the neutrinoless decay mode. This
result is the first evidence for lepton number violation and proves the
neutrino to be a Majorana particle. We give the present status of the analysis
in this report. It excludes several of the neutrino mass scenarios allowed from
present neutrino oscillation experiments - only degenerate scenarios and those
with inverse mass hierarchy survive. This result allows neutrinos to still play
an important role as dark matter in the Universe. To improve the accuracy of
the present result, considerably enlarged experiments are required, such as
GENIUS. A GENIUS Test Facility has been funded and will come into operation by
early 2003.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 10 figures, Talk was presented at Zacatecas Forum in
Physics 2002, 11-13 MAY, 2002, Zacatecas, Mexico, eds. M. Kirchbach and D. V.
Ahluwalia (2003), and see Home Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle
Physics Group: http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/non_acc
Information about the neutrino mass matrix from Double Beta Decay
Double beta decay is indispensable to solve the question of the neutrino mass
matrix together with neutrino oscillation experiments. The most sensitive
experiment since eight years - the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment in Gran-Sasso -
already now, with the experimental limit of < 0.26 eV excludes
degenerate neutrino mass scenarios allowing neutrinos as hot dark matter in the
universe for the small angle MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem. It
probes cosmological models including hot dark matter already now on the level
of future satellite experiments MAP and PLANCK. It further probes many topics
of beyond Standard Model physics at the TeV scale. Future experiments should
give access to the multi-TeV range and complement on many ways the search for
new physics at future colliders like LHC and NLC. For neutrino physics some of
them (GENIUS) will allow to test almost all neutrino mass scenarios allowed by
the present neutrino oscillation experiments. A GENIUS Test Facility has just
been funded and will come into operation by end of 2001.Comment: 16 pages, revtex, 8 figures, Talk was presented at the second
Workshop on "Neutrino Oscillations and Their Origin", NOON'2000, Dec. 6-8
(2000) Tokyo, Japan, ed: Y. Suzuki et al. World Scientific, Singapore (2001);
Home Page of Heidelberg-Moscow Experiment:
Search for Neutrino Mass and Dark Matter in Underground Experiments
Search for the neutrino mass and for cold dark matter in the Universe are at
present two of the most exciting fields of particle physics and cosmology. This
lecture will restrict itself on the search for neutralinos as cold dark matter,
and for the absolute scale of the masses of neutrinos, which are the favoured
hot dark matter candidates.Comment: 20 pages, revtex, 19 figures, Talk was presented at International
Sixth School "Non-Accelerator Astroparticle Physics", ICTP, Trieste, Italy,
9-20 July 2001, eds. R.A. Carrigan et al., pp. 148-174, World Scientific,
2002, Home Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group:
To be or not to Be? - First Evidence for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay
Double beta decay is indispensable to solve the question of the neutrino mass
matrix together with oscillation experiments. Recent analysis of the most
sensitive experiment since nine years - the HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW experiment in
Gran-Sasso - yields a first indication for the neutrinoless decay mode. This
result is the first evidence for lepton number violation and proves the
neutrino to be a Majorana particle. We give the present status of the analysis
in this report. It excludes several of the neutrino mass scenarios allowed from
present neutrino oscillation experiments - only degenerate scenarios and those
with inverse mass hierarchy survive. This result allows neutrinos to still play
an important role as dark matter in the Universe. To improve the accuracy of
the present result, considerably enlarged experiments are required, such as
GENIUS. A GENIUS Test Facility has been funded and will come into operation by
early 2003.Comment: 16 pages, latex, 10 figures, Talk was presented at International
Conference "Neutrinos and Implications for Physics Beyond the Standard
Model", Oct. 11-13, 2002, Stony Brook, USA, Proc. (2003) ed. by R. Shrock,
also see Home Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group:
New Underground Neutrino Observatory - GENIUS- in the New Millenium : for Solar Neutrinos, Dark Matter and Double Beta Decay
Double beta decay is indispensable to solve the question of the neutrino mass
matrix together with oscillation experiments. The most sensitive
experiment since eight years - the Heidelberg-Moscow experiment in Gran-Sasso -
already now, with the experimental limit of < 0.26 eV excludes
degenerate mass scenarios allowing neutrinos as hot dark matter in the
universe for the small angle MSW solution of the solar neutrino problem. It
probes cosmological models including hot dark matter already now on the level
of future satellite experiments MAP and PLANCK. It further probes many topics
of beyond Standard Model physics at the TeV scale. Future experiments should
give access to the multi-TeV range and complement on many ways the search for
new physics at future colliders like LHC and NLC. For neutrino physics GENIUS
will allow to test almost all neutrino mass scenarios allowed by the present
neutrino oscillation experiments. At the same time GENIUS will cover a wide
range of the parameter space of predictions of SUSY for neutralinos as cold
dark matter. Further it has the potential to be a real-time detector for
low-energy (pp and 7Be) solar neutrinos. A GENIUS Test Facility has just been
funded and will come into operation by end of 2001.Comment: 16 pages, revtex, 8 figures,, Talk was presented at International
Workshop on Low Energy Solar Neutrinos (LowNu2), December 4 and 5, 2000,
Tokyo, Japan, to be published in World Scientific (2001) (eds) Y. Suzuki et
al., Conference Info -
http://www-sk.icrr.u-tokyo.ac.jp/neutlowe/2/transparency/index.html, Home
Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics Group:
Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and the Neutrino Mass Matrix
Double beta decay is indispensable to solve the question of the neutrino mass
matrix together with oscillation experiments. Recent analysis of the most
sensitive experiment since eight years - the HEIDELBERG-MOSCOW experiment in
Gran-Sasso - yields evidence for the neutrinoless decay mode. This result is
the first evidence for lepton number violation and proves the neutrino to be a
Majorana particle. We give the present status of the analysis in these
Proceedings. It excludes several of the neutrino mass scenarios allowed from
present neutrino oscillation experiments - essentially only degenerate and
partially degenerate mass scenarios survive. This result allows neutrinos to
still play an important role as dark matter in the Universe. To improve the
present result, considerably enlarged experiments are required, such as GENIUS.
A GENIUS Test Facility has just been funded and will come into operation by end
of 2002.Comment: 18 pages, revtex, 15 figures, Talk was presented at International
Conference on Flavor Physics (ICFP2001), 31 May - 6 June, 2001,
Zhang-Jia-Jie, China, Ed. by Yue-Liang Wu (ITP CAS), pp. 93-110, World
Scientific 2002, Home Page of Heidelberg Non-Accelerator Particle Physics
Group: http://www.mpi-hd.mpg.de/non_acc
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