150,987 research outputs found

    An Alternative Derivation of the Nimbus 7 Total Solar Irradiance Variations

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    Nimbus 7 solar irradiance values have been made available to the scientific community through the open literature (e.g., Hickey et al., 1988) and through NASA data centers. A comparison of these measurements to the Solar Maximum Mission/Active Cavity Radiometer Irradiance Monitor (SSM/ACRIM) time series indicated differences which might be caused in part by the method of converting the Nimbus 7 raw data counts to solar irradiance values. In an effort to see if the derivation of the solar irradiance could be improved, the raw counts were extracted from the tapes and analyzed to see how a new algorithm could be constructed. The basic form of the calibration remains the same as in the previous solar irradiance derivations. However, the input values to the equation differ from what was used before. In particular, improved values of the Earth-sun distance are incorporated and new temperature sensitivities were derived. Several problems with the instrument were uncovered which previously had not been noticed. The sun did not appear to cross the center of field of the radiometer but was systematically off by 1.5 to 2.5 degrees. The analog to digital convertor changed its properties in July 1980. The gain of the electronics apparently increased by 0.03 percent in September 1987. Applying these and other changes in the processing, the day to day variations appear much more like the SMM observations. In fact, the Nimbus 7 observations are sufficiently stable that a problem with the SSM observations in the spin mode period of 1981 to 1984 can be detected when the two time series are compared

    Spectral properties of a limit-periodic Schr\"odinger operator in dimension two

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    We study Schr\"{o}dinger operator H=Δ+V(x)H=-\Delta+V(x) in dimension two, V(x)V(x) being a limit-periodic potential. We prove that the spectrum of HH contains a semiaxis and there is a family of generalized eigenfunctions at every point of this semiaxis with the following properties. First, the eigenfunctions are close to plane waves eik,xe^{i\langle \vec k,\vec x\rangle } at the high energy region. Second, the isoenergetic curves in the space of momenta k\vec k corresponding to these eigenfunctions have a form of slightly distorted circles with holes (Cantor type structure). Third, the spectrum corresponding to the eigenfunctions (the semiaxis) is absolutely continuous.Comment: 89 pages, 6 figure

    Coulomb corrections to bremsstrahlung in electric field of heavy atom at high energies

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    The differential and partially integrated cross sections are considered for bremsstrahlung from high-energy electrons in atomic field with the exact account of this field. The consideration exploits the quasiclassical electron Green's function and wave functions in an external electric field. It is shown that the Coulomb corrections to the differential cross section are very susceptible to screening. Nevertheless, the Coulomb corrections to the cross section summed up over the final-electron states are independent of screening in the leading approximation over a small parameter 1/mrscr1/mr_{scr} (rscrr_{scr} is a screening radius, mm is the electron mass, =c=1\hbar=c=1). Bremsstrahlung from an electron beam of the finite size on heavy nucleus is considered as well. Again, the Coulomb corrections to the differential probability are very susceptible to the beam shape, while those to the probability integrated over momentum transfer are independent of it, apart from the trivial factor, which is the electron-beam density at zero impact parameter. For the Coulomb corrections to the bremsstrahlung spectrum, the next-to-leading terms with respect to the parameters m/ϵm/\epsilon (ϵ\epsilon is the electron energy) and 1/mrscr1/mr_{scr} are obtained.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    Continuum in the spin excitation spectrum of a Haldane chain, observed by neutron scattering in CsNiCl3

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    The spin excitation continuum, expected to dominate the low-energy fluctuation spectrum in the Haldane spin chain around the Brillouin zone center, q=0, is directly observed by inelastic magnetic neutron scattering in the S=1 quasi-1D antiferromagnet CsNiCl3. We find that the single mode approximation fails, and that a finite energy width appears in the dynamic correlation function S(q,omega) for q < 0.5pi. The width increases with decreasing q, while S(q,omega) acquires an asymmetric shape qualitatively similar to that predicted for the 2-magnon continuum in the nonlinear sigma-model.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to PR

    QCD sum rules for the anti-charmed pentaquark

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    We present a QCD sum rule analysis for the anti-charmed pentaquark state with and without strangeness. While the sum rules for most of the currents are either non-convergent or dominated by the DNDN continuum, the one for the non-strange pentaquark current composed of two diquarks and an antiquark, is convergent and has a structure consistent with a positive parity pentaquark state after subtracting out the DNDN continuum contribution. Arguments are presented on the similarity between the result of the present analysis and that based on the constituent quark models, which predict a more stable pentaquark states when the antiquark is heavy.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, REVTex, revised version,new figures added and references update