966 research outputs found

    Performance of the ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chambers at High Background Rates and in Magnetic Fields

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    The ATLAS muon spectrometer uses drift-tube chambers for precision tracking. The performance of these chambers in the presence of magnetic field and high radiation fluxes is studied in this article using test-beam data recorded in the Gamma Irradiation Facility at CERN. The measurements are compared to detailed predictions provided by the Garfield drift-chamber simulation programme

    Performance of the ATLAS Precision Muon Chambers under LHC Operating Conditions

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    For the muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector at the large hadron collider (LHC), large drift chambers consisting of 6 to 8 layers of pressurized drift tubes are used for precision tracking covering an active area of 5000 m2 in the toroidal field of superconducting air core magnets. The chambers have to provide a spatial resolution of 41 microns with Ar:CO2 (93:7) gas mixture at an absolute pressure of 3 bar and gas gain of 2?104. The environment in which the chambers will be operated is characterized by high neutron and background with counting rates of up to 100 per square cm and second. The resolution and efficiency of a chamber from the serial production for ATLAS has been investigated in a 100 GeV muon beam at photon irradiation rates as expected during LHC operation. A silicon strip detector telescope was used as external reference in the beam. The spatial resolution of a chamber is degraded by 4 ?m at the highest background rate. The detection efficiency of the drift tubes is unchanged under irradiation. A tracking efficiency of 98% at the highest rates has been demonstrated

    Comments on ``The first detections of the Extragalactic Background Light at 3000, 5500, and 8000 A'' by Bernstein, Freedman and Madore

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    A critical discussion is presented of the data analysis applied by Bernstein, Freedman and Madore (2002 ApJ, 571, 56; and ApJ 571, 85) in their measurement of the Extragalactic Background Light. There are questionable assumptions in the analysis of the ground-based observations of the Zodiacal Light. The modeling of the Diffuse Galactic Light is based on an underestimated value of the dust column density along the line of sight. Comparison with the previously presented results from the same observations reveals a puzzling situation: in spite of a large difference in the atmospheric scattered light corrections the derived Extragalactic Background Light values are exactly the same. The claim of the paper of a ``detection of the Extragalactic Background Light'' appears premature.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for Ap

    Resolution and Efficiency of the ATLAS Muon Drift-Tube Chambers at High Background Rates

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    The resolution and efficiency of a precision drift-tube chamber for the ATLAS muon spectrometer with final read-out electronics was tested at the Gamma Irradiation Facility at CERN in a 100 GeV muon beam and at photon irradiation rates of up to 990 Hz/square cm which corresponds to twice the highest background rate expected in ATLAS. A silicon strip detector telescope was used as external reference in the beam. The pulse-height measurement of the read-out electronics was used to perform time-slewing corrections which lead to an improvement of the average drift-tube resolution from 104 microns to 82 microns without irradiation and from 128 microns to 108 microns at the maximum expected rate. The measured drift-tube efficiency agrees with the expectation from the dead time of the read-out electronics up to the maximum expected rate

    Evolution of dust and ice features around FU Orionis objects

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    (abridged) We present spectroscopy data for a sample of 14 FUors and 2 TTauri stars observed with the Spitzer Space Telescope or with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). Based on the appearance of the 10 micron silicate feature we define 2 categories of FUors. Objects showing the silicate feature in absorption (Category 1) are still embedded in a dusty and icy envelope. The shape of the 10 micron silicate absorption bands is compared to typical dust compositions of the interstellar medium and found to be in general agreement. Only one object (RNO 1B) appears to be too rich in amorphous pyroxene dust, but a superposed emission feature can explain the observed shape. We derive optical depths and extinction values from the silicate band and additional ice bands at 6.0, 6.8 and 15.2 micron. In particular the analysis of the CO_2 ice band at 15.2 micron allows us to search for evidence for ice processing and constrains whether the absorbing material is physically linked to the central object or in the foreground. For objects showing the silicate feature in emission (Category 2), we argue that the emission comes from the surface layer of accretion disks. Analyzing the dust composition reveals that significant grain growth has already taken place within the accretion disks, but no clear indications for crystallization are present. We discuss how these observational results can be explained in the picture of a young, and highly active accretion disk. Finally, a framework is proposed as to how the two categories of FUors can be understood in a general paradigm of the evolution of young, low-mass stars. Only one object (Parsamian 21) shows PAH emission features. Their shapes, however, are often seen toward evolved stars and we question the object's status as a FUor and discuss other possible classifications.Comment: accepted for publication in ApJ; 63 pages preprint style including 8 tables and 24 figure

    Calculation of Spectral Darkening and Visibility Functions for Solar Oscillations

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    Calculations of spectral darkening and visibility functions for the brightness oscillations of the Sun resulting from global solar oscillations are presented. This has been done for a broad range of the visible and infrared continuum spectrum. The procedure for the calculations of these functions includes the numerical computation of depth-dependent derivatives of the opacity caused by p modes in the photosphere. A radiative-transport code was used for this purpose to get the disturbances of the opacities from temperature and density fluctuations. The visibility and darkening functions are obtained for adiabatic oscillations under the assumption that the temperature disturbances are proportional to the undisturbed temperature of the photosphere. The latter assumption is the only way to explore any opacity effects since the eigenfunctions of p-mode oscillations have not been obtained so far. This investigation reveals that opacity effects have to be taken into account because they dominate the violet and infrared part of the spectrum. Because of this dominance, the visibility functions are negative for those parts of the spectrum. Furthermore, the darkening functions show a wavelength-dependent change of sign for some wavelengths owing to these opacity effects. However, the visibility and darkening functions under the assumptions used contradict the observations of global p-mode oscillations, but it is beyond doubt that the opacity effects influence the brightness fluctuations of the Sun resulting from global oscillations

    Spectropolarimetric observations of an arch filament system with the GREGOR solar telescope

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    Arch filament systems occur in active sunspot groups, where a fibril structure connects areas of opposite magnetic polarity, in contrast to active region filaments that follow the polarity inversion line. We used the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS) to obtain the full Stokes vector in the spectral lines Si I 1082.7 nm, He I 1083.0 nm, and Ca I 1083.9 nm. We focus on the near-infrared calcium line to investigate the photospheric magnetic field and velocities, and use the line core intensities and velocities of the helium line to study the chromospheric plasma. The individual fibrils of the arch filament system connect the sunspot with patches of magnetic polarity opposite to that of the spot. These patches do not necessarily coincide with pores, where the magnetic field is strongest. Instead, areas are preferred not far from the polarity inversion line. These areas exhibit photospheric downflows of moderate velocity, but significantly higher downflows of up to 30 km/s in the chromospheric helium line. Our findings can be explained with new emerging flux where the matter flows downward along the fieldlines of rising flux tubes, in agreement with earlier results.Comment: Proceedings 12th Potsdam Thinkshop to appear in Astronomische Nachrichte

    Magnetic fields of opposite polarity in sunspot penumbrae

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    Context. A significant part of the penumbral magnetic field returns below the surface in the very deep photosphere. For lines in the visible, a large portion of this return field can only be detected indirectly by studying its imprints on strongly asymmetric and three-lobed Stokes V profiles. Infrared lines probe a narrow layer in the very deep photosphere, providing the possibility of directly measuring the orientation of magnetic fields close to the solar surface. Aims. We study the topology of the penumbral magnetic field in the lower photosphere, focusing on regions where it returns below the surface. Methods. We analyzed 71 spectropolarimetric datasets from Hinode and from the GREGOR infrared spectrograph. We inferred the quality and polarimetric accuracy of the infrared data after applying several reduction steps. Techniques of spectral inversion and forward synthesis were used to test the detection algorithm. We compared the morphology and the fractional penumbral area covered by reversed-polarity and three-lobed Stokes V profiles for sunspots at disk center. We determined the amount of reversed-polarity and three-lobed Stokes V profiles in visible and infrared data of sunspots at various heliocentric angles. From the results, we computed center-to-limb variation curves, which were interpreted in the context of existing penumbral models. Results. Observations in visible and near-infrared spectral lines yield a significant difference in the penumbral area covered by magnetic fields of opposite polarity. In the infrared, the number of reversed-polarity Stokes V profiles is smaller by a factor of two than in the visible. For three-lobed Stokes V profiles the numbers differ by up to an order of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages 10 figures plus appendix (2 pages 3 figures). Accepted as part of the A&A special issue on the GREGOR solar telescop
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