56,900 research outputs found

    A Probabilistic Perspective on Gaussian Filtering and Smoothing

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    We present a general probabilistic perspective on Gaussian filtering and smoothing. This allows us to show that common approaches to Gaussian filtering/smoothing can be distinguished solely by their methods of computing/approximating the means and covariances of joint probabilities. This implies that novel filters and smoothers can be derived straightforwardly by providing methods for computing these moments. Based on this insight, we derive the cubature Kalman smoother and propose a novel robust filtering and smoothing algorithm based on Gibbs sampling

    Agglomeration, regional grants and firm location

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    We examine whether discretionary government grants influence the location ofnew plants, and how effective these incentives are in the presence of agglomeration andurbanisation externalities. We find evidence that regional industrial structure affects thelocation of new entrants. Firms in more agglomerated industries locate new plants near toothers in the same industry. Firms are also attracted to industrially diversified locations.Foreign multinationals locate new plants near to other foreign-owned plants in the sameindustry. Fiscal incentives in the form of grants are found to have some effect in attractingplants to specific geographic areas eligible for such aid. We examine whether discretionary government grants influence the location ofnew plants, and how effective these incentives are in the presence of agglomeration andurbanisation externalities. We find evidence that regional industrial structure affects thelocation of new entrants. Firms in more agglomerated industries locate new plants near toothers in the same industry. Firms are also attracted to industrially diversified locations.Foreign multinationals locate new plants near to other foreign-owned plants in the sameindustry. Fiscal incentives in the form of grants are found to have some effect in attractingplants to specific geographic areas eligible for such aid

    Practice Makes Imperfect: Restorative Effects of Sleep on Motor Learning

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    Emerging evidence suggests that sleep plays a key role in procedural learning, particularly in the continued development of motor skill learning following initial acquisition. We argue that a detailed examination of the time course of performance across sleep on the finger-tapping task, established as the paradigm for studying the effect of sleep on motor learning, will help distinguish a restorative role of sleep in motor skill learning from a proactive one. Healthy subjects rehearsed for 12 trials and, following a night of sleep, were tested. Early training rapidly improved speed as well as accuracy on pre-sleep training. Additional rehearsal caused a marked slow-down in further improvement or partial reversal in performance to observed levels below theoretical upper limits derived on the basis of early pre-sleep rehearsal. This decrement in learning efficacy does not occur always, but if and only if it does, overnight sleep has an effect in fully or partly restoring the efficacy and actual performance to the optimal theoretically achieveable level. Our findings re-interpret the sleep-dependent memory enhancement in motor learning reported in the literature as a restoration of fatigued circuitry specialized for the skill. In providing restitution to the fatigued brain, sleep eliminates the rehearsal-induced synaptic fatigue of the circuitry specialized for the task and restores the benefit of early pre-sleep rehearsal. The present findings lend support to the notion that latent sleep-dependent enhancement of performance is a behavioral expression of the brain's restitution in sleep

    An automata characterisation for multiple context-free languages

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    We introduce tree stack automata as a new class of automata with storage and identify a restricted form of tree stack automata that recognises exactly the multiple context-free languages.Comment: This is an extended version of a paper with the same title accepted at the 20th International Conference on Developments in Language Theory (DLT 2016

    The constitutional court function of the Indonesian state concerning system for the implementation impeachment of the president and/or vice president

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    Impeachment is an accusation or indictment of the President or another country's high officials from his position. Impeachment is not new in the history of Indonesian constitution, but the change in the Constitution has caused a change in the constitutional system as well as related to the mechanism of the dismissal of the President and / or Vice President. how is the Impeachment reviewed globally, the history of impeachment in Indonesia and the implementation of impeachment in other countries, the impeachment process of the president according to the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. The process of impeachment in Indonesia after changing the constitution goes through three stages, namely impeachment in the House of Representatives, the Court The Constitution, and the People's Consultative Assembly. Keywords: Impeachment, Constitutional Court, Governmen


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    ABSTRACT Seperti yang kita ketahui sebelumnya bahwa Negara Indonesia adalah Negara hukum, dimana setiap masyarakat yang tinggal di Indonesia hidup dalam kehidupan social yang di atur oleh hukum yang mengikat dan memiliki sanksi. Seluruh warga Negara dijamin kemerdekaannya dan sama kedudukannya di mata hukum, pergerakan dan perputaran roda pemerintahan tentu dijalankan oleh sebuah lembaga kenegaraan dimana dalam sebuah lembaga ada pejabat Negara dan seluruh jajarannya yang menjadikan mereka sebagai Aparatur Sipil Negara. Kata Kunci : Pejabat Negara, Aparatur Sipil Negara, Peradilan Tata Usaha Negar


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    Abstrak Dalam sebuah pelayanan publik, aparatur harus memberikan yang terbaik dalam hal pelayanan kepada masyarakat.Pelayanan Publik yang baik telah banyak diatur dalam Peraturan Perundang-undangan.Namun dewasa ini birokrasi yang ribet dan regulasi yang panjang menciptakan suatu ketidak optimalan dalam pelayanan.Agar prinsip Good Governance berjalan dengan baik harus ada suatu partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengambilan suatu kebijakan agar nilai-nilai demokrasi berjalan sebagai mana mestinya.Kata Kunci : Pelayanan publik, good governance
