143,248 research outputs found

    Cortical actin dynamics: Generating randomness by formin(g) and moving

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    Density Functional Theory Studies of Magnetically Confined Fermi Gas

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    A theory is developed for magnetically confined Fermi gas at low temperature based on the density functional theory. The theory is illustrated by numerical calculation of density distributions of Fermi atoms 40^{40}K with parameters according to DeMarco and Jin's experiment[Science, 285(1999)1703]. Our results are in good agreement with the experiment. To check the theory, we also performed calculations using our theory at high temperature and compared very well to the result of classical limit.Comment: 6 page

    Time evolution of a pair of distinguishable interacting spins subjected to controllable and noisy magnetic fields

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    The quantum dynamics of a J^2=(j^1+j^2)2\hat{\mathbf{J}}^2=(\hat{\mathbf{j}}_1+\hat{\mathbf{j}}_2)^2-conserving Hamiltonian model describing two coupled spins j^1\hat{\mathbf{j}}_1 and j^2\hat{\mathbf{j}}_2 under controllable and fluctuating time-dependent magnetic fields is investigated. Each eigenspace of J^2\hat{\mathbf{J}}^2 is dynamically invariant and the Hamiltonian of the total system restricted to any one of such (j1+j2)j1j2+1(j_1+j_2)-|j_1-j_2|+1 eigenspaces, possesses the SU(2) structure of the Hamiltonian of a single fictitious spin acted upon by the total magnetic field. We show that such a reducibility holds regardless of the time dependence of the externally applied field as well as of the statistical properties of the noise, here represented as a classical fluctuating magnetic field. The time evolution of the joint transition probabilities of the two spins j^1\hat{\mathbf{j}}_1 and j^2\hat{\mathbf{j}}_2 between two prefixed factorized states is examined, bringing to light peculiar dynamical properties of the system under scrutiny. When the noise-induced non-unitary dynamics of the two coupled spins is properly taken into account, analytical expressions for the joint Landau-Zener transition probabilities are reported. The possibility of extending the applicability of our results to other time-dependent spin models is pointed out.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Thermal Equilibrium of String Gas in Hagedorn Universe

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    The thermal equilibrium of string gas is necessary to activate the Brandenberger-Vafa mechanism, which makes our observed 4-dimensional universe enlarge. Nevertheless, the thermal equilibrium is not realized in the original setup, a problem that remains as a critical defect. We study thermal equilibrium in the Hagedorn universe, and explore possibilities for avoiding the issue aforementioned flaw. We employ a minimal modification of the original setup, introducing a dilaton potential. Two types of potential are investigated: exponential and double-well potentials. For the first type, the basic evolutions of universe and dilaton are such that both the radius of the universe and the dilaton asymptotically grow in over a short time, or that the radius converges to a constant value while the dilaton rolls down toward the weak coupling limit. For the second type, in addition to the above solutions, there is another solution in which the dilaton is stabilized at a minimum of potential and the radius grows in proportion to tt. Thermal equilibrium is realized for both cases during the initial phase. These simple setups provide possible resolutions of the difficulty.Comment: 23 pages,19 figure

    New powerful outburst of the unusual young star V1318 Cyg S (LkH{\alpha} 225)

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    Young double star V1318 Cyg, which is associated with a small isolated star-forming region around HAeBe star BD+40o4124, has very unusual photometric and spectral behavior. We present results of photometric and spectroscopic observations in the optical range. We carried out BVRI CCD photometric observations of V1318 Cyg from 2015 Sept. to 2017 July. For the same period we acquired medium- and low-resolution spectra. Observations were performed with the 2.6 m telescope. We analyze the historical light curve for V1318 Cyg and demonstrate that the southern component, V1318 Cyg S, after being rather bright in the 1970s (V\approx14 mag) started to lower its brightness and in 1990 became practically invisible in the optical. After its reappearance in the second half of the 1990s the star started to become very slowly brighter. Between 2006 and 2010 V1318 Cyg S started brightening more quickly, and in 2015 had become brighter by more than five magnitudes in visible light. Since this time V1318 Cyg S has remained at this maximum. Its spectrum shows little variability and consists of a mixture of emission and absorption lines, which has allowed for estimates of its spectral type as early Ae, with obvious evidence of matter outflow. We derive its current A(V)\approx 7.2 and L = 750 L(sun) thus confirming that V1318 Cyg S should belong to the Herbig Ae stars, making it, along with BD+40o4124 and V1686 Cyg, the third luminous young star in the group. It is very probable that we observe V1318 Cyg S near the pole and that the inclination of its dense and slow (\approx 100 km/s) outflow is low. The unusual variability and other features of V1318 Cyg S make it difficult to classify this star among known types of eruptive young stars. It could be an extreme, higher-mass example of an EXor, or an object of intermediate class between EXors and FUors, like V1647 Ori.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Nonperturbative mechanisms of strong decays in QCD

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    Three decay mechanisms are derived systematically from the QCD Lagrangian using the field correlator method. Resulting operators contain no arbitrary parameters and depend only on characteristics of field correlators known from lattice and analytic calculations. When compared to existing phenomenological models, parameters are in good agreement with the corresponding fitted values.Comment: 12 pages, latex2

    Conformal Symmetry on the Instanton Moduli Space

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    The conformal symmetry on the instanton moduli space is discussed using the ADHM construction, where a viewpoint of "homogeneous coordinates" for both the spacetime and the moduli space turns out to be useful. It is shown that the conformal algebra closes only up to global gauge transformations, which generalizes the earlier discussion by Jackiw et al. An interesting 5-dimensional interpretation of the SU(2) single-instanton is also mentioned.Comment: 7 pages, LaTeX, version to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge